Brazilian actor Wagner Moura, Elite Squad star, which I still remember watching in evening soap operas, will impersonate the Gran Bugiardo in an indie biopic. He will make team with Peter Dinklage, William H. Macy and Terrence Howard.
The life that gave birth to historical masterpieces like La Dolce Vita, Otto et Mezzo, La Strada, Amarcord, Satyricon or Le Notte di Cabiria, embroidered with all sorts of awards and recognitions throughout, will only be portrayed in a slice, on Fellini Black and White. It is 1957 and Federico has been missing for 48h on his first trip to America, right where and when he is supposed to attend to the Academy Awards ceremony. It is said that's when he went infused on the dope of jazz and had quite a fellinesque expedition, finding inspiration for subsequent works.
Henry Bomell, known for being involved in series like I'll Fly Away, Rubicon, Brotherhood and Homeland, writing, directing and producing, has put the wheels in motion and I am excited to see a piece of the life of one of my favorite directors, the maestro of European film Golden Age, Federico Fellini, up on the screen.