Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Judge Meyer

It is such a blessing to have a teacher that completely gets your child and their personality. That is what we have been blessed with this year in Regan's class. I can tell that her teacher genuinely likes her as at Parent's teachers conferences she shows me her artwork which I have to say is quite amazing at times! (I think I will post a picture of her latest piece she made me for mother's day tomorrow)Then her teacher reads me her stories and stops to look at me and say isn't that just profound? I have to say it does a momma's heart good to hear someone else say these things about her baby!

This morning we went to a reader's theater put on in her class of a mock trial of Snow White. It was so fun and cute! Boy did her teacher understand Regan as I saw she was cast as the judge! Regan did a really good job and smiled at me every time she looked up!


April said...

How awesome that was for her to say Regan was profound! I bet you were just beaming as a proud momma should...=)

Anonymous said...

Was there a sign behind her that said Judge Meyer? Hmm...maybe we are looking at a future for this girl. :O) Good job Regan!

ChefDruck said...

That is so nice, such a great feeling when your teacher really connects with your child. Who knows, she could be the teacher that Regan tells her kids about someday!

Mandy said...

Fantastic! Having a good teacher makes all the difference...

Karla Cook @ Roads to Everywhere said...

A good teacher is a true blessing!

Thanks for visiting my blog this week. I hope you'll come again soon!

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