Showing posts with label storms. Show all posts
Showing posts with label storms. Show all posts

Monday, 22 October 2018

Hail Storm

Further north, there have been some destructive hailstorms of late. We rarely get hail here but yesterday, as the storm clouds gathered beyond the ridge, the air seemed more dense and the sky heavier and ominous.  

Storm clouds coming over the ridge.

 Gum tree branches silhouetted against the storm's clouds.

As it cleared the ridge, the wind whipped up and heavy rain lashed down. Spectacular lightning split the sky and the booming thunder claps that followed had our poor old Sir Steve dog trying desperately to get in under a bed!  Hail, small balls of ice the size of marbles (and not any bigger thankfully), began peppering our roof and covering our green lawn in a blanket of icy white. The racket as it hit our roof was deafening!

Hail and a mini-river in the backyard.

Marbles of hail.

While we stayed safely inside, this little fellow, a Pied Butcher Bird, sought shelter under our verandah. It sat on one of our deck chairs until the storm had passed by and it was safe to fly away again. 

A Butcher Bird sits out the storm.

Our boy had a great time scooping up handfuls of hail once it was safe to venture outside again. It reminded me of the storm we had here when he was much smaller. Hail had covered the trampoline that we had back then and he couldn't wait to get out there and bounce it off! 

Storms like this seem unusual at this time of year. To me, they are more synonymous with the sweltering heat and humidity of our subtropical Summer. I wonder what will be ahead, weather-wise, in the months to come.

What's the weather like where you live?


Friday, 23 February 2018

Summer's Stormy Skies

Several scorching hot days here this Summer have finished with late afternoon storms rolling in over the ridge. We have watched the beautiful sky; the change from that high, clear blue of the earlier day to the ominous dark grey of swelling clouds as they gather. 

A brewing storm. 

Rain-laden storm clouds above the trees. 

A stormy sky above our place.

Rain falling off in the distance.

 The colours of a storm cloud.

These stormy skies have inevitably crackled with lightning as thunderous rain has fallen; at times so heavy we've heard its drumming before it's reached our place. Welcome storms that have cooled some late Summer afternoons and left behind a clearer air scented with rain.

How's the weather at your place?
