Erin's Kindergarten glass had their field trip day this week. After having a whole unit on learning about Sea Creatures they got to spend a day at the beach exploring. It was a lot of fun! Here is Erin (with the hat on) with her teacher and classmates checking out a hermit crab they found. Boy oh boy was I glad I put her in these rain boots for the day! She jumped through or sloshed through lots of ocean water!
I was really glad the little kid they had accompany me and Erin for the day was a boy. Boys are so get down in there and get your hands dirty and explore which just encouraged Erin too as well. She even held a crab!
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Day at the Beach
Posted by Abby at 5:28 PM 7 comments
Thursday, May 28, 2009
What did you do for Memorial Day?
This was one of the few holiday my husband actually had off WITH us. It was an unbelievably beautiful day so we decided to take full advantage of it. We took a picnic lunch out to the kids favorite park and enjoyed the afternoon. It was so packed there!! As my dad would say I think everyone heard we were coming and stole our idea ;). Don't worry dad we got the parking space closest to the exit so we could trick them all and be the first ones out!
Posted by Abby at 5:39 PM 5 comments
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Soap Box Derby
Don't you just love good clean fun that church youth groups can come up with? Jordan's BOB group (Band of Brothers) has an annual soap box derby they hold each year. The boys each make their own car from scratch. Here is Jordan's team working on theirs. Let me also tell you not long after these pictures were taken I had to leave to take Regan to her bell choir concert. I told the boys to PLEASE be so very careful as they were being left alone with power tools eeeek. I should have known I didn't need to worry our sweet elderly neighbor down the street couldn't stand the curiosity came down to check on what the boys were up to and of course had to give them so pointers as well ;). (have I mentioned I love them as neighbors?)
Here are the boys in action at the race itself. Doesn't this look like fun? Well before you jump in to give it a whirl let me tell you there was one big wreck as they came around a corner (thankfully not Jordan, but another poor boy) and his soapbox car flipped over and he hit the pavement right on his face! Thankfully they do require the helmets which I think is what saved any serious injuries, but wow there was still quite a bit of blood. But what can you say boys will be boys. They all had a really great time!
Posted by Abby at 8:19 PM 6 comments
Friday, May 22, 2009
Contest alert
Posted by Abby at 11:14 PM 0 comments
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Crazy Hair day
Yesterday was Crazy Hair day at Regan's school for spirit week. When she told me this I said do you want me to put your hair up in a bunch of crazy pony tails? She said no I am sure a lot of other girls will be doing that and I don't want to take their idea. You know what I would love? I said what? She said to not have to brush my hair today. So I decided to celebrate the holiday to let her go to school unbrushed with crazy hair ;)
Posted by Abby at 8:13 AM 4 comments
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Erin's Spring program
Posted by Abby at 2:23 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Guess what dad?
My rhododendron bush is now blooming. Isn't it beautiful? My dad planted this bush for my last year for my birthday and this is the first time I have gotten to see it bloom. I wanted my dad to see how pretty it is. Thanks dad! I also decided to add some carnations this year and these beauties I have never seen before but now am a big fan of English daisies.
Posted by Abby at 2:18 PM 3 comments
Monday, May 18, 2009
Good news!
As of July 3rd Christian will be promoted to his new rank. Yippee!
Posted by Abby at 2:40 PM 5 comments
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Random Memory
Was going through some pictures/memories from the past and this one made me stop and smile. This is Regan and Erin on Halloween a couple years ago. I believe Erin was 3 it was her first year to actually go out door to door as she was finally big enough to care. This elephant costume has been passed down in our family and each has loved it! Now Regan this year decided she wanted to be Ariel. When I got her the costume and she looked in the mirror she said mom this is not right I don't look like her. Ariel has RED hair! So I ended up being sweet talked into getting her a red wig. When I ordered the wig online it looked like a beautiful auburn color. When we got it in the mail it was a bit brighter than I pictured. When my little girl put it on I was a bit shocked but since she loved it we decided to go with it (the crown definitely helps) Doesn't she just make the most precious Princess Ariel.
So here is my cute pair of trick or treaters from three years ago the little elephant and Princess Ariel.
Posted by Abby at 7:51 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Judge Meyer
Posted by Abby at 12:27 PM 7 comments
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Giveaway alert
This one from Tuscany Tonight will have a chef fly in from Tuscany to your home to fix you and your family or friends dinner! You have to submit an Italian recipe. Oh man I want this one!
Posted by Abby at 10:08 PM 0 comments
Monday, May 11, 2009
Uh - Oh
So Erin walked in the door from school and this is what I see. I said Erin what happened to your hair? She said oh mommy my rubber band just POPPED and broke. I said oh about when did that happen? Hmmm right after I got off the bus to go into school. So this poor child had crazy hair ALL day!
Posted by Abby at 3:45 PM 6 comments
Friday, May 8, 2009
Out Fishing
Last weekend there was a kid's day to go fishing at a local pond here. We were invited by some friends of Jordans to come along. We all had a great time rain or not. Regan caught this big ole fish. You notice even Jordan having a good time rough housing with his friend.
Posted by Abby at 3:35 PM 3 comments
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Giveaway alert

Hurry because this giveaway ends on the 9th!
Posted by Abby at 7:04 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Okay is it just me or is there something about this picture that says "Hello some one needs a little help with staging pictures before they put them up on the Realtor website?"
Yes I was window shopping at houses available in our area and this is the shot of the master bathroom. Do you see the TV on the stand facing the toilet? Hilarious!
Posted by Abby at 7:24 AM 5 comments
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Need some votes please
There is a Mother's day contest going on over at Glimpse can you please vote for my cutie in photo # 2?
Thanks so much!
Posted by Abby at 7:24 AM 1 comments
Monday, May 4, 2009
Pretty Pretty Princess
This is Princess Grace in her pretty dress we sent her for her birthday along with the book Pinkalicious. Is she adorable or what?
Posted by Abby at 1:36 AM 2 comments
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Giveaway alert
I found this giveaway this week. These are suppose to be gladiator sandals. I don't know they look a bit like bondage attire to me. Anyone that wants to enter for them can head on over to Fashion fling for your chance.
Posted by Abby at 10:23 AM 5 comments
Friday, May 1, 2009
Tea Party
Posted by Abby at 1:00 AM 1 comments