When I was asked to participate in By Invitation, an international group of women bloggers who post on a common subject each month, I was more than intrigued by the subject this month.
"Let's name the thing/person/place we've always wanted to experience, but haven't. Dream that money is no object. Tell the world what you've always wanted to do or wish you could do, but just haven't done it yet."
Now, I know that I wasn't being asked what I am dreaming about when I am fast asleep but in my case my rem-stage dreams really do fit in with my real day-today "dream", the kind I would need to be fully awake to enjoy. At the risk of sounding like I ingested way too much cold sryrup one night let me ask you this strange question "have you ever flown over your neighborhood in your dreams?" The kind where you can see your neighbors houses from above, where you can feel a soft breeze as you effortlessly fly? The first time I had this exhilarating dream I was totally freaked out and wisely kept it to myself. The second time I actually began asking other people "have you ever had a dream where you actually fly?. Since then I have kept my weird dreams to myself and am patiently waiting for the next one.........because it really is one heck of a interactive dream and I wouldn't mind another. Apparently I am not alone and you can read about "lucid" dreams here that's a relief. I find dreams to be an fascinating subject, so fascinating that I read this article about dream groups here, the latest group trend to compete with book clubs for the most interesting conversations. The informal group looks closely at what your dreams are telling you and then you get to discuss it with other dreamers in the hopes of interpetation. This might be a safer place to ask about flying dreams because I am darn sure there are weirder ones than mine, or at least I hope there are. Regardless of whether I ever get to "fly" again in my dreams, it did tie in well with what my real dream would be.............to hot air balloon in France. See all those castles from way on up. Perhaps those lucid dreams weren't telling me I was weird, just that I need a vacation, a really good one.
If this colourful up, up, and away experience sounds like something to add to the your bucket list, you can start planning it here..............See you way up there.
To read the other posts submitted by Invitation Only bloggers
please click here for a peek into their dreams.
Photo 1/ photo 2 via google/Photo 3,4, 5 here.