Showing posts with label daemons. Show all posts
Showing posts with label daemons. Show all posts

26 Mar 2017

Vulpes Voice 1

Once Upon a Bi-Weekly Update

Well hello!

Silver Fox reporting for duty and from now on you'll see me on at least a bi-weekly basis. That at least is the plan. We'll see how it pans out!

This first post is very much a catch up on the last 3 months as I've been enjoying The Analogue Painting Challenge

Everything you see here has been painted since 20 December 2016. Proud of this lot as I haven't painted much in the last couple of years!

Age of Sigmar is the current flavour here in the Land of the Fox. Chaos is of course the chosen army and everything you see is part of my Cult of the Pentagram. This is my way of painting units from different factions and calling them an army to assuage my squirrel approach to distractions...

The Five Factions then are:
Plague Monks


Giant Rats

I've always liked the rats but never liked Warhammer Fantasy enough as a game to paint a horde army. Age of Sigmar is a lovely simple game and is a breath of fresh air for me and fantasy. I'm really a sci-fi nut but am quite enjoying my stay in the fantasy world until 40K sorts itself out.

Khorne Bloodletters
I already have a rather large Daemons army which started way back when this blog first came online. I'm therefore rather attached to it and it's going to be fun adding new units!

Obviously I started with a Khorne unit and the swords show some new techniques with regard washes and dry brushing. Really quite pleased with the results.



This is another faction/race that I've always liked so they are perfect for my Cult. The skin colour is again washes over a base paint and I was very pleased to not have to do highlights!

Khorne Bloodbound
Blood Warriors

Blood Reavers

Ah yes. Khorne. You knew these boys would be in here right? All the above come from the Age of Sigmar starter set and jolly nice models they are too.

Disciples of Tzeentch

Chaos Avengers Spawn
Iron Spawn




Spider Spawn
Love the new Tzeentch models and many more will be coming to a blog near you soon. The Spawn above originally arrived at the Fox abode some 10 years ago when 40K Apocalypse first appeared and have finally seen paint!

And here's everything in handy group shots...

That's 105 models done. A huge number to do and once my two week hobby holiday is over I'll be straight back to it. Yes that's right I'm taking a short break to recharge the painting batteries after the intensity of the last week's of the challenge.

For the moment you'll either find me defending the Earth against robot dinosaurs (PS4) in Horizon Zero Dawn or trying to find humanity a new home (Xbox One) in Mass Effect Andromeda.

When I come back there are some Minotaurs demanding attention as it's the Beastmen's turn for some reinforcements!

See you in a couple of weeks.

2 Jun 2016

Oi Lenton! Incoming!!

Well it seems the wheel has turned and, whisper it, painting has returned to the Foxy Von's abode. 

The GoGs have fallen for Age of Sigmar so I purchased some Orruks and then Skaven. 

Here's the first WiP photo....

What? I never said I was painting the stuff I recently purchased 😇
Truth be told this chap has been sat on the windowsill for an absolute age staring down at me. Believe me Bloodthirsters can definitely stare. With our upcoming trip to Lenton on the horizon I decided something new had to make the trip with my Daemons (oh stop booing Varistat 😜). 

So far he's had 2 coats of Mephiston Red, a wash of Agrax Earthshade and I've just finished the first layer of Mephiston Red. And that's 2 evenings in a row for painting. Almost regular!

More to come....

12 Apr 2016

30k big fight - charge!!!

So, the moment that we've been planning ever since the silverback went and bought the first Horus Heresy book at Lenton (right after we talked at length about the 30k line and how it was too expensive to get into..... Sigh) - we finally got all of our stuff in the table!

The game was the mechanicum holding the middle and five forces pouring in from the corners to try and take them out

Watch out for those iron hands in the distance (in alternate armour colour)

And now a little closer

The daemons attack....

Get on with it slow coaches! Those three lonely imperial fists are the only survivors of their storm eagle being one-shotted by that sicarian in the top right

Bundle! This is about the point the daemons discovered how hard the mechanicum stuff was, even in combat.

A great day was had by all and a jolly close game that saw units removed by the bucketload and the 30k carnage starts here.

15 Mar 2014

Fiends of slaanesh conversions

Finally! These chaos have been sitting around half finished and unloved for, quite literally, years. They started life as conversions for a beasts of chaos warhammer force I used in a doubles tournament in about 2006 I reckon using the first ever fiends of slaanesh legs and beast men torsos, heads and arms.  They then were slightly converted again to have a head swap and to try to get claws on the ends of the arms...... Which kept falling off, no matter what glue I used. So they got put back in their drawer as I was demoralised about them.....

Until about two weeks ago when I decided to get them done. So, off came the existing arms and on went arms from the warhammer dryads that I got the heads from. A little bit of green stuff, some simple painting and here they are, ready to rend in the name of slaanesh.

7 Jan 2014

Conversions are my favourite thing about 40k

The best thing about being a hobby painting butterfly, unable to stay painting one thing at a time is that eventually lots of things get finished in a very short space of time. This is because I generally have lots of half finished things on the painting table as I pick new things up without first finishing the old.

So recently I had the saga figures, flames of war, dark eldar and daemons on the go. I've posted the saga and flames of war stuff, so here are the daemons, two of the slaanesh big chaps/ladies

Greater daemon on the left, flying daemon prince on the right. The greater daemon has his arms and torso from a spawn, the tail from the mounted chaos lord and the head from a slaanesh greater daemon (it was sent to me by accident by GW when they used to do metal bits! I miss those days.....)

General flesh colour for them as I find that a little creepier than random bright colours as these chaps are nothing if not creepy. The daemon prince owes his legs to an old metal daemon prince, his torso to an inquisitor scale daemon host, his wings from a tomb kings carrion and his head to an inquisitor scale death cult assassin. Did I mention how much I enjoyed the days of GW selling metal bits separately already?!?!?

Anyway, this final kick has me close to my 1,500 point goal and thanks must go to the Fox for spurring me to get my stuff painted and blogged now he's on the blog regularly.

16 Aug 2013

Bloodletter champ and something for infinity

In my haste at getting the bloodletters posted, I talked a lot about the champ, but only went for the "really far away and hard to pick out" angle to show the outcome.... Oops!

So, as I've not really done any conversions in the troops, here he is with a chum to show the differences.

Chunkier, big horned, more upright and armed with an axe. Now why do I get the horrible feeling that this still won't be enough to remind me that he shouldn't be standing at the front to get shot to pieces first?!?!?

And here is something else that I've been tinkering away with. Inspired by the rolling TV ad things on tube stations these days I figured that the world of infinity would have something similar, but more space age. So here is a curved wall section with printed transfers added to it - one advert and one Yu Jing news bulletin. I wanted to do transfers to give it a translucent feel and I'm pleased with the outcome.

15 Aug 2013

Yet more daemons!

I'm just a painting machine at the moment :)

These 20 blood letters bulk the army up nicely and leave only the elite and HQ slots to be filled before I get to 1,500 points - exciting stuff!

The champion deserves a mention as he has legs and face from a new bloodletter, an axe from an old bloodletter, the body and arms are from a beastman gor, the back of his head is from a chaos spawn, his tongue is from a dark eldar agoniser and his cloak is from an empire white wolf knight! I so like rummaging in my bits box :)

14 Aug 2013

And another unit....

The thing about not being able to start a project/unit and get it finished in one go is that I often have lots of things "nearly complete".  Now, this can be quite demoralising at times as nothing seems to actually leave the painting table and it only seems to get more crowded..... An at other times I can get loads of things finished in a really short space of time which is massively encouraging!

The flesh hounds continue the trend of things being finished and here they are. Nice and simple, ready to snap away at heels on a gaming table near you soon :)

13 Aug 2013

The diseased daemons of the plague god

Here they are, proof that my attention span does last long enough to get something finished!

These are lovely figures from GW and I really enjoyed painting them. Chock full of character and nice to put together too.

Dark green basecoat and two dry brushes for the main body, white pustules with red wash, glowing blue eyes and pinky/purple intestines. Rusty weapons seemed appropriate and here they are, ready to bring contagion to a battlefield near you soon....