"Whoever travels a path seeking knowledge, Allah eases for them a path to Paradise." Abu Dawud
Showing posts with label Poetry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Poetry. Show all posts
Saturday, February 20, 2016
Sunday, June 07, 2015
Poetry on Love of Allah
A few nights ago,
Hazrat Ji (Shaykh Zulfiqar Ahmad) DB recited this heart touching poetry about love of Allah Swt:
Hazrat Ji (Shaykh Zulfiqar Ahmad) DB recited this heart touching poetry about love of Allah Swt:
وَاللَّهِ مَا طَلَعَتْ شَمْسٌ وَلَا غَرُبَتْ إِلَّا وَ أَنْتَ فِىْ قَلْبِىْ وَ وَسْوَاسِـــيْ
By Allah the sun never rose or set
but You were my heart and in my thoughts.
By Allah the sun never rose or set
but You were my heart and in my thoughts.
وَلَا جَلَسْتُ إِلَى قَوْمٍ أُحَدِّثُهُــْم إِلَّا وَ أَنْتَ حَدِيْثِيْ بَيْنَ جَلَّاسِــيْ
And I never sat conversing with any people, But You were the subject of my conversation In the midst of my comrades.
And I never sat conversing with any people, But You were the subject of my conversation In the midst of my comrades.
وَلَا ذَكَرْتُكَ مَحْزُوْناً وَ لَا فَرِحًا إلِاَّ وَ حُبُّـكَ مَقْـرُوْنٌ بِأَنْفَاسِـيْ
And I never mentioned You in joy or sorrow, But love for You was mingled with my breath.
And I never mentioned You in joy or sorrow, But love for You was mingled with my breath.
وَلَا هَمَمْتُ بِشُرْبِ الْمَاءِ مِنْ عَطَشٍ إِلَّا رَأَيْتُ خَيَالاً مِنْكَ فِي الْكَـــأسِ
And I never resolved to drink water, when I was athirst, But I saw an image of You in the cup.
And I never resolved to drink water, when I was athirst, But I saw an image of You in the cup.
وَلَوْ قَدَرْتُ عَلى الْإِتيَانِ جِئْتُـكُمْ سَعْيًا عَلَى الْوَجْهِ أَوْ مَشْيًا عَلَى الرَّأسِ
And were I able to come I would have visited You, Crawling on my face or walking on my head
And were I able to come I would have visited You, Crawling on my face or walking on my head
Thursday, September 04, 2008
Wake Up!
Author Unknown
"Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar" you hear the athaan go on.
But you still decide to procrastinate, even when your family yells, "Come on!"
You think, "I still have time, before I really have to pray, 'Asr is still hours away."
Your head is saying "Go" but the Shaytaan is saying "No" so you go on anyway.
You go to your bed and decide to lie down, for just a few minutes you say.
But when your head hits the pillow, your body is overcome by a feeling, different than any other way.
You suddenly feel hot and nervous, and your throat is parched and dry.
You hear a voice call, "Why did you disobey me?" But you are unable to answer why.
Suddenly your life flashes before your eyes,
And feelings of guilt and regret are becoming hard to disguise.
Images and thoughts run through your head,
If only you did more useful things, but you wasted your time instead.
Every ill word you said, and every prayer you missed is presented,
If only you took life more seriously...if only you repented.
You say, "I didn't know any better, I never knew to take a closer look"
But the voice replies, "Yes you did, you had The Holy Book."
"In it you will find the meaning of life, and words of inspiration.
And the perfect example for mankind, the Prophet who received the revelation."
"This life is but a stage, a mere drop compared to an ocean,
"So think not of the worldly things, and make sure that in your heart lies devotion."
You wake up suddenly, alarmed and quivering.
"I wasted so much time!" you think, "good words and prayers I should be delivering."
You pray, and then afterwards do some reflection,
And you decide to give your life a thorough inspection.
This life is so unpredictable; it can vanish very soon,
All that you see will perish, and only your deeds will remain with you.
So hold on to the Quran and the way of the Prophet (saw) for salvation,
And do not delay what you must do, remember Jannah, the ultimate destination.
"Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar" you hear the athaan go on.
But you still decide to procrastinate, even when your family yells, "Come on!"
You think, "I still have time, before I really have to pray, 'Asr is still hours away."
Your head is saying "Go" but the Shaytaan is saying "No" so you go on anyway.
You go to your bed and decide to lie down, for just a few minutes you say.
But when your head hits the pillow, your body is overcome by a feeling, different than any other way.
You suddenly feel hot and nervous, and your throat is parched and dry.
You hear a voice call, "Why did you disobey me?" But you are unable to answer why.
Suddenly your life flashes before your eyes,
And feelings of guilt and regret are becoming hard to disguise.
Images and thoughts run through your head,
If only you did more useful things, but you wasted your time instead.
Every ill word you said, and every prayer you missed is presented,
If only you took life more seriously...if only you repented.
You say, "I didn't know any better, I never knew to take a closer look"
But the voice replies, "Yes you did, you had The Holy Book."
"In it you will find the meaning of life, and words of inspiration.
And the perfect example for mankind, the Prophet who received the revelation."
"This life is but a stage, a mere drop compared to an ocean,
"So think not of the worldly things, and make sure that in your heart lies devotion."
You wake up suddenly, alarmed and quivering.
"I wasted so much time!" you think, "good words and prayers I should be delivering."
You pray, and then afterwards do some reflection,
And you decide to give your life a thorough inspection.
This life is so unpredictable; it can vanish very soon,
All that you see will perish, and only your deeds will remain with you.
So hold on to the Quran and the way of the Prophet (saw) for salvation,
And do not delay what you must do, remember Jannah, the ultimate destination.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Ordered by the Creator,
Wudu to clean and protect.
Ablution of the body and soul
to condition and correct.
Hands are washed 5 times a day
along with arms and face and head
ears and feet are also cleaned
to allow our sins be shed.
And when we've wiped our unhappiness clear,
we feel the mercy of Gods way.
And know that we are only helping ourselves,
when we bow our heads to pray.
This action of sheer glory,
this routine of pure delight.
Allows the soul to rest in ease
as it sleeps throughout the night.
And when the ignorant insult their own
knowledge when the call us filth and dirt,
It really doesn't matter what they think,
so long no one else gets hurt.
And when we stand as equals,
rows of prayers known as Salah,
Wudu, it keeps us presentable
during our meeting with Allah.
Author unknown
Wudu to clean and protect.
Ablution of the body and soul
to condition and correct.
Hands are washed 5 times a day
along with arms and face and head
ears and feet are also cleaned
to allow our sins be shed.
And when we've wiped our unhappiness clear,
we feel the mercy of Gods way.
And know that we are only helping ourselves,
when we bow our heads to pray.
This action of sheer glory,
this routine of pure delight.
Allows the soul to rest in ease
as it sleeps throughout the night.
And when the ignorant insult their own
knowledge when the call us filth and dirt,
It really doesn't matter what they think,
so long no one else gets hurt.
And when we stand as equals,
rows of prayers known as Salah,
Wudu, it keeps us presentable
during our meeting with Allah.
Author unknown
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Good Health
by Ahmed
Good Health is an oft forgotten blessing and Mercy
From our Lord and Creator Allah Almighty
Not being able to hide behind a mask
On the day of judgement we will be taken to task
Did you use for good this health?
Or were you too busy acquiring wealth?
Whilst you were young you were strong and able
Too scared to take on the Muslim label
Instead you chose to chill and relax
In your prayers and obligations you were lax
Now you realise your foolish mistake
From fear your body begins to shake
What will my Lord do with me churns your mind
Your body sweating, excuses you try and find
But this day you know theres no escape or dodging
Your every move and action captured on record
The alarm beeps and you awake in perspiration from your dream
You realise the stupidity to date of your sinful regime
Here and now resolve to change and amend
Become a true Muslim before your life comes to an end.
Good Health is an oft forgotten blessing and Mercy
From our Lord and Creator Allah Almighty
Not being able to hide behind a mask
On the day of judgement we will be taken to task
Did you use for good this health?
Or were you too busy acquiring wealth?
Whilst you were young you were strong and able
Too scared to take on the Muslim label
Instead you chose to chill and relax
In your prayers and obligations you were lax
Now you realise your foolish mistake
From fear your body begins to shake
What will my Lord do with me churns your mind
Your body sweating, excuses you try and find
But this day you know theres no escape or dodging
Your every move and action captured on record
The alarm beeps and you awake in perspiration from your dream
You realise the stupidity to date of your sinful regime
Here and now resolve to change and amend
Become a true Muslim before your life comes to an end.
Monday, March 10, 2008
Khadijah رضى الله عنها,
I do yearn to be like you,
In words and actions
And character too.
Pure of heart,
You gave us the perfect start,
Truthful in words,
Honest in dealings.
With piety,
You alleviated anxiety,
Giving peace, solace,
And tranquility.
My mother
You are the perfect role model,
A woman of strength,
Chaste and humble,
My support and comfort.
Source: Mothers of the Believers
I do yearn to be like you,
In words and actions
And character too.
Pure of heart,
You gave us the perfect start,
Truthful in words,
Honest in dealings.
With piety,
You alleviated anxiety,
Giving peace, solace,
And tranquility.
My mother
You are the perfect role model,
A woman of strength,
Chaste and humble,
My support and comfort.
Source: Mothers of the Believers
Thursday, February 14, 2008
by Ahmed
Valentines day is here
its the same each year
we are hit in the pocket
people dash last minute to the supermarket
to buy their loved one a gift
so they can have a temporary lift
and then the day is gone
as quickly as the dawn
and its back to reality for all
til next years valentines call
good mood and emotions consigned to the past
all year they could never last
stop copying bill, freda and ted
why dont we instead do what Islam said
Your situation do assess
Read about how marriage in Islam is blessed
and follow the prophetic example
Sunnahs to follow, so ample
Realise that valentines is just a trick
simply another scheme to get rich quick!
Also read Valentines in Islam Poem.
Valentines day is here
its the same each year
we are hit in the pocket
people dash last minute to the supermarket
to buy their loved one a gift
so they can have a temporary lift
and then the day is gone
as quickly as the dawn
and its back to reality for all
til next years valentines call
good mood and emotions consigned to the past
all year they could never last
stop copying bill, freda and ted
why dont we instead do what Islam said
Your situation do assess
Read about how marriage in Islam is blessed
and follow the prophetic example
Sunnahs to follow, so ample
Realise that valentines is just a trick
simply another scheme to get rich quick!
Also read Valentines in Islam Poem.
Thursday, January 03, 2008
Come back to the Deen
This is a true story, of how a sister came back to her Deen Alhumdulillah!
She was a sweet and innocent girl, her name was Aisha
She loved her parents, Abdul and Alisha.
For them, she was the best thing to have happened
She was always cheerful and never easily saddened
She studied hard to achieve her goals,
Top of the class, she was told.
She enjoyed spending time with her mates,
Until one day they had a debate,
Not knowing that this was about to change was her fate.
She started making new friends
Began following the latest trends,
Mixing with boys is how it begun
She thought this was fun
Her new friends would constantly, be flirting with boys,
In return they were treated as toys.
Aisha started to let shaitan get in her way,
She took of her headscarf and went astray.
She did this on the sly,
What would she have said to her Lord if, suddenly she was to die?
Months later, after the continuous misbehaving,
And ‘time-to-time’ raving.
She fell for Zain, the boy of her dreams
Well so it seemed.
They got closer and closer
And fell in love with each other.
She wasn’t allowed to out that often,
Considered herself to be a boffin
So she started bunking school,
To be with, Zain, what a fool?!
She lied to her mum and dad,
Not knowing how it would make them sad.
Then she started drifting apart from everyone
Zain was her life, her number one.
Her studies went down the drain,
She wasn’t ashamed.
A year went by; her parents found out and began to cry.
What had happened to their sweet little Aisha?
Hours turned into days, days into months and months into years,
The regular rowing turned into tears,
Her parents were angry,
Wanted to send her off to their country
She couldn’t stay away from her lover
So she decided to do a runner,
Consequently her parents found out her plans to runaway with Zain
Never has Aisha seen her mum and dad suffer so much pain
She saw tears in their eyes
She thought no more lies?
Zain kept calling her as he was missing her
It was a choice between him or her mother and father
What was she to do?
She realised being with Zain
Was driving her insane
And the people she loved, so much pain.
She went up to her room,
And asked herself was she doomed?
On her bed was an Islamic book,
She picked it up and had a look
To her surprise it read,
"And whoever does evil or wrongs himself but afterwards seeks Allah's forgiveness, he will find Allah Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful."
[surah an-Nisa; 4:110]
From this day on she turned to Allah Subhana Wata’Ala
To leave behind her days of Jahiliyyah
Started to pray, five times a day,
To keep shaitan away,
From leading her astray
Love for Allah grew stronger, Alhumdulillah
Aisha realised it was time to finish with her boyfriend,
And began making amends with her real friends
She started researching on the Hijab,
Wearing the Hijab is no futile action,
It must be obeyed by women of the Muslim nation,
A woman may go through much trial and tribulation
Because she has obeyed Allah Subhana Wata’Ala
But the fulfilment of this action will never go unnoticed, Subhan’Allah
"Never will I allow to be lost the actions of any of you; whether male or female" (Surah Al-Imran 3:195)).
She thought to herself
Nothing good comes simple
With regards of struggle in wearing the Hijab
Allah has ordered us to cover our self
Not to expose our beauty
We should only be recognised by our personality
Therefore she put the Hijab back on.
This time her Iman was stronger
Since she got back her faith and trust in Allah, Subhana Wata’Ala
Abdul and Alisha, her mother and father
Were slowly starting to forgive her,
This was a sign from Allah Subhana Wata’Ala
As she was constantly repenting and following the Sunnah
Love for their daughter,
Was greater than ever.... Alhumdulillah!
Nothing good will come easy in this life, Our Lord has promised not to overburden a soul with more than it can bear. The problem that the we as an Ummah are facing is that we have forgotten that WE ARE TRAVELLERS ON THIS EARTH, AND EVERY TRAVELLER MUST RETURN HOME!!!
ALL PRAISE BE TO ALLAH, Ar-Rahmaan, Ar-Raheem.
Source: Hikmah
She was a sweet and innocent girl, her name was Aisha
She loved her parents, Abdul and Alisha.
For them, she was the best thing to have happened
She was always cheerful and never easily saddened
She studied hard to achieve her goals,
Top of the class, she was told.
She enjoyed spending time with her mates,
Until one day they had a debate,
Not knowing that this was about to change was her fate.
She started making new friends
Began following the latest trends,
Mixing with boys is how it begun
She thought this was fun
Her new friends would constantly, be flirting with boys,
In return they were treated as toys.
Aisha started to let shaitan get in her way,
She took of her headscarf and went astray.
She did this on the sly,
What would she have said to her Lord if, suddenly she was to die?
Months later, after the continuous misbehaving,
And ‘time-to-time’ raving.
She fell for Zain, the boy of her dreams
Well so it seemed.
They got closer and closer
And fell in love with each other.
She wasn’t allowed to out that often,
Considered herself to be a boffin
So she started bunking school,
To be with, Zain, what a fool?!
She lied to her mum and dad,
Not knowing how it would make them sad.
Then she started drifting apart from everyone
Zain was her life, her number one.
Her studies went down the drain,
She wasn’t ashamed.
A year went by; her parents found out and began to cry.
What had happened to their sweet little Aisha?
Hours turned into days, days into months and months into years,
The regular rowing turned into tears,
Her parents were angry,
Wanted to send her off to their country
She couldn’t stay away from her lover
So she decided to do a runner,
Consequently her parents found out her plans to runaway with Zain
Never has Aisha seen her mum and dad suffer so much pain
She saw tears in their eyes
She thought no more lies?
Zain kept calling her as he was missing her
It was a choice between him or her mother and father
What was she to do?
She realised being with Zain
Was driving her insane
And the people she loved, so much pain.
She went up to her room,
And asked herself was she doomed?
On her bed was an Islamic book,
She picked it up and had a look
To her surprise it read,
"And whoever does evil or wrongs himself but afterwards seeks Allah's forgiveness, he will find Allah Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful."
[surah an-Nisa; 4:110]
From this day on she turned to Allah Subhana Wata’Ala
To leave behind her days of Jahiliyyah
Started to pray, five times a day,
To keep shaitan away,
From leading her astray
Love for Allah grew stronger, Alhumdulillah
Aisha realised it was time to finish with her boyfriend,
And began making amends with her real friends
She started researching on the Hijab,
Wearing the Hijab is no futile action,
It must be obeyed by women of the Muslim nation,
A woman may go through much trial and tribulation
Because she has obeyed Allah Subhana Wata’Ala
But the fulfilment of this action will never go unnoticed, Subhan’Allah
"Never will I allow to be lost the actions of any of you; whether male or female" (Surah Al-Imran 3:195)).
She thought to herself
Nothing good comes simple
With regards of struggle in wearing the Hijab
Allah has ordered us to cover our self
Not to expose our beauty
We should only be recognised by our personality
Therefore she put the Hijab back on.
This time her Iman was stronger
Since she got back her faith and trust in Allah, Subhana Wata’Ala
Abdul and Alisha, her mother and father
Were slowly starting to forgive her,
This was a sign from Allah Subhana Wata’Ala
As she was constantly repenting and following the Sunnah
Love for their daughter,
Was greater than ever.... Alhumdulillah!
Nothing good will come easy in this life, Our Lord has promised not to overburden a soul with more than it can bear. The problem that the we as an Ummah are facing is that we have forgotten that WE ARE TRAVELLERS ON THIS EARTH, AND EVERY TRAVELLER MUST RETURN HOME!!!
ALL PRAISE BE TO ALLAH, Ar-Rahmaan, Ar-Raheem.
Source: Hikmah
Sunday, December 23, 2007
I hope to meet him on that day
by Bilal Malik
I hope to meet him on that day,
When all but him shall only pray,
For themselves and naught but they.
“My Ummah! My Ummah!” he shall say.
He cried for us in such a way,
The hardest hearts would melt away.
What if he asks us on that day?
“Why did you leave the Blessed Way?”
I hope to meet him on that day,
When all but him shall only pray,
For themselves and naught but they.
“My Ummah! My Ummah!” he shall say.
Our hearts are blind, can’t see today,
What if our sins were to outweigh,
Our meager goods that Final Day?
The price no one but we shall pay.
I hope to meet him on that day,
When all but him shall only pray,
For themselves and naught but they.
“My Ummah! My Ummah!” he shall say.
He gave us guidance, clear as day,
“Both worlds we need”, we often say,
Pay heed, in graves before you lay,
Submit the self in such a way.
I hope to meet him on that day,
When all but him shall only pray,
For themselves and naught but they.
“My Ummah! My Ummah!” he shall say.
source: Ekhlas
I hope to meet him on that day,
When all but him shall only pray,
For themselves and naught but they.
“My Ummah! My Ummah!” he shall say.
He cried for us in such a way,
The hardest hearts would melt away.
What if he asks us on that day?
“Why did you leave the Blessed Way?”
I hope to meet him on that day,
When all but him shall only pray,
For themselves and naught but they.
“My Ummah! My Ummah!” he shall say.
Our hearts are blind, can’t see today,
What if our sins were to outweigh,
Our meager goods that Final Day?
The price no one but we shall pay.
I hope to meet him on that day,
When all but him shall only pray,
For themselves and naught but they.
“My Ummah! My Ummah!” he shall say.
He gave us guidance, clear as day,
“Both worlds we need”, we often say,
Pay heed, in graves before you lay,
Submit the self in such a way.
I hope to meet him on that day,
When all but him shall only pray,
For themselves and naught but they.
“My Ummah! My Ummah!” he shall say.
source: Ekhlas
Thursday, December 13, 2007
The World
by Zoya Eitezaz Ahmad
Dressed in luxury
She invites us
Attractive sure she is
With smile contagious
With her cunning ornaments
She attracts the masses
Throwing glamour and glee
To whoever passes
Taking us in her arms
She acts comfort and peace
Sucking our intellect
Soon happiness she seize
Once we are lost in her eyes
She nibbles at our thinking
Crushing the repent emeralds
So deep goes her stinging
Her voice full of promises
The ones made to be broken
Empty, hollow, false
Dying when spoken
She is sham beauty
Beauty coated with poison
Lifting her veil gradually
Kisses her victim till frozen
Beware victims!
Keep her at a distance
She is what is told
A test upon our existence.
Dressed in luxury
She invites us
Attractive sure she is
With smile contagious
With her cunning ornaments
She attracts the masses
Throwing glamour and glee
To whoever passes
Taking us in her arms
She acts comfort and peace
Sucking our intellect
Soon happiness she seize
Once we are lost in her eyes
She nibbles at our thinking
Crushing the repent emeralds
So deep goes her stinging
Her voice full of promises
The ones made to be broken
Empty, hollow, false
Dying when spoken
She is sham beauty
Beauty coated with poison
Lifting her veil gradually
Kisses her victim till frozen
Beware victims!
Keep her at a distance
She is what is told
A test upon our existence.
Thursday, December 06, 2007
Maghrib on the Beach
Author unknown
Sunset at the beach, the time for Maghrib prayer had arrived
Preparing to worship the one from Whom his sustenance was derived
Standing firmly in front of Almighty Allah
Humbly hoping to gain a place in Jannah
Eyes closed, yet filled with visions of beauty
So serene as he fulfilled his religious duty
The sky painted in orange and pink as the sun slowly set
What a beautiful, warm day, and it wasn’t over yet
A gentle breeze blew as he bowed his head on the ground
His fear and love of the Creator was enough to make his heart pound
The soothing spray of the ocean refreshed his body and soul
After completing his salat, he once again felt he was whole
Sunset at the beach, the time for Maghrib prayer had arrived
Preparing to worship the one from Whom his sustenance was derived
Standing firmly in front of Almighty Allah
Humbly hoping to gain a place in Jannah
Eyes closed, yet filled with visions of beauty
So serene as he fulfilled his religious duty
The sky painted in orange and pink as the sun slowly set
What a beautiful, warm day, and it wasn’t over yet
A gentle breeze blew as he bowed his head on the ground
His fear and love of the Creator was enough to make his heart pound
The soothing spray of the ocean refreshed his body and soul
After completing his salat, he once again felt he was whole
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
The Buzz
The Buzz
by Ahmed
inspired by a talk given by Shaykh Ahmed Ali
Everyone is seeking to find
‘The buzz’, contentment and peace of mind
Some seek it in pubs and bars
Others try to find it in flash cars
Several try and find it in women
While others in Drugs, again and again
With these the buzz you may gain
Not lasting long, your efforts in vain
The truth is this is not where it can be found
So stop all this crazy fooling around
And remember your Lord in repentance and humility
For only through this will you find serenity and tranquillity
Give up this worldly and material yearn
Rather strive for Jannah, the beautiful place of final return
‘...Verily, in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest.’ Surah Ar-Ra'd Verse 28
Source: Islamic Poems
by Ahmed
inspired by a talk given by Shaykh Ahmed Ali
Everyone is seeking to find
‘The buzz’, contentment and peace of mind
Some seek it in pubs and bars
Others try to find it in flash cars
Several try and find it in women
While others in Drugs, again and again
With these the buzz you may gain
Not lasting long, your efforts in vain
The truth is this is not where it can be found
So stop all this crazy fooling around
And remember your Lord in repentance and humility
For only through this will you find serenity and tranquillity
Give up this worldly and material yearn
Rather strive for Jannah, the beautiful place of final return
‘...Verily, in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest.’ Surah Ar-Ra'd Verse 28
Source: Islamic Poems
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
by Ahmed
To the Masjid we go
Come sun, rain or snow
Five times a day
Muslims are obliged to pray
We prepare by doing ablution
All the while engaging in devotion
With our hearts inclined we do stand
To obey Almighty Allah’s command
We raise our hands and say takbeer
Salah starts and our worries disappear
Beautiful recitation of the Qur’an is heard
Our hearts captivated by these blessed words
Standing, bowing and prostrating with devotion
Allah’s name taken with each and every motion
Till finally with salam does prayer end
We hope the next prayer we are alive to attend
We make du’a for Allah to accept this deed
And back to our homes/ work we proceed.
by Ahmed
To the Masjid we go
Come sun, rain or snow
Five times a day
Muslims are obliged to pray
We prepare by doing ablution
All the while engaging in devotion
With our hearts inclined we do stand
To obey Almighty Allah’s command
We raise our hands and say takbeer
Salah starts and our worries disappear
Beautiful recitation of the Qur’an is heard
Our hearts captivated by these blessed words
Standing, bowing and prostrating with devotion
Allah’s name taken with each and every motion
Till finally with salam does prayer end
We hope the next prayer we are alive to attend
We make du’a for Allah to accept this deed
And back to our homes/ work we proceed.
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
In the darkness of the day we frown
From the sky the rain pours down
We feel miserable and glum
To imprisonment in our homes we succumb
Wake up from this surreal plight
Open up the Qur'an and begin to recite
In gratitude for the (Mercy) rain
The pleasure of Allah strive to attain.
From the sky the rain pours down
We feel miserable and glum
To imprisonment in our homes we succumb
Wake up from this surreal plight
Open up the Qur'an and begin to recite
In gratitude for the (Mercy) rain
The pleasure of Allah strive to attain.
Monday, February 12, 2007
A Note from Satan
A Note from Satan
The day has come
When I, Satan, will play you dumb
To approach 'The girl/ boy' is hard
so today break the ice with a card
You will send it to them with zeal
finally they will know how you feel
Oh Muslim dont you see
I watch you with glee
For now I have you trapped
Your heart once inclined towards Allah, I have snatched
I have now started you off on the slippery road
To Jahannam the dreadful abode.
Enjoy your Valentines day!
From Satan
The day has come
When I, Satan, will play you dumb
To approach 'The girl/ boy' is hard
so today break the ice with a card
You will send it to them with zeal
finally they will know how you feel
Oh Muslim dont you see
I watch you with glee
For now I have you trapped
Your heart once inclined towards Allah, I have snatched
I have now started you off on the slippery road
To Jahannam the dreadful abode.
Enjoy your Valentines day!
From Satan
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
The Slave of Wealth
The passionate slave of wealth
ignores his ailing health
Morning and night he toils
trying to Allah's law foil
At night, even till twelve
will he in riba delve
not realising his riba will cause him to bake and broil
and his wealth round him like a serpent will coil
Unmindful of his salaat
never will he with his time part
When the pious at his door knock
he pretends he's a deaf block
Come the time of death, will he realise
the Deen, he should not trivialise.
source: http://direct.za.org/
ignores his ailing health
Morning and night he toils
trying to Allah's law foil
At night, even till twelve
will he in riba delve
not realising his riba will cause him to bake and broil
and his wealth round him like a serpent will coil
Unmindful of his salaat
never will he with his time part
When the pious at his door knock
he pretends he's a deaf block
Come the time of death, will he realise
the Deen, he should not trivialise.
source: http://direct.za.org/
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
Women in Islam - Poem
How do women fit into islam? What is their fate?
This has been the subject of many a debate
for the believing men and women, is a great reward'
this is from surah al azaab, the words of our Lord
it can be seen from reading the holy Quran
that a woman has some privilege over a man
Praying is exempted during menstruation
here islam gives women consideration
a woman after marriage becomes a wife
for nine long months she carries new life
during childbirth she is exempted to fast
islam is against the burying of girls in the past
They can pray at the mosque or even at home
they may marry or divorce , its their choice, their own
after marriage she can retain her old maiden name
and is rewarded for treating all her offspring the same
once they are married they should live pious lives
and the best men are those who are best to their wives
Islam shows equality my sisters and brothers
don't forget paradise lies at the feet of your mothers
women in the UK had property rights from 1938
this right was given by islam, 14 centuries to date
in the UK, women could vote from 1918
this was stated 1400 years ago in islam our deen
Women can work and lead a happily married life
but shouldn't neglect her role as mother and wife
a woman for her child's upbringing, deserves her credit
islam also gives a woman the right to inherit
a woman's status in islam, we should never neglect
in islam they are favoured and deserve their respect.
Source: Islamic Kids
How do women fit into islam? What is their fate?
This has been the subject of many a debate
for the believing men and women, is a great reward'
this is from surah al azaab, the words of our Lord
it can be seen from reading the holy Quran
that a woman has some privilege over a man
Praying is exempted during menstruation
here islam gives women consideration
a woman after marriage becomes a wife
for nine long months she carries new life
during childbirth she is exempted to fast
islam is against the burying of girls in the past
They can pray at the mosque or even at home
they may marry or divorce , its their choice, their own
after marriage she can retain her old maiden name
and is rewarded for treating all her offspring the same
once they are married they should live pious lives
and the best men are those who are best to their wives
Islam shows equality my sisters and brothers
don't forget paradise lies at the feet of your mothers
women in the UK had property rights from 1938
this right was given by islam, 14 centuries to date
in the UK, women could vote from 1918
this was stated 1400 years ago in islam our deen
Women can work and lead a happily married life
but shouldn't neglect her role as mother and wife
a woman for her child's upbringing, deserves her credit
islam also gives a woman the right to inherit
a woman's status in islam, we should never neglect
in islam they are favoured and deserve their respect.
Source: Islamic Kids
Thursday, September 08, 2005
Teen Crush Poem
This poem refers to the haram relationships that young Muslims may be ensnared into by the shaytaan.
by Ahmed
O young Muslim
I hear your story, so grim
You have given your heart
To a teen crush, soon to depart
The time will soon come for it to end
Tears, remorse and regret it will send
Deep emotions of anger and hurt
As you feel like a piece of dirt
But why do you fail to see
Allah has given you this opportunity
To turn away from this detested sin
Repent, and start a new beginnin’
From lewd behaviour become shy
Seeking forgiveness from Allah, do cry
Remove from your heart the lust dirty
And instead put love of Allah in your breast plenty
For this is the path to success
Jannah, the Muslims eternal address!!
by Ahmed
O young Muslim
I hear your story, so grim
You have given your heart
To a teen crush, soon to depart
The time will soon come for it to end
Tears, remorse and regret it will send
Deep emotions of anger and hurt
As you feel like a piece of dirt
But why do you fail to see
Allah has given you this opportunity
To turn away from this detested sin
Repent, and start a new beginnin’
From lewd behaviour become shy
Seeking forgiveness from Allah, do cry
Remove from your heart the lust dirty
And instead put love of Allah in your breast plenty
For this is the path to success
Jannah, the Muslims eternal address!!
Thursday, August 25, 2005
What happened to my Youth?
by Ahmed
What has become of my tender youth?
Forsaken to sins and evils is the truth
Given over to pleasure and lust, day and night
Forgive me Allah. I hear and tremble with fright
What will happen to me?
Only Allah does know
In Hellfire will I burn
Or receive the Jannah that I yearn
Allah, from You forgiveness I seek
And make me amongst the meek
Ya Rabbi show me the way
To live my life as the Prophet (pbuh) did say
And on my deathbed allow me to pray
The kalima, and have me not go astray
From the Siratul Mustakeem
And in Jannah inshallah my face will beam
by Ahmed
What has become of my tender youth?
Forsaken to sins and evils is the truth
Given over to pleasure and lust, day and night
Forgive me Allah. I hear and tremble with fright
What will happen to me?
Only Allah does know
In Hellfire will I burn
Or receive the Jannah that I yearn
Allah, from You forgiveness I seek
And make me amongst the meek
Ya Rabbi show me the way
To live my life as the Prophet (pbuh) did say
And on my deathbed allow me to pray
The kalima, and have me not go astray
From the Siratul Mustakeem
And in Jannah inshallah my face will beam
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
Imagine Your Death
Unknown Author
Imagine yourself after you pass away
Imagine your grave through night and through day
Wishing that you did not do as they say
Wishing that you had got up and had prayed.
Imagine, my friends, the day that you died
Imagine all of the tears that they cried
Remember how it felt when your body was tied
Remember how it felt in the grave which you lied.
Imagine the day you'll be called to account
Imagine the sum to which your life will amount
Think for a moment of the deeds which you mount
Think for a moment how much they will count.
What will they say of you when you are dead?
What will they say, what will be said?
Will they speak of all the poor who you fed?
Will they remember all the Qu'ran that you read?
Think not of them, but of Allah, Lord of mankind and jinn
Think of Allah when tempted to sin
Think of the paradise which you will dwell in
Don't wait till later to think what might have been.
Other reading:
Allah is the Best of all planners
The Funeral Poem
Life is short
Unknown Author
Imagine yourself after you pass away
Imagine your grave through night and through day
Wishing that you did not do as they say
Wishing that you had got up and had prayed.
Imagine, my friends, the day that you died
Imagine all of the tears that they cried
Remember how it felt when your body was tied
Remember how it felt in the grave which you lied.
Imagine the day you'll be called to account
Imagine the sum to which your life will amount
Think for a moment of the deeds which you mount
Think for a moment how much they will count.
What will they say of you when you are dead?
What will they say, what will be said?
Will they speak of all the poor who you fed?
Will they remember all the Qu'ran that you read?
Think not of them, but of Allah, Lord of mankind and jinn
Think of Allah when tempted to sin
Think of the paradise which you will dwell in
Don't wait till later to think what might have been.
Other reading:
Allah is the Best of all planners
The Funeral Poem
Life is short
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