
Showing posts with label Christmas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christmas. Show all posts

Saturday, December 31, 2011

One last lil peek at Christmas....

I wanted to share a few more pictures of Carter and Coen's home from Christmas eve...

 Their stockings were hung....

 The tree was trimmed, and waiting for Santa...
The table was beautiful....

It was a wonderful Christmas...and a wonderful year, as I look back on it!

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas at Mr. and Mrs. Big Dog's home.

While I was at the newlywed's home yesterday doing some marathon gift wrapping, I remembered my camera and got a few pictures to share with you of some of their wonderful holiday decorating...
When you first enter through the front door, you are greeted by not one, but two beautiful, real, fresh cut trees within eye range. One in the living room, and one in the corner of the dining room.
There are plenty of eye candy details all the living room...

the dinging room... the kitchen too...

A live potted tree in the master...they plan on getting a live one each year to plant in their huge yard.
....And even the guest room boasts a tree, and lots of lil' sweet details....

You can't help but feel the Christmas spirit here...Merry Christmas eve, everyone! Hope you are having a wonderful holiday, shared with the people you love.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Winter Wonderland.

Nothing like a little snow to make things merry and bright for the holiday season....even if you don't live where there are real snowflakes falling outside! Mmmm hmmm, just use a few bags of fake snow, drizzled in handfuls over the twinkle-lit tree, and you're good to go.
Little details of mittens, and faux flocked boughs, old ice skates, and my personal favorites of the season, my little winter birds, complete the winter wonderland look. 
The giant cardboard letters (From JoAnn's Fabrics and Crafts...available in three sizes!) painted a weathered red, and be-decked with more snow were a fun touch showcasing our company initials...
A coworker friend provided a roaring fire for my big screen behind the fun is that?! 
A thrifted fake wood (plastic!) mirror, reinvented with a coat of white primer and adorned with flocked boughs anda lil' sweet snowman...
...changed the alcove from all business to a warm and welcoming spot in the room.(Sorry for the sort of blurry-out-of-focus-odd-angled picture!) The thing going across the mirror is the Winter Wonderland Banner's reflection.
Oh yes, people, it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

Monday, December 5, 2011

The merriment continues...

Can you guess what I will be doing with these pieces today? I'll be sharing pictures in my next post!

Friday, November 18, 2011

Spreading the Christmas love...with a lil' inspirational Give-Away!

Ohmygosh,People! A week from today many of you (by you, I mean not me) will have warmed up your car to head out shopping at 2:00 A.M. for all of those crazy-mad day after Thanksgiving holiday deals. The rest of you (by you, I mean me) will be recovering from eating far too much stuffing and cranberry sauce, enjoying my Christmas Playlist, and getting things holly-jollied around the house.

I came across this absolutely inspiring Christmas Book in my ginormous craft book stash when I was making my last move, and I decided to share it with you in a chance to win it as a Give-Away prize....(If I get any more inspired for holiday decorating than I already am, we won't be able to move around here.) 
The book is full of charming ideas and vintage charm, and I know you'll love it! Here's how the contest will work:

Leave a comment here finishing this sentence: My favorite way to spend the weekend after Thanksgiving is __________________. Be sure your comment links to an email address or include it in the comment. (I have to be able to contact you if you win!)

Link this contest blog post to your blog and/or FaceBook page and come back and post another comment sharing that link for a second/third chance to win!

I will announce the winner on Friday, November 25th in my blog post!  

Good luck! I know you are going to love the book!

I am so thankful for all of you out here in Blogland!(I know I already listed that on the first day, but I can't say it enough.

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