Showing posts with label Saturn. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Saturn. Show all posts
Monday, February 18, 2013
Saturn Retrograde- Coloring Inside the Lines
If that girl doesnt have some crazy undiscovered TNO smack dab on her Ascendant ill eat my hat. Anyway, Saturn- The Time Lord is about to go Retrograde. Cue melancholy, depression, and the chutzpah to get up and do something about it.
The facts are these- Saturn is going to highlight a situtation that has become intolerable (i.e.- wherever you have Scorpio in your chart) and that needs a rapid intervention. You will need to take action on this, you HAVE needed to take action on it for some time, but you didnt, so now its a problem. This will be a long slog to get anywhere, and it is not an easy road. You are not in a position to be fighting this- Accept it first. Then let start taking action.
Once you do that, the magic starts to happen...
Ya see, with Saturn, you really cant fight him. Well you can, but it gets messy. And with us right at the start of Pisces, I strongly advise you to take the easy way out here. Escape. Slip out the back. Its the very antithesis of Saturn, but with him in Scorpio he understands that you must do whatever is necessary to acheive your goals.
The only thing you cannot do is break the rules, whatever form they may take for you. DO NOT BREAK YOUR OWN RULES! Just dont do it, I promise you the consequences will be much much worse than if you just take the hit at the outset.
Of course, look at where you have Scorpio for more info- House position will tell you everything.
Stay tough guys
-The AstroGeek
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
Venus in Capricorn- Primal Urges (Undead Love Issues Alert!)
Hello, Hellraisers!! So currently I'm enjoying Venus conjunct my Ascendant, and all the benefits that brings to my social life, but looking ahead is a little more pressing. Our girl is about to head into Capricorn, so that puts an end to her hijinks in freewheeling Saggo and lends more of a serious edge to all matters of romance and passion. Primal urges awaken and people start going into caveman mode- great for the preservation of the species, but not a great fit for modern society.
This is going to be especially evident when she links up with Pluto (the 17th), and for that one specifically im issuing another Undead Lover alert- Anything unresolved will come up for a flashpoint, and will force you to deal with it- I reccomend doing so quickly and with finality. Watch out though, because this will be active starting on the 10th, when she makes a sextile to Neptune and making it oh so easy to believe that THIS time, things will be different and that its going to work out. You guys, however, should be able to smell this from a mile away and should know better than to fall for the hype. Still, getting past your defenses is Neptune's specialty, and deep down, I know you really want to believe....
Luckily, Saturn is close by at the culmination of this, so he can help you strengthen your resolve. Not to mention that once its over and done with, you will be amazed at the new options that you have open to you, even if you have to put in the work to get them. Chiron is involved of course, because why not have this be a tie into old emotional pain? Remember though- Chiron runs a school to train heroes, and you're in the master class; Beat this test and move on to the next lesson.
This is going to be rough, because its a distraction from all the taking over the world that you want to be doing right now. Focus on that, do not allow the other issues to take up any more of your time, energy or focus than what is necessary- Give it no quarter. Pay special attention to your health and wellness goals right now- if you've made a commitment to that, keep at it; If not, then get on that shit. Any self-improvement work you undergo now is very potent and all the more effective.
Oh and you can pretty much count the next 9 months as total, full-on Insanity Astro. Ohyes, boys and girls- we're back on!
Ladies in Gentlemen- I have the utmost faith in you, and I know you will rock it out! Just remember- by any means necessary!
Dum Spiro Spero
- The AstroGeek
Sunday, September 9, 2012
Saturn in Libra- A Review
Libras, have you got that yet?
Allright, so I knew that while Saturn was wrapping up his extended stay in Libra, the one thing we could count on is a whole lot of testing of the strength of relationships, but I was not prepared for the insane amount of relationships which seem to have failed the test! Something about Venus squaring off against Saturn set a lot of people off, and just wrecked the relationship scene. Now obviously, this is not ALL relationships, and a great many of the ones that did pass the test seem to be all the stronger at the mo'.
Seriously though, what the hell guys? Venus aspects Saturn fairly regularly, but something about this one... More Cardinal Crisis, Disaster Astro I suppose. At any rate, there is some good news- Venus is in LEO (rawr) now and it is time to step back into the world in force!
Before you do that however, I STRONGLY urge you to take some time away, and seriously reflect on what the relationship meant to you, what you learned, and what you know never to do again. Especially while the Moon is in Cancer (9/9-9/11 [yeah, expect a LOT of emotional raking and release on the last day of the transit, especially in America {America is a Cancer as well. Definitely one to watch}]), its brilliant for doing any internal work (Moon = reflective) especially when its about emotions, specifically the ones you try to avoid and hide from. They will need to be faced and moved on from.
Actually, it would be good to take at least two days and try to process everything that you have learned and how much you've grown since 2009, when Saturn first entered Libra (and especially how far you've come since February, when Saturn when Retrograde and Neptune entered Pisces) . Think back, I guarantee that you have come ridiculously far since then. But keep one day specifically for your relationship work. Journal, record yourself, meditate on it, whatever you need to do to process. I would reccomend something where you can express your feelings in words, because Libra is an Air sign and communication is all-important to us Airs (but oddly, not to Aries...).
While Saturn may be the main attraction, he certainly is not the only one to watch. Pluto is sextiling Chiron, making it a little easier to face all that old pain and just LET IT GO and move past it. It needs to be faced, and reflected on first however, and trust me, that will not be easy. You don't need to face it alone, remember that.
Also in the mix is a interesting lineup of the North Node, and the asteroids Juno and Eros. Now, Juno deals with relationships and commitment, as well as power struggles; Eros represents passion and romantic love. When you put those with the North Node, indicating Karma, Life Lessons and Choices, a picture starts to emerge. You may presented with a deluge of either new prospects or reminders of love past, depending on how much you move on and how much you cling to what was. If things are still up in the air I urge you to resolve them one way or another in order to allow both parties to move forward instead of being stuck in neutral.
Regarding moving on, you need to do so in a forward motion. This means no backsliding into old patterns that you've outgrown. And trust me, if you do try to slip, you will notice that you dont have any enthusiasm for those activites and they will feel draining and irritating. Don't waste your time, focus on doing productive things that you actually get excited about instead.
After the 11th, the Moon joins up with Venus and this gets LOADS easier, but to get there you need to go down to the Cancer's dark depths and air out the old crap.
Hang in there guys, the end of a Saturn transit always feels like exam week, but you have to do it or you dont graduate, capicé? And besides, after Saturn hits Scorpio is when the fun REALLY begins.
Stay tough as nails
-The AstroGeek
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Saturn Retrograde: The Cold, Hard, Bitchslap of Reality
Oh sweet zombie Jesus/ Most holy Vishnu/ Hail Satan; It's time for THIS again??? Great, I get to have two more Saturn Square Saturn's. Oh happy day!
Alright guys, already ennui stricken Saturn is about to go Retrograde, and I hope to whatever pagan god you pray to that you've done all the homework and kept your nose clean, because Hell hath no fury like Saturn scorned. He will cut you off at the kneecaps and leave you there to rot.
However, if you've done all the work, and saved your cash/ hit the gym, this is like a vacation for you. Just keep going with your routine, and all of a sudden, its actually starting to get easier! You start to see results, and Saturn smiles on you.
Do: Track your debt-to-income like a fiend; Eat very, very well; Keep an eye out for what is working in your life and what needs to go; Keep up with your workout regimen; Take time out for yourself, and do something alone that helps you conquer the world (its awesomely cathartic).
Do not, under any circumstances: Go boozing it up every night, no matter how much Neptune blows up your phone; Do any unnecessary spending; Take any shortcuts re: Health, Wealth and Happiness; be tempted by the barrage of tempting sweets that seem to barrage you only when this comes up for some reason.
And when all else fails, go skydiving!
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