Salah satu cinta gua adalah menyanyi dan ini satu aktiviti yang dah lama gua tak lakukan. Tetapi ahad lepas gua sempat melepaskan geram dan dendam gua dengan menyanyi lagu BAIK PUNYA CILOK di konsert gemilang Anugerah Era yang akan ditunjukkan hari sabtu ni,Jadi siapa yang berminat untuk melihat gelagat tiga jejaka pingitan freak out dan break it down, dijemput menonton beramai-ramai. Brader Awie tak dapat hadir so tempang sikitla but we had a great time nontheless. Ini ada berberapa gambaq time rehearsal.... gua ada rasa macam Mawi sikit pun ada. hee hee.
Nyanyi kodok jangan tak nyanyi!... Feeling tuu...
Bil letrik ERA pasti akan meletup bulan ni.
AC main kejo-kejo kat pentas
"Dengan ini saya ingin mengisytiharkan perkahwinan saya dengan Siti Nurhalimah!" - Datuk A
"Best jugak bontot tiga mamat kat depan ni!" - Mamat kat belakang
Bila tiga otai perasan muda.... sorang pun tak tengok rehearsal kitorang!! agaknya Mawi tengah press konferens kat sebelah kut.
Afdlin buat stail Jaclyn Victor
Macam dah kurus sikit penyanyi hensem ni!
Macam KRU pun ada jugak... terutama sekali Hans
And i forgot to say last month, but my blog is ONE YEAR OLD already and still going strong and i would like to to thank all my friends. fans, KODOKZ, curious net users, accidental readers etc for keepin the faith and allowing me to be myself in this world we call cyberspace. In my next entry i will detail my next year plans and you guys will know ahead of any press members... not that they seem to be interested, since my name is not MAWI and any chance of marrying Siti has gone up in smoke (i wish her all the best but she really doesn't know what she's missing. i have a saying " If you never tried obese, you won't know what you miss!! heehee). Anyway thanks again y'all and all together now....
Happy birthday to my blog... happy birthday to my blog... happy birthday to selamakodok!!!.... happy birthday to my blooooogggg!!!
hai afdlin shauki....saya ni peminat no1 awak tau....jom masuk myblog blogspot
hehe...aah la u all bertiga mcm KRU-
ac mcm edry...afdlin mcm norman and hans mcm yusry
KRU ke SKRU...
suma mmg otak tak pernah center...tapi genius....
CIP, ada ek korg perform? x nampak pun? masa bila? rasanya masa i tgk last week, mcm x de jer?
cip perform tak kuar tv kot.ahaks
Konsert Gemilang Anugerah Era akan disiarkan malam hari Sabtu yang akan datang - besoklah!
tak sabo nyer nak tengok u and the gang nyanyi..mesti MELETOP!!!!
yep..nampak cam abang afdlin dah lost weight.
saya juga salah seorang peminta no 1 afdlin shauki yg comel ..hahha
waiting for so long dat day juz to c u guys perform...break yg panjang time rakaman tu smpi mc annouce confirm u all perform cuma lmbt skit bersabar ye...errkkk ..suke punya psl kebas punggung pn tgu la...nway mmg best giler u guys nye performance lepas gian je gak si hans nyanyi...
uuuuu... this is my first time reading ur blog.. n i couldn't stop smiling and laughing! u've got a great gift!! u make people laugh, thoruhg ur writings, n action n words!! =)
btw, love ur new quote! hehe
appy best day tu yuuuuu~~~
appy best day tu yuuuuu~~~
oh blog kesayangan kuuu~~~
appy best day tu yuuuuu~~~
appy best day tu yuuuuu~~~
mudahan panjang umur penulis muuuu~~~
boleh la aku baca waktu aku 'blue'~~~
appy best day tu yuuuuu~~~
*tepuk *tepuk *tepuk
bukan blue yang haram tu la!
blue sedih/murung/tak happy.
superb writing!
darn cool. keep blogging.
hapy birthday to me happy birthday to me hehehehe my besday too.
I was in Redang celebrate besday underwater FUNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!
hepi besday hehehe
happy birthday to your blog, cip kodok! keep on singing, keep on being you, bob.
yalah.. dah mcm KRU..
Lepak.. lepak..
eh eh.. ye lah.. dah kurus sikit..
lepas ramadhan nih mesti lagi kurus!!
p/s Happy birthday to your blog!
heppi besday to your blog bro. eh cam ne u leh kecik balik bro.. bagi petua leh tak. hehehe
album baru bila nak kuar... ari tu FUYOO dah la tak dapat langsung
:-) ... tgk bro nyanyi tu teringat masa bro kat RAP dulu...
Afdlin, dasyat la performance korang!! Bleh la perform lagi lepas ni..
hahaha... dalam banyak2 yg cip post... yg nielah paling kelakar skali... ahahahaha... besh besh...
u go bro! I like! hah
tak kuar tv pun cip kodok perform masa anugerah era ari tuh ? untuk tontonan penonton di dewan saja ke ? atau terlalu sexy untuk siaran tv ?
i had fun reading your blog! keep it yup choco chip kodokz!
Alo Cik Kodok.... I award you as the most bubbly and entertaining male artist in M'sia! Funny by nature. Too bad kite pat S'pore takleh dpt tgk Anugerah ERA. Sob Sob... You take care! Continue blogging & stay yourself!
" If you never tried obese, you won't know what you miss!! heehee <<-- huarghahahaha I LIKE THIS statement
Just so u feel better, tak semua orang minat Mawi, and Mawi takde 1 yr old blog...or does he? Entah2 dia punyer 2 year old.. Wahahahahaha Sorry, couldn't resist it but do you feel better? And POWER TO YOU MAN! for attempting to brave the deep sea especially after that Steve Irwin unfortunate episode (he will be missed) and to live to tell all about it...with pictures some more! Especially like the one of Harith's wannabe (sea version). Haha
Nak kurus cara sihat?
Call 016-237 9111 (Alya) for more information.. Memang berkesan!
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