FOOD, the MOST inconvenient TRUTH of all
“The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off.” ― Gloria Steinem, ACTIVIST
No other RED pill is more powerful than the FOOD RED PILL!
Walking ourselves and one another OUTside of MEATrix
And in the deepest corner of the RABBIT HOLE
Find out why and how!
What is the most often performed ACTion by each human being, EVERY SINGLE day?
Is it watching TV? Showering? Walking? Exercising? Partying? Fighting? Going to war?
What is the single action we do all the time WHILE WE CARRY ON WITH EVERYTHING ELSE in our lives?
How many times a day each of us eats?
3-4-5 times/day?
FOOD, the most dangerous weapon of mass destruction
A weapon so smartly designed that it can control the very minds, hearts, souls, consciousness, bodies of human beings, WITH THEIR WILLING ACCEPTANCE and WILLFUL PARTICIPATION.
A weapon so destructive because humanity has become so deeply attached, so highly addicted to it and so dependent on it.
As the world continues to awaken from the ill-uminati grip on our planet and lives, so does humanity awakens to WHOSE ill-uminati HAVE WE been, for so many millennia, without ever suspecting? Playing the causality law, or the CAUSE and EFFECT law, or the WHAT WE SOW we shall REAP law or the KARMIC law, round and round, time and time again, wondering WHY have we become prisoners of injustice and why this much suffering on this planet?
We are energy
The type of ENERGY FOOD we consume and crave is directly proportional to the type of ENERGY FREQUENCY CONSCIOUSNESS we carry within, at every given moment.
'Thou shalt not kill any living thing,' for life is given to all by God, and that which God has given, let not man taketh it away. ~Jesus, Gospel of the Holy Twelve
Blessed are they who keep this law, for God is manifested in all creatures. All creatures live in God, and God is hid in them. .. JESUS; The Gospel of the Holy Twelve; Lection 75
HOW was it done?
By careful, well planned, carefully orchestrated mechanisms and methods of mass indoctrination and hypnosis using unimaginable and unsuspecting methods, hidden in plain sight.
As with everything else that humanity has been manipulated with.
The battle on this planet and beyond between the Light and absence of Light (darkness) has never been about POWER or money. It’s always been a SPIRITUAL battle. Our souls were the prize that the dark powers to HAVE BEEN have tried to conquer for unspoken millennia.
“The most violent weapon on earth is the table fork.” —Mahatma Gandhi
All beings tremble before violence. All fear death. All love life. See yourself in others. Then whom can you hurt? What harm can you do?” ~ Buddha
RELIGION, CULTURE and TRADITION have been used as the PRINCIPAL manipulation tools in this GRANDEST deception of them all
There is now beyond sufficient and monumental evidence to put the 2 and 2 and all the puzzle pieces together
WHAT BETTER WAY to be kept under CONSTANT control and manipulation than by using SOMETHING that we NEED to DO, EVERY DAY, SEVERAL TIMES A DAY, NO MATTER WHAT ELSE WE DO OR WE DON’T DO?
It is absolutely no accident and no coincidence that EACH and EVERY single personal, local, religious, national, traditional and everything else in between CELEBRATION has been meticulously crafted, orchestrated and woven AROUND the sacrificed (key word: RITUAL) sentient being as CENTER PIECE of our: BAPTIZINGS, RELIGIOUS CELEBRATIONS, SPIRITUAL PRACTICES (key word: RITUALISTIC SACRIFICE), BIRTHDAYS, WEDDINGS, RETIREMENTS, THANK GIVINGS, CHRIST-masses, EASTers, summer BBQ parties and WAKES and WHO do we eat for ALL of these CHERISHED, NOSTALGIC, COMFORTING, TREASURED, REMEMBERED, SHARED, EMOTIONALLY CHARGED, MEMORIES FILLED CELEBRATIONS, our entire lives, generation after generation, have been build around.
"As long as there are slaughterhouses, there will be battlefields." -Leo Tolstoy
“We need never look for universal peace on this earth until men stop killing animals for food. The lust for blood has permeated the race thought and the destruction of life will continue to repeat its psychology, the world round, until men willingly observe the law in all phases of life, ‘Thou shalt not kill.’” – Charles Fillmore, “The Vegetarian,” May 1920
With very few exceptions in Creation for 3D worlds, where people live in extreme harsh environments, such as in the North, where growing REAL food is not possible, some compromising has been made with regards to food, for survival purposes.
ALL the related WHOs, WHYs, WHENs and HOWs are addressed in this blog, in great detail
One of the biggest lies ever told
The MOST inconvenient TRUTHS ever
The proof, the problems, the solutions, the pics, the links, the text, the works
the HEALing of our exhausted minds bodies and souls can only start from where the problems began
HISTORY, PROBLEMS and SOULutions for healing our planet and all of her children, MIND BODY HEART and SOUL.
B4 WARS are necessary for PEACE, the CHEMTRAILS are used for atmospheric control, before 9/11 was an OUTside job, NWO, HAARP, Global warming hoax, WORLD DEpopulation, vaccinations and medications are necessary to maintain our health, TV HYPNOSIS/mind control and Fluoride and Aspartame deceptions, there was the GRANDest deception and hoax of it ALL: FOOD…find out the WHO, WHY, WHEN and HOW’s behind the MEATrix (or the MEAT, DAIRY and EGGS INCONVENIENT TRUTH aka the FOOD Red Pill)
The FOOD Red Pill is yet the most important red pill humanity is yet to take.
The most Inconvenient TRUTH yet, to be revealed to and realized by humanity at large.
This is The BIGGEST DECEPTION humanity’s ever subjected to, biggest lies ever told & THE BIG PRICE the PLANET with all her children PAYS FOR THEM
What POWERFUL TOOLS have been used to transform us into happy, willful participants into the most dangerous weapon of mass destruction AND SELF-destruction?
The ORIGINAL scriptures have been deliberately manipulated and distorted information has been MIXED with truth in such way that humankind could be CONVINCED that GOD not only APPROVES of animal sacrifice but he DEMANDS/ENCOURAGES it along with the PERMISSION to HUMANKIND to TAKE OVER the planet and all of planetary kingdoms and DO AS THEY WISH with, including objectifying and destroying it as they please…after all, aren’t we “the chosen ones”?
By creating RELIGIOUS CELEBRATIONS such as CHRISTmass, EASTer and other “significant” world religious celebrations using manipulated old scriptures to play humankind to the degree that they themselves CARRY OUT pagan, ritualistic animal sacrifices
The Sacrificial Lamb
In some parts of Easter Europe, EASTER is the religious celebration representing the Resurrection of Christ. Through religion, people are encouraged to NOT CONSUME ANY ANIMAL FOODS (meat, dairy, eggs) for a few weeks PRIOR to the actual celebration day, in order to PURIFY their spirit and body. Then, right on EASTer day, as Christ is Resurrected, MILLIONS of LAMBS are sacrificed. Their flesh is then cooked into TRADITIONAL, NOSTALGIC meals, becoming CENTERpiece of the table, around which unsuspecting, brainwashed and already damaged in consciousness, very nice people otherwise, sit, eat, drink and have the time of their lives, “rejoicing with Christ and God in spirit” and proud of themselves for following GOD’S WORD.
For CHRISTmass, there are MILLIONS OF PIGS being slaughtered, in preparation for CHRIST’s BIRTH celebration.
EACH and EVERY single WORLD RELIGIOUS CELEBRATION evolves around the SACRIFICE of one sentient being or another.
However, the TRUTH has a magical way of making itself appear, reappear and known despite the extended efforts to be suppressed and ignored.
And so, with the birth of the Internet, much that has been deliberately hidden, becomes public and hopefully mainstream in our lifetimes
Religion, Animals and VEGetarianism
Eating Meat and its effects on Spiritual Vibration Frequency Alice Walker
What is the next powerful tool that has been used to transform us into happy, willful participants into the most dangerous weapon of mass destruction AND SELF-destruction?
Each country has numerous CULTURAL traditions using local art, fashion and food to distinguish with, from the rest of the world. To represent local spiritual, traditional values and beliefs. As with everything else, FOOD is to be found at the very core of an entire cultural tradition. Through FOOD, sacrificed animal bodies are being joyfully consumed and shared, creating wonderful memories, being passed down from one generation to the next, with NATIONAL and SPIRITUAL PRIDE.
HISTORY has been deliberately altered in order to create NATIONAL celebrations such as the THANKSGIVING in the USA in order to continue to keep the game running between one TYPE of celebration and the next, a few times/year, no matter what.
And so, the TRUE HISTORY has been altered in such convenient way that unsuspecting, willful, nice people participate in a never ending mass self manipulation. Countless turkeys are being slaughtered so they can become the CENTERpiece of the most famous National, CULTURAL celebration in the US, around which countless, fond, nostalgic memories are being woven, time after time, year after year, generation after generation as long as THE TURKEY is remaining the CENTERpiece. What would a THANKSGIVING be like WITHOUT the TURKEY? All else would fade were it not for THE TURKEY…all the “history” and all the “story” behind the actual celebration would fade into insignificant oblivion WITHOUT THE TURKEY…Ask any American…
The REAL Thanksgiving Story!
Compelling our children to eat animal foods gives birth to the “hurt people hurt people” syndrome. Hurt people hurt animals without compunction in daily food rituals.
We will always be violent toward each other as long as we are violent toward animals—how could we not be? We carry the violence in our stomachs, in our blood, and in our consciousness. Covering it up and ignoring it doesn’t make it disappear.
The more we pretend and hide it, the more, like a shadow, it clings to us and haunts us. The human cycle of violence is the ongoing projection of this shadow. Dr. Will Tuttle (World Peace Diet)
We will always be violent toward each other as long as we are violent toward animals—how could we not be? We carry the violence in our stomachs, in our blood, and in our consciousness. Covering it up and ignoring it doesn’t make it disappear.
The more we pretend and hide it, the more, like a shadow, it clings to us and haunts us. The human cycle of violence is the ongoing projection of this shadow. Dr. Will Tuttle (World Peace Diet)
As long as we dominate others, we will be dominated.
Dr. Will Tuttle (World Peace Diet)
What is the next powerful tool that has been used to transform us into happy, willful participants into the most dangerous weapon of mass destruction AND SELF-destruction?
At the very core of each such event, there is the ALMIGHTY IMPORTANT FOOD as CENTERpiece. Before the MUSIC, the DÉCOR and AMBIANCE of each celebration and party, FOOD is the number ONE concern whenever plans are being made. Once the FOOD arrangements are being made, one can “breath easy” through a sigh of relief and look after THE REST of the details. Isn’t it?
How many celebrations and parties have you personally attended or hosted where MEAT, DAIRY and EGGS were not the MAIN ingredients in all of the other FOODS?
Then, here it comes, the long awaited SUMMER!!! Oh!!! The BBQ’s and GRILLS that come with it!! How can we ignore it?
Living in North America (Canada) for 24 years but also having have lived in Eastern Europe for my first 24 years, the memory, the scent of the all pervasive BBQ smoke, filling the air and the highly anticipating beating hearts of people everywhere, be it by the seaside, countryside, mountainside, picnic areas, backyards, remains present to this day, for wherever you’d walk during summer months, the air is filled with BBQ scent which almost becomes the SUMMER synonym.
It is absolutely no accident and no coincidence that EACH and EVERY single personal, local, religious, national, traditional and everything else in between CELEBRATION has been meticulously crafted, orchestrated and woven AROUND the sacrificed (key word: RITUAL) sentient being as CENTER PIECE of our: BAPTIZINGS, RELIGIOUS CELEBRATIONS, SPIRITUAL PRACTICES (key word: RITUALISTIC SACRIFICE), BIRTHDAYS, WEDDINGS, RETIREMENTS, THANK GIVINGS, CHRIST-masses, EASTers, summer BBQ parties and WAKES.
WHO do we eat for ALL of these CHERISHED, NOSTALGIC, COMFORTING, TREASURED, REMEMBERED, SHARED, EMOTIONALLY CHARGED, MEMORIES FILLED CELEBRATIONS, our entire lives, generation after generation, where the very essence of our human existence has been build around.
SUPREMacism, ELITism, SPECIEsm, RACIsm, SEXism, how it all began
True human goodness, in all its purity and freedom, can come to the fore only when its recipient has no power. Mankind's true moral test, its fundamental test (which lies deeply from view), consists of its attitude towards those who are at its mercy: animals. And in this respect mankind has suffered a fundamental debacle, a debacle so fundamental that all others stem from it. Milan Kundera
True human goodness, in all its purity and freedom, can come to the fore only when its recipient has no power. Mankind's true moral test, its fundamental test (which lies deeply from view), consists of its attitude towards those who are at its mercy: animals. And in this respect mankind has suffered a fundamental debacle, a debacle so fundamental that all others stem from it. Milan Kundera
What is the next powerful tool that has been used to transform us into happy, willful participants into the most dangerous weapon of mass destruction AND SELF-destruction?
Through our modern medical and nutritional systems, ANIMAL based foods have been introduced as a MAIN component in our daily meals in order to maintain “good health” and basically life in general. It has been strongly, consistently and deliberately lied to us that without ANIMAL based “foods”, a human being cannot LIVE and cannot live HEALTHY.
Fortunately, through the birth of the Internet, enormous suppressed scientifically produced data is resurfacing at and overwhelming speed, dismantling to pieces the blunt lies that have been fed to us for many decades, without us ever desiring to QUESTION any of it and accepting it ad literam as it was spoon fed to us.
After decades of mounting evidence, there comes some much needed TRUTH and LIGHT:
HUMAN OMNIVORISM myth debunked
Science and Health
Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine
We have been at war with the other creatures of this earth ever since the first human hunter set forth with spear into the primeval forest. Human imperialism has everywhere enslaved, oppressed, murdered, and mutilated the animal peoples. All around us lie the slave camps we have built for our fellow creatures, factory farms and vivisection laboratories, Dachaus and Buchenwalds for the conquered species. We slaughter animals for our food, force them to perform silly tricks for our delectation, gun them down and stick hooks in them in the name of sport. We have torn up the wild places where once they made their homes. Speciesism is more deeply entrenched within us even than sexism, and that is deep enough. Ron Lee
What is the next powerful tool that has been used to transform us into happy, willful participants into the most dangerous weapon of mass destruction AND SELF-destruction? One of the most powerful weapons of modern psychological warfare.
MEAT, DAIRY, EGGS industries corporate control our main stream media and use their millions$ to run on going advertisements about Unhealthy, Unnatural foods, promoting them as being “healthy”.
Mind control of children: "Reality Check" promo
The Art of Corporate Media Mind-Control
TV = Mind Control
Fortunately, thanks to the ever-growing popularity of the plant based diet revolution, TRUTH is widely being embraced
"Vegan Revolution" story on CNN - 6/11/08
How Bill Clinton inspired Michelle Pfeiffer's vegan diet
Let me say it openly: we are surrounded by an enterprise of degradation, cruelty, and killing which rivals anything the Third Reich was capable of, indeed dwarfs it, in that ours is an enterprise without end, self-regenerating, bringing rabbits, rats, poultry, livestock ceaselessly into the world for the purpose of killing them. J. M. Coetzee
Let me say it openly: we are surrounded by an enterprise of degradation, cruelty, and killing which rivals anything the Third Reich was capable of, indeed dwarfs it, in that ours is an enterprise without end, self-regenerating, bringing rabbits, rats, poultry, livestock ceaselessly into the world for the purpose of killing them. J. M. Coetzee
What is the next powerful tool that has been used to transform us into happy, willful participants into the most dangerous weapon of mass destruction AND SELF-destruction? One of the most powerful weapons of modern psychological warfare.
All this time, it has been promoted the MUSCLES, ENERGY, ENDURANCE can only be created by ingesting ANIMAL BASED PROTEIN.
Fortunately, since the birth of the Internet, some much needed TRUTH and PROOF of the CONTRARY is making its way into mass consciousness at a surprising and refreshing speed.
For those souls who are tired of living 3D lives and in high density realms, this would be the basics, the TRUE awakening and healing 101, without which no other healing method and practice will have the solid GROUND FOUNDATION upon which can be used and built
No amount of meditation, chanting, drumming, tapping, law of attraction practicing, crystal healing, lomi lomi, praying, reiki, wishing, intending, desiring, can suffice nor replace this most basic starting stage where ALL other healing can start from and manifest , before they can BECOME EFFICIENT without running in circles, repeating the karmic wheel time and again, one life after another until we get it right.
Our grandchildren will ask us one day: Where were you during the Holocaust of the animals? What did you do against these horrifying crimes? We won't be able to offer the same excuse for the second time, that we didn't know. Dr. Helmut Kaplan
The unremitting conflict and oppression of history are unavoidable byproducts of confining and killing animals for food, as is the male role model of macho toughness that is required of both the professional animal killer (herder) and the soldier. If we desire to eat animal foods, this suffering is the unavoidable price we must pay. Dr Will Tuttle
The below material is our FREEDOM ticket out of our long, imprisoned, high density, low vibratory realms (3D) and into the FREE, low density, high vibrational 5D realms AND UP. For all those who are ready within.
AWAKENING is extremely painful
REMAINING ASLEEP is far too dangerous for our very souls
we've semi awaken from many deceptions...we're half way there...why stopping here?
None was NEARLY as important as these next stages of REAL awakening
REMAINING ASLEEP is far too dangerous for our very souls
we've semi awaken from many deceptions...we're half way there...why stopping here?
None was NEARLY as important as these next stages of REAL awakening
“The truth will set you free. But first, it will piss you off.” Gloria Steinem (American Writer and Activist. b.1935).
We’ve been born into a deep, trance infused, amnesic CULTURAL DECEPTION. A veil of spiritual secrecy has been placed between our world and the rest of Creation long time ago. This magnificent, sentient, living planet has been hijacked through spiritual malpractices eons ago. Ever since, those who did it, have also kept her as RANSOM and all living inhabitants in every form, as HOSTAGES, against the many efforts from the Light, to rescue us all, UNTIL more recently when after many millions of years of spiritual battle in the lower realms, LIGHT is winning. The PHYSICAL proof of this is the WORLD WIDE massive human awakening and the WORLD rEVOLution for planetary, human and animal liberation from the cabalistic rule who has dominated this planet up to almost destruction, until now.
From cradle to grave we’ve been constantly bombarded with stupendous lies after lies, repeated endlessly until we came about to adopt them as NATURAL and “NORMAL”.
We’ve been so grossly manipulated down right to the very core of our consciousness that as we painfully awaken, most times, most of us are continuing to DEFEND our oppressors and the lies they’ve been conditioning us with, and which we’ve allowed it to shape our beliefs and lives, for countless millennia.
It is now time to unveil and share much needed SOULutions. SOLUTIONS which will save our very souls. The battle on this planet and beyond between the Light and absence of Light (darkness) has never been about POWER or money. It’s always been a SPIRITUAL battle. Our souls were the prize that the dark powers to HAVE BEEN have tried to conquer for unspoken millennia.
If our CULTURES, TRADITIONS and RELIGIONS no longer serve our spiritual growth purpose and they continue to harm our very livelihood and that of our beloved Mother Earth and all of her kingdoms, then it becomes crystal clear that we need to create NEW CULTURES, TRADITIONS and RELIGIONS which are in tune with the natural state of the Universe which is ONEness, EVOLution, LOVE and LIGHT.
Bellow, is overwhelming proof that: the animal farmers, Hollywood, main stream media, athletes, young people, medical establishment is AWAKEning…
REAL, easy SOULutions to make and become the change we’ve been waiting for.
The NATURAL foods for humankind TEST
When it comes to FOOD, the most common argument from the semi awaken people is the fact that it doesn’t matter WHAT food we eat since ALL is LIFE. Animals are sentient and so are the plants.
In response to this aspect, and for all people who are not able to make a difference between a BEAN and a COW, for those who cannot distinguish the difference between an APPLE and a PIG, for those who can’t tell the difference between and ORANGE and a TURKEY, between a TOMATO and a CHICKEN, between a CABBAGE and a LAMB, between a CARROT and a DEER, I came up with the idea of a TEST which can be done by anyone, in order to EXPERIENCE BY THEMSELVES, firsthand what FEELS NATURAL for us to eat and what doesn’t, when it comes to FOODS.
Indeed, PLANTS are sentient living beings too.
Just like everything else in Creation, they are INTELLIGENT CONSCIOUSNESS.
Also, what we breathe in order to exist is called LIFE FORCE or Cosmic Energy or PRANA or CHI and it is all INTELLIGENT LIVING ENERGY CONSCIOUSNESS.
The question becomes: how can we live as cosmic beings in a limited biological body and sustaining ourselves by causing the LEAST amount of harm.
Otherwise, if all is perceived as THE SAME, we should stop breathing altogether in order to avoid destroying the LIFETRONS we take in, or, since there is “no difference” between this life form and the other from an ENERGETIC point of view, let us all begin consuming ONE ANOTHER and see how THAT feels.
While we strive to understand the depths and mysteries of Creation all the time, we can use basic, evident, available means and tools of learning and experiencing which can readily offer us instant feedback on things we are not quite certain about when it comes to important decisions and realizations of truth.
Here is very simple way for you to find out which way is the right way to eat:
take a trip with your children (or niece/nephews) to a nearby fruit orchard and a vegetables field...while you guys walk, pick a fruit or take a vegetable and observe your feelings and your children reactions...OBSERVE the APPLE’s or a CARROT’s reaction when picked or plucked…observe the APPLE TREE’s reaction when you pick its fruit or the EARTH’s reaction when plucking vegetables…then, after washing it, eat them with your children...spend some time and feel the energy around and observe your inner state of feeling, your heart rate, state of mind and that of the children in your company…take some food home and consume it while observing how your heart, mind and body feels like during and after eating it
then, take a trip to a nearby slaughterhouse (where all the "organic, humane, free range raised" animals end up), WITH your children or nephews/nieces and try to spend 10 minutes in the parking lot where the trucks with animals arrive, observe the process of unloading the animals, then ask those in charge to allow you and your children to be part of some slaughtering process for 10 minutes...then, buy some meat and cook/eat it when u get home...while in the slaughterhouse parking lot and during the process, observe your feelings, your state of mind, your heart rate and your children's reactions...
Compare it with the same back in the fruit orchard and vegetables field
now that you've imagined this scenario even remotely close to the reality of actually BEING there in person, in BOTH scenarios, you've got yourself an error proof answer about whether or not eating organic, “humane raised” meat and animal products is natural for human being PRESENT at the very source of our foods and checking HOW WE FEEL and how our children react should be a no brainer in finding out the TRUTH...PLANT or ANIMAL based foods?
PLANT or ANIMAL based foods?
and, if you decide to actual experience this TEST, you can start with a VIRTUAL Tour, in order to save up time and gas$$
Brookfield Apple Orchards
MAIN link of all other links:
Planetary healing from the ground up
Recommending to readers of this blog to scroll down, reading the TITLES of each link below first, before getting into each one.
PLANT or ANIMAL based foods?
FARM ANIMALS beauty, intelligence and consciousness in VIDEO
STORIES that change the WORLD
HEALTHY and PROFITABLE BREAKTHROUGH methods of growing REAL FOOD, YEAR ROUND, EVEN IN THE DEAD OF WINTER with NO ELECTRICITY. Animal /dairy farmers no longer need to compromise their souls in order to make a living on this planet. They now have healthy, safe options for their wellbeing and livelihood and in tune with where the world is heading now and into the future.
Growing Winter Organic Produce
ORGANIC SOIL nutrients and products
How to make a smooth, natural transition to a vegan lifestyle MEAT and the ENVIRONMENT
HUMAN SPIRITUAL evolution through FOOD
COMPASSION and Animals
Christian Vegetarian Association
SPIRITual EVOLution through FOOD rEVOLution
WHY VEGANISM is healing the world
Animal farmers awakening and healing
Human liberation WORLD rEVOLution
Animal liberation WORLD rEVOLution
FOOD, the most dangerous weapon of mass control WILL and FOOD
The NATURAL foods for humankind TEST
Message from 2013
Message from 2022