I would like to share another aspect of my life. My volunteering and activism. People who know me are aware of my staunch green living ethos and Vegan lifestyle. I am proud to raise a vegan three year old who is very kind and loving. He is a breastfed, cloth diapered baby who was introduced to solids via baby led weaning. All this came with its set of challenges but I am glad I did not give up when the going was tough.
This weekend went quite well, attended a workshop on nutrition and then met up with my Breastfeeding support group. This first week of August was declared World Breastfeeding Week. And I, being a part of the worldwide Breastfeeding network, would not miss my city based meetup.
I felt the need to be a part of this amazing peer networking support group due ot all the misinformation floating around the whole concept of breastfeeding. New mothers are fed a lot of myth and end up in a formula trap. My involvement in the network is to promote breastfeeding as nothing out of ordinary but as a natural and normal method to keep the baby fed. WHO recommends exclusive breastfeeding until the baby is 6 months old and then introduction of solids while breastmilk remains the primary source of nutrition in the first year. Breastfeeding comes naturally to a baby while it takes some learning for the mother. I highly recommend two books to every new mother/parent. My child wont eat by Dr Carlos Gonzales and womanly art of breastfeeding by La Leche League international.
So wishes to all new parents and parents to be. Happy Parenting and a wonderful breastfeeding journey
Pic: mine