Wednesday, June 20, 2012

At Almost 39 Weeks

I usually wait until about Thursday to do my weekly prego update, but since I was blogging and had my doc appointment, I figured I'd just do it. Plus I might not do it in time. I went in this morning and got to bring Adam with me again. That was really nice. I didn't want to go by myself. Thanks to wonderful Tamera willing to come hang with the kiddos early this morning. I went in and the wait was a little longer than normal due to a double booking. We knew it would be, so we didn't mind. He talked about me waiting for my body to do it's thing. I did ask about him stripping my membranes. I really would like to NOT get induced, and stripping sounds like a good option before I get to that point. I was willing to try. My last doc wouldn't do it with me having Strep B. This doc didn't understand why and talked to us about it in detail, and we felt good about it. (I have strep B again) He discussed stripping with us in detail, and I asked him to do it. He checked me and told me that I am at almost a five, and after I have it done and walk some, I'll probably be at a five. I'm hanging out at a five people. It's definitely the furthest along I've been. I went into the hospital with Ollie at a six. So it's kinda nice to know it's around the corner. He did like three swipes of stripping the membranes. I wish I could put into words what it felt like. I don't think I can. It felt like a grinding/rubbing feeling, and then almost like a pop. Ha! I don't know how to explain it. Painful? A little. Super uncomfortable? Definitely. Adam teased me that I might as well go into labor, cause I sounded like I was. I was a grunting my way through it, trying to be brave about it. Ha! Still last week checking the position of baby did hurt worse. So he told me to give it 8-12 hours for contractions to start if it worked. He said with how far along I am, he'd be super surprised if I didn't go into labor tonight. I'm really trying to not think about it, cause if I don't go into labor I don't want to stress about it. I am finally measuring right on with my weeks. No more worries about baby measuring big I guess. I guess that makes sense, cause I haven't gained a lot of weight lately. It's nice not having to worry about it. 

With so many people kinda "waiting" around to help us out, I feel like it's my body's fault that I haven't had this kid yet. I know that sounds super silly, I'm pregnant, and can't help it. I'm not even due yet, but it's tricky. If you were in my shoes, you'd feel the same. Ha. I think it's from people wanting updates and needing to be updated and asking why it's not here yet. Bleh. Gotta love it. Anyway, I guess we'll just hang out and see where tonight takes us. If we go nowhere, we'll try again next week. Wish us luck. I'd be okay having a baby, but if we wait, we wait.

Adam and Gabe have been super cute about "lecturing" the baby about coming. Gabe is excited, but doesn't quite get all of it still. She understands it's coming and what that means, but I wonder how much it will really change our lives. I think both my kids will be in for an eye opener when baby comes home. Ollie has been sleeping unnaturally bad the last few days, even for him. With naps as well. I hope he's not teething or getting sick. That would be our luck. Especially since I'll have to leave him with someone. It makes it super tricky, when we can't even get him to sleep well. I feel bad for whoever he gets left with. Sorry in advance. :) I hope he does okay. 

Adam says multiple time a day, "I just wanna know what it is." He told me one day, "I feel like it's Christmas Eve, but it doesn't mean that we get to open our presents in the morning." Ha! So true. We are all so excited to find out what this baby is. I'm so glad we did this and had this experience. It really is so fun to do. I also am so glad that we are all so in the dark about it. Even Gabe has started talking about it being a brother instead of a sister. We have come to the conclusion that I am outnumbered and am the only one thinking it's a boy. Even Ollie says girl when asked. :) I am usually wrong, so it'll probably be a girl, so I guess it all works out. Ha! Baby is around 20 inches and 7 pounds. Man that'd be nice if true. I wouldn't mind staying under 8 pounds this time. Baby keeps building fat to help control it's temperature when born. I'm being warned by my apps about post prego hormones. Gotta love em.

Our baby has started to not move a lot in the day, but moves ALL night. Gotta be honest, don't love that idea. Ollie came out that way and it was REALLY hard for us to adjust to an awake all night baby.  But hey, if I'm up with Ollie anyway, might as well have a party right?
Here is Daddy lecturing baby to come
Gabe is really cute when she talks to it
This kid has the hiccups whenever I lay down. So we tried to record it. It's not that great of a video. It really shakes my whole stomach though. So I figured I'd post what we did get. Kinda fun.   


Grandma Krissy said...

You are so close....keep me posted. Love you!

Katrina said...

When it happens, it happens and we'll all be thrilled. Maybe you should try to get some sleep so that if you are up all night you have some sleep in ya.

Travis Laurel said...

Yay Milo! Good job coming bud.