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sábado, dezembro 06, 2008

A melhor frase de todo o sempre de hoje

Neste artigo sobre as relações entre sexo (como em "actividade sexual"), biologia e tecnologia com a guerra, vem esta pérola:

This behavior of intentionally gathering together and going out to kill members of our own species is an extremely rare behavior. Humans do it. Chimps do it. There is some evidence that wolves and hyenas do it. But it's pretty much a human and chimp innovation.

You have a very intelligent animal and a social animal. And when you're a social animal, all of the evolutionary pressures are toward living in a group. There are hierarchies. There are mechanisms for resolving disputes in nonlethal ways. That can all be summed up under empathy. But humans and chimpanzees, when they are fighting an out-group, have the ability to turn off the empathy. By turning that off, you dehumanize the enemy or dechimpize the enemy.

Outras citações semi-aleatórias já sem melhores frases de todo o sempre de hoje: Does the study of the bonobos, another close primate relative of humans who are noted for their peaceful behavior, add anything to the discussion of sex and war?
Hayden: I think it does. Chimpanzees and bonobos are sort of a Rorschach test for humanity. Do you see us as warring, meat eaters or vegetarian peace lovers who apparently solve all their problems by having sex?

(eu sei a resposta que gostaria que fosse a verdadeira)

Já agora, sobre os Bonobos, algumas citações interessantes, da Wikipedia:

Sexual intercourse plays a major role in Bonobo society, being used as a greeting, a means of conflict resolution, and post-conflict reconciliation. With the exception of a pair of Congoese gorillas observed doing so, Bonobos were thought to be the only non-human apes to have been observed engaging in all of the following sexual activities: face-to-face genital sex, tongue kissing, and oral sex.

When Bonobos come upon a new food source or feeding ground, the increased excitement will usually lead to communal sexual activity, presumably decreasing tension and allowing for peaceful feeding.

Ai meu Deus, estamos tão excitados!, paparoca boa!, paparoca boa!, temos que foder já todos!, temos que foder já!, paparoca boa!, paparoca boa!

Já agora, um aparte dirigido às nossas leitoras, só para eu testar aqui uma coisa: tive uma festa em minha casa e tenho taças cheias de vários doces no meu frigorífico. Gostava que viessem cá com as vossas amigas ver isso, só para eu tirar aqui uma dúvida.