Showing posts with label love. Show all posts
Showing posts with label love. Show all posts

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Bragging on my man

Saturday, Ronnie and I were doing some "house-hunting" in an area where we might be interested in living. He got the new job in May - and well, life has been crazy since then, so, since he has the option of tele-commuting normally, we just haven't gotten serious about house-hunting.

Now, the search is ON!

So, we were just past this small town that is halfway between two cities that are acceptable in size - and looking at a nice little rental house. The rental house didn't seem to be what we were looking for, so, disappointed, we started driving back home.

As we were getting into town, we passed an older couple out trying to cut the grass. At first, it was cute, the little old man was pushing the lawn mower, and the little lady was standingback giving directions! Typical right?

Anyway, as we got closer, we realized he was down in the ditch next to the road... pushing the lawn mower with his left hand and supporting his weight on a cane with his right hand! As soon as we saw this, Ronnie told me to turn around.

I pulled up to the next turn place and we went back to see if we could help. I will be honest, I half expected them to either be offended, or at least be embarrassed that we would offer help. But Ronnie was committed. We got out of the car in their driveway, and of course they looked at us quite confused.

Ronnie just ran to the little man and asked him if he could help. The little man and woman came back to my car and talked to me while Ronnie cut their grass for them. Yep - that's my husband! With a huge heart towards helping people! In his polos and khacki shorts - - and his GOOD tennis shoes! Mowing the lawn... the thing he hates worse than anything in the world... just to help out an elderly couple we had never met before. Whoa! I love my husband! - for things like THAT!

We talked to them for a while. They loved to talk. She is 69, he is 74 and they have no kids. So, they have to take care of things themselves. They were hoping we would decide to get a house in the area so we can come back to visit them sometime. I don't think that house would have worked out - - but I do think we may stop by again sometime. Sometimes people just need to be shown a little love ya know?

As I was standing there, and the three of us were watching Ronnie mow their lawn - she looked at me and said "Ya know, you can just tell Christian love when you see it." I had not said anything about being a Christian up to that point. Of course, I looked at her and confirmed that we were, in fact, Christians.

Then, due to being in some serious conversations with a friend of mine of the last week. I have really been thinking about it. Although the church in general can be a tough place - - and people are never perfect - - and even the fact that Christianity as a religion can look like a whole lot of different things. When we are truly following Christ - and responding to people as HE would have us to do... yes, you CAN tell Christian love when you see it. It is unmistakable.

I just had to take a minute to brag on my man.

Monday, June 9, 2008


I am not good at writing these days. Life has kinda exploded on me.... However, I do want to mark one day... today - Ronnie and I have been married a YEAR! What a year it has been. In some ways, it has flown, and in others it has poked right along.... It has been a year of learning - (like how to live with a BOY in the house... sharing my stuff... etc. etc. ) a year of growing - (like growing up and being adults and all that boring stuff) a year of excitement (new job for him... multiple random jobs for me... politics, college professor, church musician, etc. etc.) a year of families... (from my brother and his year in Iraq, to his great grandmother who passed away back around Christmas)....

I have to say though, after the first year is past tense - God out did Himself in picking a man for me... that fits me better than I ever expected... that is more attractive than I ever could have desired... that takes better care of me than I ever knew was possible... that is more wonderful than I ever dreamed... no - life ain't perfect - it never is - but life is better with Ronnie than it ever was before - and the tough times are still tough, the sad times are still sad... but for this last year I have learned to lean on God more, by watching Ronnie lean on God more - and we have learned to trust - together...

The best part is that when we laugh, we laugh LOUD - we laugh LOTS - and we laugh often... its much more fun to laugh together!

Happy Anniversary to my best friend... my love.... my husband. I love you!

Friday, February 8, 2008

Ready for Weekend

This week has lasted forever! It seriously feels like its been FOREVER since I saw a weekend!! Oh well - it is coming tomorrow, AND tomorrow is Ronnie's birthday! So, I have had quite a time getting a brilliant idea about doing something special for his birthday that is kinda new - different from what we usually do - and something he would enjoy! I think I have a plan, but since I am not doing it until tomorrow, and I never know when he is going to decide to read my blog.... I am not talking about it today - maybe Monday.

On another topic. Our Christian radio station is called "KLove" - it is a nationwide Christian radio station that is based out of California (although some of the announcers are from texas I think). They have a station in our area. This V-day season, they have had a contest about love stories. They wanted people across the nation to send an email - 250 words or less - about their love story. So, I sent our in. It was TOUGH to get it down to 250 words, but hey - - what is there to lose?

Well yesterday afternoon, I get a call on my cell phone - it is the announcer from KLOVE. She said we are finalists! She recorded our conversation and then it was played on NATIONWIDE RADIO!!! OH MY GOSH!!! My heart was POUNDING when I was talking, and some of what I said was silly. However, it was fun to then call Ronnie and have him listen to it come over the air via telephone. AND we are in the running for the grand prize - which is having Matthew West write a love song based on our story - and sing it live on the air on V-day. I have never been a big fan of V-day... it used to be "single-awareness" day to me. However, this year - it could be really cool! (Last year wasn't bad either - Ronnie shipped me a box of V-day stuff while we were on the road in Missouri!)

Anyway - that was the excitement for yesterday... gotta run today.... gonna get to go shopping!