Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Lake Powell....our favorite family spot. We took our friends the Albrechtsens and the Griffins...We had such a blast with everyone. The kids all had a riot together. Wow is it really true that we are all old enough to have kids ranging from 19 years old all the way down to 5!!! (one of each age) wow!! We had a full boat!!!

1 comment:

Lizzy said...

Looks like a fun trip. No wonder we had to wait until the end of the month for our braces. Our ortho was at powell with you...

Happy 18th Birthday Jordan

Happy 18th Birthday Jordan
Skydiving with his dad on November 1st
I'm catching on to this blog stuff. Crazy that my little girls have to teach me how to do this computer stuff. This last year has been full of all sorts of fun events. From football to baseball to soccer and dance!! Enjoying some great vacations from Lake Powell to Costa Rica and on to Mauai...We're gearing up for the holiday season and the boys are looking forward to snowboarding while the girls are both ranked top 5 individually in their indoor soccer ranking!!! We are so thankful as a family for all of our blessings!!

Weber High Football Stud...Preston #32 & #45

Weber High Football Stud...Preston #32 & #45
Sophmore and Varsity Player

An UNDEFEATED season for the sophmore team

An UNDEFEATED season for the sophmore team
First time ever in Weber High History!!!

We had such a great time together!!

We had such a great time together!!
We spent the week with Jon & Pris and Jeff & Ja

Jake and Jordy "Best Buds" seriously!!

Jake and Jordy

The Red Sand Beach was one of my favorite sites

The Red Sand Beach was one of my favorite sites

The Healy Gang

The Healy Gang
We feel so blessed to have each other!!

Daddy's Girls

Daddy's Girls

Handsome Healy Boys

Handsome Healy Boys
Wow, like father like son!!

Summer Fun

We are having quite a summer. To start it off right we headed to Lake Powell with the Howells' side of the fam. We had the time of our lives. Perfect memory making trip. Soooo fun!!

Crystal Springs Canyon

Crystal Springs Canyon
We found an awesome spot this year!! #1 a place to get off the boat and hike #2 clean water #3 Imax theatre wall #4 Shade by about 5pm

Forgotten Canyon

Forgotten Canyon
We walked up to the Indian Ruins, one of our favorite places in Lake Powell

Warrior Baseball

Warrior Baseball
Jordan had a great season @ Weber High. He lettered this year "YEAH" Go Jordy, we're so proud of you!!!

Orion Baseball Championship Game

Orion Baseball Championship Game
Preston had such a great season. He played Lead-off batter and left field, he was also the captain of the team!!