Amazingly the Easter Bunny found us every year and Michael and Philippa would have great fun collect the tiny eggs he's scattered all over the lounge - a very clever bunny to find us no matter where we stayed LOL. This year the Easter Bunny left an egg of mini eggs outside their bedroom doors as maybe at 18 & 15 it's not cool to rush round the lounge collecting eggs - the gifts was quickly found and claimed though.
We have a song thrush in our neighbourhood and although he's not in our garden he sits on a huge tree a couple of doors and sings all day. We can see him quite clearly, even better through the binoculars. He is just a little too far away for any pictures but I did take a couple of the garden which looks gorgeous.
This is my camelia - Lady Clare
and these bleeding hearts look so delicate.
Easter blessing to you all, enjoy.
Have a lovely time.
Your camelia looks gorgeous, they are my favourite shrub, we have 6 of them!!!
My camilia is just showing a pink bud, it will open soon. My magnolia however has looked a treat for a few days.
Your camellia is beautiful. Funnily my 15-in-2-weeks year old thinks its perfectly cool to tear around the garden looking for eggs!
Sounds like you had a lovely time. Beautiful flowers Clare. :0)
Arghh!! I have just seen that I have won! Goodness me I must be on some lucky streak. I will pm you via JA - actually I have your email address. will maill you. xx
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