about adiWidget™

adiWidget™ is the pioneer for the static corner image widget for blogger. Developed since September 2007, the idea is now has been used by many other web developer. Instead of static png image, you can now add flash and gif image format in every corner of your blog. But the position of the image is still remain static at the corner of your page. It can be used to give the mood of your web with any image that you want. All of the items here are FREE! So, enjoy then... It is advised that you use the latest browser i.e IE7 and Firefox. adiWidget™ is not compatible with IE6 or below. Please READ the TUTORIAL if you want to know how to apply adiWidget™ in your site. If you have any questions, want to contribute images for adiWidget™ or anything personally, you are welcome to e-mail me at adiwira[at]gmail.com. Otherwise, please use my shout box.

Showing posts with label --Get Codes--. Show all posts
Showing posts with label --Get Codes--. Show all posts

How to Copy Image URL

Since there are many newbies to blog here so, I create a tutorial on how to get adiWidget's Image URL in my other blog. There are many cute images in this blog have no codes where you have to generate it by yourself.

Get the Tutorial Here: http://adiwira.blogspot.com/

adiWidget™ on Friendster

Do you know that adiWidget™ can also be enabled in Friendster?
Example: http://profiles.friendster.com/54025691

Only 5 steps required:

Hoola.... adiWidget™ is now available in your Friendster!!!

Tutorial adiWidget™

How to setup adiWidget™ in blogger:

0. Login to blogger
1. Click Dashboard
2. Click Layout for the blog that you want to add adiWidget™

3. Click edit HTML

4. Find < / body> in the HTML code. You can you use function "Find" in your browser.
5. Paste adiWidget™ code BEFORE < / body> See --Get Codes--

6. Save Template. Hoola!!!

How to set up adiWidget™ for non-blogger user?

1. Please make sure that you can have accessed to edit HTML. [Blogsome or Free Wordpress account don't have this facilities. So sorry about that :(]

2. Paste adiWidget™ code BEFORE < / body> tag.

3. Save and publish your site. Yabedabedu!!!

Get Codes

Copy & Paste the code below before the < /head > tag of your web if you want adiWidget™ to load first or before < /body> tag if you want it to load last:

Bottom Right Position

Top Right Position

Bottom Left Position

Top Left Position

Change the http://adiwidget.com/images/FOLDER-NAME/IMAGE-NAME.png to the image name that are available in this site. If you don't know the image name or image location of adiWidget™, just "right click" your mouse at the image and click "properties". Replace the image location to the appropriate adiWidget™ code.
If you have your own image, just change the http://adiwidget.com/images/FOLDER-NAME/IMAGE-NAME.png to your own image location. You can host your own image in googlepages.com, photobucket.com or any image hosting site. To avoid the limitation of adiWidget™ bandwidth, I really appreciate if you can copy adiWidget™ image and put at your own image location.

From now on, you can have multiple adiWidget™ at your site. Just paste 2 codes for 2 adiWidget™, 3 codes for 3 adiWidget™ and 4 for 4 adiWidget™.


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adiWidget™ Copyright © 2009 Flower Garden is Designed by Ipietoon for Tadpole's Notez Flower Image by Dapino