Wednesday, September 7, 2011

monologues #1

salam a'laikum.
alhamdulillah, i found THE LIGHT.

I will never know myself until I do this on my own
And I will never feel anything else, until my wounds are healed
I will never be anything till I break away from me
I will break away, I'll find myself today

[somewhere i belong; LP]

get it? =,)

after a few days, or sould i say few weeks [oh lamanya]... i finally get through it. alhamdulillah.

the worriness, scared, unexpected expectations... they are all just another plots in life. i will be afraid for ever if i continue avoiding the reality that awaits me.

be prepared. difficulties will be around. they will never have the 'guts' to stay away from us. so, what we can do is, be prepared. mentally, physically, and most important is... spiritually. O allah, guide me.

face the difficulties ans problems wisely. however, wisdom is not something that falls down from the sky. it is something we learned from our own past experiences or even other people's history. learn from old mistakes. admitting our mistakes is the first sign indicating that we are on the right track. it just need a GAME PLAN.

if our goal is to win the game, [duh~~ sape tak nak menang??!!] then... we must plan to win the game. same goes to study, if we are targeting to get good grades, then we do plan for it right? like study group, intensive revision, lots of exercises and bla bla bla [you guys are smart enough to list down your plans ^_^]. 

the two things that separate us from our goals are our ACTION and ATTITUDE.

think about it. how many times did we planned something, and it did not turn out how it supposed to be??? how many times did we jot down our TO-DO-LIST, and we ended up with another TO-DO-LIST-2 that we wrote "finish up TO-DO-LIST-1 first" ??? for me, seriously... more than hundred times. [tahu... teruk. tahulah]

after lots of muhasabah or may i said reflections, one thing that keeps me behind from everyone is my attitude. [oh jangan jadi pemalas lagi ya, please].

it is not enough to just to do the muhasabah thingy, we need PLAN. as i was saying, we need a GAME PLAN and ACTION+ATTITUDE. and be a good 'ibadurrahman okay?.

a sister once told me that, if our goal is to meet allah in jannah, then we must plan for it. plan A, plan B, plan C.. we need backups man! meeting Allah, having the chance to meet Him in person [omaigod!]... it is called Himmah aliyah. the highest and biggest dream that anyone could have.

i am just another normal human being. nothing special about me, at all. but the fact that He chose me to know the truth and be around the people who love peace and justice... that what makes me feel special. [uuuu.. mula perasan sudaaah]. 

i admit that i do make mistakes. and certainly i am ABSOLUTELY very  good at it. hehehe... but insha-allah, i will learn from it. to be wiser as i'm getting older.

p/s: cleansing the heart from dunYa and the people have never been easy for me. but, i'm working on it. lastly, i'm sorry that this post is kinda not-like-my-usual-post-yang-bunyi-tak-siriyes-pon... but sometimes... we need to be serious and tough to ourselves. in order to be supersaiyagagahperkasa. this is my first monologues [in this blog]... might be another... but insha-allah not often. just to let ourselves reminded that life is not a bed of roses...

The one who in speaks to the others is speaking to oneself.

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