Monday, April 25, 2011

"S" is for "Stinguin"


No. Enc.:  3d6 (6d6)
Alignment:  Neutral
Movement:  90' (30') 
Armor Class:  6
Hit Dice:   2
Attacks:  2 (1 bite, 1 sting)
Damage:  1d4 / 1d6+1 + poison
Save:  L1 
Morale:  10
Hoard Class:  XI
XP:  47

Stinguins are horrid little beasts that nest in cold, dank environs—cavern complexes, abandoned sewers, subterranean ruins, etc.  They are covered with greasy feathers, and stand between 1.5'-2' tall on 8 chitinous legs.  Their long tails end in menacing barbs that inject a Class 5 poison.

When hunting or defending their lairs, stinguins swarm over foes, tearing and stabbing until the threat is killed.  They scuttle up vertical surfaces and ceilings with ease.

Their multiple compound eyes give them almost 360-degree vision, so stinguins are Surprised only on a roll of 1 on 1d6.

Mutations:  Toxic Weapon (Venom)

Friday, April 22, 2011

"S" is for "Skyder"


No. Enc.:  0 (1d6)
Alignment:  Neutral
Movement:  18' (6')
         —Fly:  75' (25')
Armor Class:  4 (9)
Hit Dice:  5
Attacks:  1d8+1 (up to 8 claws, 1 bite)
Damage:  1d4 per claw / 1d10
Save:  L3
Morale:  9
Hoard Class:  None
XP:  650

Skyders are nightmarish, arachnoid horrors that reach lengths of 8'-10' long.  They possess the typical furry bodies, 8 limbs, and multiple eyes on their heads...but also bloated, distended abdomens filled with helium, fanged maws, and extra eyes (at least 3d6) along their underbellies.  Skyders are never Surprised.

The creatures float lazily through the air, scanning the ground for prey.  When a suitable target is located, a skyder descends and attacks in a flurry of grasping claws.   If at least 3 claws successfully hit, the skyder has grappled its prey, and can bite freely each round without the need for a To Hit roll.  It then tries to float upwards into the atmosphere to devour its victim at leisure.  One can break a skyder's grip with a successful Ability Check Versus Strength [per p. 51 of the Mutant Future Core Rules]; however, the consequential falling damage could be just as deadly as the beast's jaws.

By day, skyders are light blue with "cloud-like" markings, and such camoflage means they Surprise victims on a 1-4 on 1d6.  At night, they shift to a dark hue with light spots, allowing them to Surprise on a 1-5 on 1d6.

Skyders are ungainly and clumsy on land (primarily because they're struggling to keep from floating away), so their Armor Class becomes 9 when grounded.

Mutations:  Chameleon Epidermis (Limited), Increased Sense (Vision)

Thursday, April 21, 2011

"H" is for "Howligator"


No. Enc.:  2d6 (3d6)
Alignment:  Neutral
Movement:  180' (60')
Armor Class:  4
Hit Dice:  3+1
Attacks:  1 (bite)
Damage:  1d8
Save:  L2
Morale:  9
Hoard Class:  None
XP:  170

Howligators are carnivorous pack hunters encountered in all but the coldest climes.  They are similar in size and build to Ancient canines, and exhibit almost identical social and predatory behaviors.

A howligator's distinctive vocalization—a gutteral, resonant bellow—makes herd animals and mounts panic.  Any such creature within a 2 mile radius of a baying howligator suffers a -2 penalty to Morale.

Howligator pups can be raised as hunting animals and guards.  That said, most howligator breeders and trainers are Mutant Humans blessed with multiple limbs and/or regeneration-based mutations, as they tend to lose many digits (or worse) in the process.

Mutations:  Increased Sense (Hearing), Increased Sense (Smell)

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

"V" is for "Vapir"


No. Enc.:  0 (1d4)
Alignment:  Neutral
Movement:  120' (40')
Armor Class:  4
Hit Dice:  4+2
Attacks:  1 (bite)
Damage:  1d6
Save:  L5
Morale:  6
Hoard Class:  None
XP:  440

Dwelling in forests, jungles, and swamps, vapirs are hefty browsing animals with short, prehensile snouts.  They stand around 4' tall at the shoulder, reach lengths of 6'-7', and weigh between 600-800 pounds.

Vapirs are continually blanketed by billowing green mists which cause all melee attacks directed their way to suffer a -2 To Hit penalty, and all ranged attacks to suffer a -4 To Hit penalty.  And once every 4 rounds, a vapir can exhale a cloud of gas 20' in diameter with the following random colors and effects [roll 1d6]:

1) Debilitating Gas (orange, Class 1-8 poison [determined randomly by rolling 1d8])
2) Hallucinogenic Gas (purple, causes Confusion for 1d10 rounds with failed Saving Throw Versus Poison)
3) Corrosive Gas (red, causes continual 3d4 damage per round [may optionally include damage against equipment and possessions] for 1d4+1 rounds, with no Save allowed)
4) Obscurring Gas (black, induces Blindness and loss of olfactory senses for 1d6+1 rounds with failed Saving Throw Versus Poison)
5) Narcotic Gas (blue, Class 9 Sleep poison)
6) Nerve Gas (yellow, Class 12-20 poison [determined randomly by rolling 1d8])

Effects can overlap.  Vapirs are immune to any and all effects generated by their fellows' fumes, plus all other hazardous environmental toxins or chemicals.

When a vapir is reduced to 10 or less Hit Points, it assumes a gaseous form and attempts to flee at a movement rate of 45' per round.  It is completely immune to all conventional weapons and energy attacks in this form, but is still vulnerable to wind-based attacks and Mental Mutations.  At -10 Hit Points or less, a vapir is truly dead; otherwise, it re-solidifies after 1d8 hours at full Hit Points.

A vapir's morale becomes 10 when protecting its young.

Mutations:  Aberrant Form (Gaseous Form), Toxic Weapon ("Gas Generation")

Saturday, April 16, 2011

"Y" is for "Yowli"


No. Enc.:  1d4 (1d6)
Alignment:  Neutral
Movement:  150' (50')
Armor Class:  6
Hit Dice:  12
Attacks:  3 or 1 (2 claws, 1 bite, or spittle)
Damage:  1d12 / 1d12 / 1d4, or 1d10
Save:  L9
Morale:  9
Hoard Class:  XX
XP:  5,200

Yowlis are primitive, muscular, 11' tall humanoids that haunt mountainous peaks and frigid wastes.  While clearly avian (with feathered bodies, beaks, and oversized claws), they curiously possess mammalian sex characteristics.  They can rotate their heads almost a full 360 degrees around, and are never Surprised.

Yowlis are fierce combatants.  They are almost invisible in snowy conditions, and Surprise on a roll of 1-4 on 1d6.  Three times per day, they can screech so terrifyingly that any non-yowli within a 50' radius flees in a random direction for 3d4 rounds on a failed Saving Throw Versus Energy.  And their spittle (capable of being sprayed up to 15' away) is acidic, doing 1d10 damage on contact and an additional 1d8 damage per round for 1d6 rounds.

Their wings are non-functional, and only used in threat and mating displays.

Mutations:  Increased Sense (Vision), Reflective Epidermis (Cold), Toxic Weapon (Spittle)

Friday, April 15, 2011

"S" is for "Slaying Grantis"

Slaying Grantis

No. Enc.:  1 (1)
Alignment:  Neutral
Movement:  150' (50')
          —Fly:  90' (30')
Armor Class:  6
Hit Dice:  9
Attacks:  2 (2 claws + special)
Damage:  2d6 / 2d6, + special
Save:  L5
Morale:  10
Hoard Class:  XVI
XP:  3,800

Slaying grantises are ferocious, 12' tall bipeds that stalk forests, jungles, and overgrown ruins.  Their powerful bodies are particularly freakish, as they locomote on their front, ape-like limbs, and use their forward-growing hind legs as rending talons.  Shaggy green fur covers their frames.

Patient, still, and nigh-invisible in the greenery (thereby Surprising on a 1-5 on 1d6), they can wait for hours until oblivious prey wanders into range.  And slaying grantises are as lethal as they are stealthy.  If both claws successfully strike in the same round, the target is drawn close and savagely bitten.  The victim must immediately make a Saving Throw Versus Death.  Success means that they suffer the claw damage and an extra 2d10 damage from biting...while failure indicates that its head is drawn into the slaying grantis' mouth, and bitten off.  Death is instant.  (Androids decapitated in this manner might be repairable, at the Mutant Lord's discretion.)

Slaying grantises are too heavy for sustained flight, and the creatures more accuately "flutter" than fly proper.  They can only remain airborne for a maximum of 4 rounds, and then must descend and spend at least 2 rounds grounded before taking off again.

Mutations:  Complete Wing Development (Limited), Increased Sense (Vision)

Thursday, April 14, 2011

"T" is for "'Tanteater"


No. Enc.:  0 (1d2)
Alignment:  Neutral
Movement:  45' (15')
Armor Class:  7
Hit Dice:  16
Attacks:  3 (2 claws, 1 tongue-lash)
Damage:  5d6 / 5d6 / 1d12
Save:  L7
Morale:  9
Hoard Class:  None
XP:  4,200

'Tanteaters (shortened from mutanteater, with the accent on the second syllable) are immense, tawny beasts with bodies the size of Ancient double-decker buses (and lengths twice as long, if you include their tails).  They have insatiable appetites, and stalk the grasslands and forests of the Mutant Future hunting for their favored prey item:  Mutant Humans.

'Tanteaters can detect, within a 5 mile radius, the particular biochemical signatures that set Mutant Humans apart from the other Character Races.  Drawn to large groupings of Mutant Humans, the massive creatures simply lumber into settlements, claw their way through any barricades and walls, and proceed to lap up as many mutants as possible with their sticky, 30' long tongues.

A 'tanteater targets one victim with its tongue, and can catch up to two others (3 total) within the same 10' radius with a successful attack against each target.  Anyone successfully struck with a To Hit roll of 15 or greater is Swallowed.  Those Swallowed suffer 2d10 damage per round until dead, or the 'tanteater is killed.

'Tanteaters have no compunction against devouring the other Character Races; they just don't absorb the same nutritional value from them.

Mutations:  Gigantism, Unique Sense ("Mutanto-Sense")

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Mo' Mutants, Mo' Problems

The "Print Friendly" button isn't working properly, as it gives random results to each entry (sometimes not showing pictures...sometimes not showing big blocks of text...and other screwy issues).

I'm leaving it up for now, as I try to get it fixed on the back end.

But if I can't get it working, I'll just remove it later.  Sorry for the hassles.

"T" is for "Trilobison"


No. Enc.:  0 (3d6)
Alignment:  Neutral
Movement:  120' (40')
      Swim:  45' (15')
Armor Class:  2
Hit Dice:  5
Attacks:  1 (head-butt)
Damage:  1d6
Save:  L3
Morale:  7
Hoard Class:  None
XP:  650

Trilobison (both singular and plural) are squat, low-slung, bulky beasts covered in chitinous carapaces.  They only reach between 3'-4' tall at the tops of their backsides, but stretch to lengths anywhere between 10'-15'.  Trilobison herds congregate near fresh water and mudholes to graze and wallow, and they are equally at home above or below the surface.

Normally docile, trilobison Charge when provoked, or when protecting young; however, their distinctive horns curl backwards, and are useless for goring attacks.

Many riverside and aquatic communities depend on domesticated trilobison for survival, as the creatures provide meat, milk, eggs, hides (for armor), horns (for weapons), and dung (for fertilizer).  Trilobison are also used as beasts of burden and combat mounts.

Mutations:  Aberrant Form (Gills and Lungs), Natural Armor (Extreme) (x2)

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

'The Mutant Epoch' Non-Review (or, "Pincers: The Pinchening")

That I loves me some post-apocalyptic gaming is an understatement, and this blog is a testament to my sensibilities:  Gamma World, Mutant Future, Damnation Decade, and Superhero League Of Hoboken are the bee's knees, while the likes of Twilight: 2000, Darwin's World, and Fallout generally leave me cold.  (I adored the Roadwar 2000 and Wasteland games on my Apple IIe, though.  Go figure.)

Basicially, if I can't roll up a lightning-breathing bat-man with quills and narcolepsy, or if the world isn't sufficiently wonky, then I'm not all that interested.

That brings us to William McAusland's / Outland Arts' new rpg, The Mutant Epoch.  I've been excited for this one, as it seems to combine what I love with plenty of grim-n-gritty for the kiddies.

My copy arrived Saturday, and I've poured over it the last few days.  But I'm not ready to write a formal review (if I'll ever be); no, this post just collects my gut impressions about the book.


Random Thoughts and Ponderings

) Mr. McAusland draws like a sunnuvabitch.  Are there any pictures he didn't do?

) The work's overall vibe, thanks to the art and "chart-iness" of the rules, made me nostalgic.  I felt like I was reading one of my beloved games from my late teen years, like GDW's Dark Conspiracy.  No, waitStellar Games' Nightlife...yeah, that's the one.  This is a good thing.

) Now that's what I call mutation lists...however...

) ...spiked pincers seem so ubiquitous, those without are the REAL freaks.

) The bestiary absolutely, positively rocks.  And if I may be so arrogant, some of them (like the land pikes and wolf frogs) are critters that I'd design for this very blog...except mine would come out kinda adorable, while Mr. McAusland's are terrifying.

) d1000 rolls?!  Holy crap.  Colonel Lou, I need your dice more than ever!

) I can't let The Wife know about the Slave, Whore caste-class, because she'll want to scrap Penelope the mutant crawdad and play this game instead.  Or she'll make Penny change professions.... *shudder*.

) The picture corresponding to the Grapple skill made me guffaw, as it looks obscene but actually isn't (I blame its placement across from the Erotic Arts skill more than anything).  I'm suitably embarrassed.

) Every game—no matter what genre—I referee from this moment forth will have a treasure table listing a dead rat, saved for dinner and shrunken head, worth 2d8sp.

) Build-Your-Own-Dice in the back, behind the graph- AND hex-paper?!  Sweet.

) I think know I'll buy everything Outland Arts puts out for this game.


I hope my enthusiasm for the book shows.  I freely admit I'm intimidated by the system (and, really, I'll probably end up just stripmining stuff for Mutant Future), but I'm randomly rolling up a character now...

...who's gonna be a Bestial Human Bobcat.  I'm smiling here.

PS:  The website has a "Kids Corner" with a mutant coloring book.  Outstanding.


More to follow.

Monday, April 11, 2011

"W" is for "Waste Witch"

Waste Witch

No. Enc.:  1d6 (3d8)
Alignment:  Chaotic
Movement:  75' (25')
Armor Class:  6
Hit Dice:  8
Attacks:  3 (2 claws, 1 bite)
Damage:  1d6 / 1d6 / 1d8
Save:  L8
Morale:  8
Hoard Class:  XIV, XV, XIX, XXI, XXII
XP:  5,560

The nocturnal Waste Witches are a race of gnarled humanoids that lurk in irradiated deserts, toxic swamps, subterranean waste depositories, and overflowing landfills; essentially, any locale where most lifeforms fear to tread.  They have greenish hides, bulging red-violet eyes, and snaggletoothed maws.  As no Waste Witch has ever been seen without its distinctive color-shifting cloak, what they truly look like is unknown.

Waste Witches have the ability to manipulate the atomic structures of objects at a range of 50', and transmute them from one elemental form to another.  As a Mental Attack, a Waste Witch can transform a victim into a solid "statue" of glass, iron, stone, etc. unless the target makes a Saving Throw Versus Energy.  They have also been witnessed transmuting the air itself narcotic/poisonous gases or solid barriers/restraints, turning ordinary items into fiery phosphorus, and shaping worthless junk into precious metals and gemstones.  [Specific transformations, and the combat effects thereof, are left for the Mutant Lord to devise.]

They rarely venture out of their territories, but sometimes raid isolated villages under the cover of darkness for seemingly random acts of kidnapping and murder.  Waste Witches suffer a -2 To Hit penalty when attacking during daylight.

Mystery and superstition surround the Waste Witches, as every scout, missionary, and mercenary sent to their territories has never been seen again.  Many insist they metamorphose their kidnapped victims into more Waste Witches.  Others believe they worship pollution and Doomsday Devices of The Ancients, and hope to unleash another Apocalypse.  Some even claim Waste Witches are actually the last surviving remnants of The Ancients themselves!

The creatures are innately immune to all toxins, diseases, and radioactivity.  And a Waste Witch's "recirculo-cloak" grants the following abilities to the wearer:  Armor Class 6; chameleonic concealment (as the Chameleon Epidermis Physical Mutation); full protection from desert-based environmental hazards (sun, wind, and exposure damage); no need for fresh water.  It cannot be worn over other armor.

Mutations:  Disintegration, Energy Ray (Any), Increased Sense (Vision), Metaconcert, Neural Telekinesis, Reflective Epidermis (Radiation), Thermal Vision, Unique Mutation ("Atomic Alchemy")

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Penelope—Truly, The Deadliest Catch

Penelope  ("Penny")

Player Character
Character Type:  Mutant Animal
Alignment:  Neutral

Level:  1st
Hit Points:  47
Armor Class:  4

Strength:  14 (+1 To Hit / Damage)
Dexterity:  10
Constitution:  14
Intelligence:  9
Willpower:  10
Charisma:  7  (+1 Reaction Adjustment)

Saving Throws
Energy Attacks:  15
Poison / Death:  12
Stun Attacks:  14
Radiation:  13

Movement:  90' (30')
   Burrow:  15' (5')
      Swim:  45' (15')

Mutations:  Aberrant Form (Lungs and Gills), Empathy, Force Screen, Frailty (Heat) [D], Natural Armor (Extreme), Phobia (Potatoes and Corn) [D], Prey Scent [D]

Natural Weapon:  Claws  (1d8)

Trident (1d6)

) Backpack
) Blanket, Winter
) Flint and Steel
) Lantern
) Oil (4 Flasks)
) Rope, Hemp
) Spyglass
) Waterskin
) 68 Gold

Peneleope (Penny to her friends) is a typical Craw, except for a fascination with wigs—particularly pink ones—of The Ancients.

[That's all there is to her bio, so far....]

Concept by Amy

"A" is for "Allicat"


No. Enc.:  1d4 (1d4)
Alignment:  Neutral
Movement:  75' (25')
      Swim:  75' (25')
Armor Class:  5
Hit Dice:  1
Attacks:  3 (2 claws, 1 bite)
Damage:  1d2 / 1d2 / 1d4
Save:  L1
Morale:  8
Hoard Class:  None
XP:  16

Allicats are small reptiles of similar size, coloration, and temperament as Ancient housecats.  They have velveteen fur on their backsides, but scaly bellies.  Equally at home in swamps as urban ruins, they feed off anything that can fit in their mouths:  rodents, birds, fish, etc.  They are surperb climbers and swimmers.

They give birth to 1d6 live young, which are covered in downy fuzz until 3 months of age.  Allikits are almost impossibly precious.

Allicats make excellent pets, and are particularly loved by The Craw.

Mutations:  Increased Balance, Night Vision


Concept by Amy

"C" is for "The Craw"

The Craw

No. Enc.:  2d6 (6d10)
Alignment:  Neutral
Movement:  90' (30')
   Burrow:  15' (5')
      Swim:  45' (15')
Armor Class:  4
Hit Dice:  9
Attacks:  3 (2 claws, 1 weapon)
Damage:  1d8 / 1d8 and by weapon
Save:  L7
Morale:  10
Hoard Class:  VI, XIV
XP:  3,800

The Craw are sentient crustaceans that dwell in the bayous and marshes of the Mutant Future.  They are "swamp folk" in the truest sense of the term, living as fishermen, trappers, and traders (with some enterprising types working as guides, moonshiners, herbalists, and smugglers).  A Craw stands 4'-5' tall, reaches snout to tail lengths of 10', and weighs between 200-300 pounds.  Each Craw has 10 limbs total, with 4 legs, 4 arms (with hands), and 2 oversized pincers.  Their antennae flail wildly when they speak.

The Craw are plagued by congenital disabilities, such as a savory, predator-attracting scent, a vulnerability to extreme heat (they take an additional +3 Damage per Attack Die), and a collective fear of potatoes and corn.  To compensate, they have evolved certain defense mechanisms (thick carapaces; the Force Screen and Empathy mutations), and they reside in large groups in fortified, water-filled subterranean complexes.
The Craw find the taming of crawdogs to be distasteful.  Instead, they keep small, furred crocodilians known as allicats as pets.
Mutations:    Aberrant Form (Gills and Lungs), Empathy, Force Screen, Frailty (Heat) [D], Natural Armor (Extreme), Phobia (Plants) [D], Prey Scent [D]

Concept by Amy

Mutagenic Matrimony (or, My Bloodthirsty Bride)

"I want to play your mutant game."  —  The Woman (2011)


Thanks to the fun had robbing and antagonizing goblins so obnoxiously that the li'l buggers burned down our dirt-farming village in revenge rescuing a wholesome rural community from foul raiders in Theron's new Castles & Crusades campaign, my wife has been bitten by the roleplaying bug.

Which is awesome, given that she professed to HATE gaming, due to a) a long-time boyfriend who preferred building Vampire: The Masquerade characters to making out (no, I don't get it either), and b) getting press-ganged into a Call Of Cthulhu LARP that was secretly recorded and turned into a documentary shown in local film classes.

I always suspected she had it in her, though.  She loves video games, and plays RPGs almost exclusively.  I've sneaked in from work and overheard her joyously—if terrifyingly—singing, "I love loo-ooo-ooootings!" and "Too much talking, not enough kill-llllling!" to herself while playing Dragon Age.  And God Of War and Knights Of The Old Republic are her favorite games ever.

Anyhow, she's been clamoring to play more tabletop games, and wants me to get a Mutant Future campaign going.  Here's pretty much how it went down:

"I want to play your mutant game."

"Really?!  Cool!  What kind of character do you want?"

"A crawdad."


"A MUTANT crawdad."

"Do you want to be unique, or from race of...."


"That's fine.  What you going to name her?"

"Penelope.  Penny for short."


"And she wears a pink wig."

"...Ooookay.  You'll have to roll the rest randomly, though."

"Fine by me."

A few dice rolls later...

*scribble, scratch, erase*  "I don't need a high Charisma, because I'm a fucking crawdad."

A few more dice rolls later...

"So, that means I smell delicious to monsters, and take extra damage from boiling?!  That's AWESOME."


"And I got a Phobia, too?  Well, then...I want to be afraid of potatoes.  And corn."

"...Um, it has to be random.  You need a 4 to get 'Plants' on the Phobia chart."

*rolls a d6*  "OH, HELL, YEAH!"

A few more dice rolls later...

"Now you need to spend your gold."

"I totally want a trident.  For stabbing."


*scribble, scratch, erase*  "...A bedroll?  That's stupid for a crawdad...but a blanket might be cute, though.  A snuggly one."


And so was born Penny, and her people The Craw.  Only the animal-specific parts (Natural Armor; lungs and gills) of her race were picked at the beginning—EVERYTHING else, she rolled at random.  She rolled that max 1d8 damage on the claws.  She randomly rolled each and every mutation, including three(!) rather perfect Drawbacks for her concept.  And, yep, she straight-up got that 4 on that Phobia chart.

I'm bursting with pride here.


Write-ups to follow shortly.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

"M" is for "Mortoise"


No. Enc.:  1 (1)
Alignment:  Neutral
Movement:  105' (35')
Armor Class:  2
Hit Dice:  18
Attacks:  1 (volley or trample)
Damage:  3d8 or 6d12
Save:  L9
Morale:  11
Hoard Class:  XIX, XII
XP:  9,250

Mortoises are massive, ill-tempered reptiles that reach heights over 30' tall, lengths over 55' long, and weights of 25 tons or more.  Long spikes cover their thick shells, and three glowing frills line their skulls.

The carnivorous beasts are engines of destruction.  Mortoises tend to simply Trample over any foes in their path, but can also launch their spines up to 100' away, or discharge bolts of electricity from their fins at double the usual effect (8d6 damage).  Furthermore, all within their 40' of their presence have to endure their Vampiric Field mutations.

And as if those abilities weren't formidable enough, mortoises radiate such intense hostility that others are prone to attacking them on sight...usually leading to the mass slaughter of said others.

Rumors suggest that some belligerent tribes have tamed mortoises as mounts, and ride into battle upon the beasts in protective howdahs.  How such a feat could even be accomplished is unknown.

Mutations:  Energy Ray (Electricity) (x2), Negative Empathy [D], Spiny Growth (x3), Vampiric Field

Friday, April 8, 2011

Mutagenic Milestone! (or, Mutants A-Z)

Shameless hucksterism time.  With today's post, I reached not only one, but two, milestones.

The x-ray is my 100th unique mutant monster entry (which really comes out to about 105-ish critters, if you include those with sub-types (like molebears/polar molebears and groatches, both domestic and wild), and with that letter X, I filled all the slots on my "Alphabet of the Apocalypse".  Yep, I've got entries covering every letter A to Z...from the reclusive aarborvarks to the tempestuous zephrogs.

Much love to all 37 38 of my Wasteland Naturalists.  And particular gratitude to Messrs. Reints, Porky, Cyclopeatron, and Theron (as y'all provide the hits that monetize my synergies and leverage my paradigms), and Messrs. Trey, Brutorz Bill, Sniderman, and Porky again (who slake my ego with the most comments).

The Mutant Future Core Rules have about 150 creatures listed.  Given the stuff in the pipeline, I can easily beat that number.

Thanks for reading.

"X" is for "X-Ray"


No. Enc.:  1d6 (2d8)
Alignment:  Neutral
Movement:  9' (3')
          Fly:  105' (35')
Armor Class:  7
Hit Dice:  5
Attacks:  1 (bite or sting)
Damage:  1d6 or 1d8 + poison
Save:  L6
Morale:  9
Hoard Class:  VII
XP:  950

X-Rays are flat, leathery creatures with 10'-12' wingspans and barbed tails just as long.  Their bodies glow with internal energies so intense that their cartilaginous structures are visible to the naked eye.  Fully adapted to life on land, x-rays sleep by day hanging from their tails in caves and Ancient ruins (particularly abandoned hospitals, power plants, and military installations), and actively hunt the skies at night.

An x-ray's tail-barb injects a Class 7 poison.  In addition to doing the base toxin damage, anyone stung must make a separate Saving Throw Versus Radiation, or acquire a Bizarre Appearance Drawback that manifests as both translucent skin and luminous bones.  Those with Reflective Epidermis (Radiation) are immune to this side effect.

Blastats are a favored prey item, and x-rays often take over their territories.

Mutations:  Optic Emissions (Radiation), Prehensile Tail, Reflective Epidermis (Radiation), Toxic Weapon ("Isotopic Venom"), Ultraviolet Vision

Thursday, April 7, 2011

"C" is for "Croakile"

Croakile  ("Leapteeth")

No. Enc.:  1d6 (1d10)
Alignment:  Neutral
Movement:  180' (60')
      Swim:  90' (30')
Armor Class:  5
Hit Dice:  2
Attacks:  1 (bite)
Damage:  1d8
Save:  L1
Morale:  10
Hoard Class:  II
XP:  38

Croakiles are 2' long amphibious creatures that inhabit jungles, swamps, bodies of fresh water, abandoned sewers, and Ancient ruins.  They are spry and tenacious, and will doggedly spring after prey many times their size.

They can cling to even the smoothest of surfaces and ceilings, and frequently drop from above onto unsuspecting prey, Surprising on a roll of 1-4 on a 1d6.

Croakiles secrete a fluid (a Class 11 poison) that has powerful hallucinogenic properties.  Those that fail their initial Saving Throw against the Paralysis are also Confused for 3d4 rounds...but they gain a +2 Bonus against all Mental Attacks for 1d4 days.  If extracted from a dead specimen, the chemical retains its potency for 2d4 days; it is highly prized by shamans, medics, and thrillseekers.

Licking a live croakile is considered a right of passage (albiet a foolhardy one) in some communities.

Mutations:  Dermal Poison Slime

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

"M" is for "Moonatic"


No. Enc.:  1d4 (3d6)
Alignment:  Chaotic
Movement:  150' (50')
Armor Class:  6
Hit Dice:  11
Attacks:  3 (2 claws, 1 bite)
Damage:  1d6 / 1d6 / 2d6
Save:  L8
Morale:  10
Hoard Class:  XVIII, XXI, XXII
XP:  7,600

Moonatics are savage lupine humanoids that stand 6'-7' tall and weigh 450-550 pounds, and their shaggy, stark-white fur glows an unholy, phosphorescent yellow-green.  Despite their feral temperaments, their eyes burn with malevolent intelligence.

Combat with a moonatic is fraught with peril.  In addition to the carnage inflicted by their claws, teeth, and disorienting howls, their bite induces Confusion on a failed Saving Throw Versus Stun.  This effect lasts for 1d6 Turns.  Once a victim is Confused, the offending moonatic moves on to another target, hoping to spread the contagion to unafflicted foes.  The beasts then ghoulishly wait for the berzerk victims to injure or kill their fellows, and then rush in and devour dead and living alike.

Most settlements besieged by moonatics end up destroyed not by the creatures themselves, but by their own rampaging, infected citizens (often dubbed "mooniacs").

Furthermore, any Pure Humans, Mutant Humans, or mammalian Mutant Animals that lose more than 75% of their Hit Points to a moonatic's melee attacks—and survive, of course—must make a Saving Throw Versus Poison or transform into moonatics in 1d4 weeks.  There is no known treatment for this affliction, though some shamans and healers profess to know of elaborate cures involving rare herbs, strange chemicals, and Ancient nutrient supplements.  Unless a solution is discovered, Player Characters thus transformed are turned over to the Mutant Lord as NPCs.

On the three nights of the full moon, moonatics possess a Morale of 12.  [And in those particular Mutant Futures with "shattered" moons, moonatics always have a Morale of 12!]

For purposes of their Neural Telekinesis, all moonatics are considered to have a WIL score of 15+1d6, and they can move WILx20 pounds. 

Their distinctive glow prevents them from Surprising any opponents but those lacking visual senses.  And though their fur loses its radiance after death, it is still a sign of great martial prowess to wear garments made from their pelts.

Curiously, most moonatic packs make their lairs near ruined military installations, airports/starports, and aeronautic museums, or the wreckage of fallen satellites.

Mutations:  Bizarre Appearance (Luminous Fur) [D], Neural Telekinesis (x2), Shriek (Greater), Toxic Weapon ("Insanity Saliva")