Monday, August 31, 2015


Hazel went to the neighbors and returned home being carried and sobbing because she hurt her leg. I knew immediatly that she had broken her leg. Hazel had gotten a big bounce from one of her brothers. She did tell me that her leg bended weird.
It was to late to get into the doctors. So we waited until Monday morning to go. She got to ride in wheel chair to save my back. 
She even figured out how to move the wheel chair by herself. 
Definitely broken.
Her tibia was cracked all the way through. Her knee bent backwards. Yes, her leg bended weird for sure. She was squeezed into Dr. Bynum's schedule to get a cast.
Hazel knew exactly which color she wanted for her cast. 
And was very patient getting it on.
Hazel figuring out how to get around with this cast. 
It still hurt to much to walk on it. Dr. Bynum said when she is ready she will walk on it.

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Family Time

Saturday morning we met at the park for a family get together. 
The cousins got a game of missionary tag going.
Eventually most of the adults joined in the game.
Late at night Shale set a movie outside for the kids. 
Some of my brother, my parents and I

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Fun With the Cousins

We forgot to grab some shoes for Hazel when we packed. She got some great ones that were her favorite color.
We also went to the Rec Center for Kimball's basektball game.
Natalie and her cousin Tyler
Natalie, Hazel and Shaely
Hunter, Graham, Gavin, Tyler and Tanner playing some ball

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Idaho Bound

The kids and I headed to Idaho for my nephew Tanner's wedding.
Traveling by myself with all the kids went very well.
When we got to Idaho we headed to Steve and Kameka's.
Zhale snuggled with me and even fell asleep
Gretchen was in heaven because she got to ride a horse. 
Harrison got to ride too 
After Steve's we went back to Shale and Carmen's.

Monday, August 10, 2015

Pool Time

Safety first for Harrison!

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Spartan Race

Aaron loves doing the mud runs. 
This is his first Spartan Race. 
Gettting ready to start
And they are off. Aaron is in the middle at the front of the picture
This is part of the race I didn't get to see. 

Doesn't he look good?

This is where I was able to follow him through the race.
He couldn't get the sand bag up far enough so...
he had to do burpees
Then it was on to crawling under barbed wire. 
Naturally the have to do this in mud.
Finished with that
On to carrying a bucket half full of gravel up a super steep hill.
And back down the hill
There were some other obstacles that I couldn't catch up to him fast enough to take pictures. 
He had to go under a wall to get through this one. 
Back up a hill
On to monkey rings
Then climbing a rope.
And on to the finish line

Spartan Race completed!