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Showing posts with the label simcity buildit

Catching Up - Again

I must apologize for my lack of blogging, however, I have a great excuse! I've been visiting my daughter and her family and helping out with her kids. She has four under six years old and they keep her soooooo busy.  We had a great time making this little playhouse for her kids' preschool. There's some wrinkles in it, but I "let them go" for the sake of finishing it. Thoughts for improvement?  My hope is that it's still standing!!!! I will update you on all the quilts I've started, ones I want to start, ones I'm close to finishing, etc., when I get myself organized.  Unfortunately, I'm hooked on the game, SimCity BuildIt, and quilting has taken a back seat to this game, if you can believe it. If anyone else is playing and wants to trade/bargain for goods, email me and we can be friends and swap extras.  As soon as the honeymoon with this game is over and I get bored with it, I'll be back...and finish something quilty!!  ...