Showing posts with label paperwhites. Show all posts
Showing posts with label paperwhites. Show all posts

Friday, January 20, 2012

Paperwhites about to bloom

Paperwhites, week 4. Lucy Mercer/A Cook and Her Books

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In these dark days of winter, as mild as this winter has been, I long for the green stems and colorful blooms of spring. While the outdoors sorts out whether its truly winter or spring...

Daffodil blooming in January. Lucy Mercer/A Cook and Her Books

 I'll watch my paperwhites reach to the sun by my kitchen window. Here's what they looked like just 4 weeks ago, when I made paperwhite and daffodil pots for teacher gifts:

Paperwhite bulbs in gravel. Lucy Mercer/A Cook and Her Books

As I wait for spring, I remember what it was like last January, when our corner of Georgia was covered up in snow and ice. These are the views from my front porch in January 2011:
Sunset in the snow. Georgia. Lucy Mercer/A Cook and Her Books
Icicles on my front porch. January 2011. Lucy Mercer/A Cook and Her Books
 Text and images copyright 2012, Lucy Mercer.