Hello all,
Want to know something? I was admitted at D*e*m*C Shah Alam from 23rd to 25th March 09.. My fav doc - Dr*Koshy said I had a high fever.. My temperature was 39.1 when he admitted me to room 503.
Actually I already have the fever since the night before.. But that time, my temperature was only 37.5 so my parents give me this sweet flavor ubat.. They said it's ubat demam.. I only remembered that I straight away went to lala land after they give me the medicine.. Hmm.. But I felt weird, my mom keep on checking me with this stainless steel thing that beeps after a few seconds.. She said it's a digital thermometer.. Whatever that is.. About 5 am, my mom started panicking saying something lie, "It's 38.5 la Papa".. My dad then asked her to get ready..
Wah, I thought to myself, today is not my birthday.. Where are they taking me at 6am? It's still dark you know.. Then, we reached to this familiar place.. Tapi mereka tak bawa saya naik tingkat 1 pun?? Jumpa doctor kat bawah tu je.. When we met the doctor, he looked sleepy.. Macam baru bangun tidur pun ada.. He put something in my ears, then he said 38.0. Ada ke patut, nurse tu bogelkan saya
*tinggal pampers je*.. tak patut betul.. Then she bathe me with COLD water.. heee, menggigil badan saya tau.. Lepas tu doctor kata balik umah dulu..
My mom and dad weren't happy with the treatment, so they both took EL to jaga me at home.. About 11.30am, mama kata my temperature dah 39. Then mama dengan papa kelam kabut siap-siap.. Nak gi mana pulak ni? Laa, tempat tadi rupanya.. tapi mama dengan papa terus bawa saya jumpa Dr*Koshy.. Doctor tu baik tau, lepas check saya, dia komen2 kat parents saya, lepas tu dia tahan saya suruh masuk wad.. tapi pukul 3pm baru masuk.. Mama dengan papa kata nak siapkan barang2 saya dulu..
Lepas masuk wad, doctor came by about 5 pm.. Dia kata nak drip saya.. Saya pun tak tau apa tu.. Sekali saya rasa sakit.. Saya nangis laa.. Dua kali doctor tu sakitkan saya.. Lepas tu dia bawa saya jumpa parents saya, dia kata dia cucuk saya 2 kali cari urat tapi tak jumpa.. Jadinya, dia akan kasi saya injection antibiotic..
Mama dengan papa saya tiap2 masa ada dengan saya.. 3 hari dalam tu, 3 kali saya kena inject antibiotic.. sakitnya... Mama kata everytime the nurse came to inject me, I cried for 20 minutes.. Sampai bila saya nampak orang pakai uniform grey tu, terus saya nangis kuat2.. hehehe.. tak macho betul.. Nasib baik, lepas 3 hari, doctor kata saya dah sihat.. :) Doctor kata boleh discharge..
Itu laa pengalaman saya kena masuk hospital.. Taknak masuk lagi kalau boleh.. Sakit tau.. Tapi mama kata, untuk kebaikan dan kesihatan saya juga.. Saya rasa nanti saya dah besar sikit, saya akan faham apa maksudnya..