Thursday, June 30, 2011

Go Fish!

Your never too young to play 'Go Fish'. While I was making dinner yesterday, Gavin entertained Hazel. I looked in the living room and he was playing 'Go Fish'. It was so cute. Gavin would hold the card up so she could move her hands. When she touched one that's the one Gavin got. It was so helpful to have her entertained.


When we got home from Seaside we had some visitors from Utah, Becky Petty and her son Matt. We had such a great time together. Becky wanted to come help me and be with us. She was a big help! I'm so grateful for her. Wish we were closer to each other.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Counts Checked

Yesterday morning we had Hunter's counts checked. I got a call from Doernbecher not to long after that. Hunter's platelets were at 5. They had gone up but were still too low. He needed another transfusion. The nurse, Katie, offered to see if Hunter's pediatrician would okay Hunter getting the platelets here in town.
Thankfully, she did and we drove 10 minutes to the ambulatory clinic in town. About an hour and a half later we were back home.
What a blessing to have been able to do that in town.
Hunter is feeling better today. His energy comes and goes but at least it's coming back.
His last treatment of this phase is Thursday. It's a quick chemo. Then the next Thursday we are on to Maintenance!!
It seems like such a long time to get here. But so grateful to be here.

Hunter Update

Friday we headed from Seaside to Doernbecher. Hunter had to be admitted because his appointment was so late. He needed blood and platelets. There just wasn't enough time to do those before the clinic closed. Also his temp was 100.4. That the magic number to be admitted. His ANC was 0.7. Hemoglobin was 4. Platelets were 1. All very low.
Fortunately we had every thing that they needed to be over night. The rest of the kids and I headed home. While Aaron and Hunter stayed at Doernbecher.
They had to be in isolation because Hunter had a cough. I'm pretty sure his cough was from allergies.
The boys got home Saturday around 5:30 p.m. Hunter had 3 blood transfusions and 1 platelet transfusion. His fever went down. They were both so excited to be home. Thank goodness for Aaron's parents for picking them up. I'm not sure if the kids would have like getting back into the car again.
The doctor told us to get Hunter counts checked in town on Monday. This was to make sure his counts were coming back up.


After Harrison's appointment on Tuesday we headed to Seaside. Aaron had a conference there so we tagged along. The kids love the carousel in Seaside.

Harrison was not allowed to ride on any of the animals because he could fall. He was happy to sit on the bench.

Graham wanted to ride an ostrich. I'm not sure where that came from but he was able to do that.

Gavin opted not to ride the carousel because of the clowns on it. These jesters really creeped him out. This is a new development we have learned on the trip. Gavin is not a fan of clowns. Who knew?

Gretchen rode near to Graham. She had fun even though it wasn't a really horse.

Aaron took Gretchen and Gavin on the 'Tilt a Whirl'. No pictures from that because Aaron was on the ride with them. The kids loved it. They kept talking about how fun it was. After that they headed to the bumper cars.

No need to say if they enjoyed it. You can tell by their faces.
Hunter wasn't feeling so good during this trip. He had just finished his last at home chemo a couple of days before. His counts were falling. Which leads to him not feeling so well. He came with us on some things but his head would start to hurt. He spent a lot of time in the hotel room.
We did so many fun things. I wasn't very good about taking pictures because I had my arms full with Hazel. We couldn't have asked for better weather.

Sunday, June 26, 2011


...maybe a little too much for this mom's comfort.
Tuesday we headed to Legacy Emmanuel Hospital for Harrison it was time for the three pins he had in his elbow to come out. When we got there Hunter and I stayed in the van so I could feed Hazel. Hunter wasn't feeling so great and just wanted to take it easy.

Aaron took the rest of the kids in and this is what I saw when they came out. I was and am not thrilled about him not having anything to protect his arm. The doctor said he wasn't supposed to be on play sets, swings, climbing, running, anything that he could fall doing. I'm not sure this doctor quite gets this kid. It doesn't take much for him to get hurt.
I have been on him about running in the backyard. Harrison just doesn't know how to slow down.
His break is 85-90 percent healed right now. He goes back to the doctor in 2 months and then hopefully never again. Luckily it's summer and he is home all of the time and I don't have to worry about him at school.
There is never a dull moment with this kid.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Getting Harder

Hunter has hit the hardest part of treatment. He has been really tired these last couple of days. Friday Aaron took Hunter up for treatment. It was a little longer because Hunter's platelets were very low, 15. He got platelets after his chemos. His other numbers were all right. ANC was 1.4 and Hemoglobin was 9.9.
With his ANC getting lower we have been finding food that helps increase white cells. Carrots were on the list. When I suggested carrots he perked right up and said that it actually sounded good.
Starting yesterday Hunter's appetite has diminished. So to see him excited about something to eat was great. Hunter is drinking more water too.
We are prayerful that he will get through this part of the phase better than the last time. At least it's summer and he doesn't have to worry about school work and missing out on things and school.
There are just two more weeks until Hunter is in Maintenance. We are all so excited!


Gavin came to me complaining that he couldn't eat breakfast. I was nursing Hazel and couldn't pull the tooth out. I jokingly told him just to pull it out. Reaching in his mouth, Gavin yanked his tooth out. He promptly put it in a bag and eat breakfast. Gavin couldn't have been more proud of himself.
On a side note: Yesterday I had gone into the family room and couldn't believe what a pit it was. There were toys covering almost the whole floor. I commented to the kids that we were going to so a quick clean up in just a little while. I feed Hazel and cleaned up after dinner. Then headed upstairs to get the kids going on the family room. Much to my surprise Gavin had cleaned the whole room by himself. I was beyond surprised. Gavin is always complaining about cleaning up. I was so proud of him. He had a huge grin on his face the rest of the night.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

6 Weeks

Two weeks ago Aaron was able to bless Hazel in church. She wasn't very happy because I had to stop feeding her for the blessing. Aaron laid her horizontally in his hands so the other brethren could hold her too. She instantly started screaming. Hazel screamed the whole blessing. Aaron kept his composure and the blessing was wonderful. As soon as Aaron was done with he blessing he set Hazel up vertically and she stopped screaming. Afterwards Aaron said he should have just held her that way.
A little glimpse of our Hazel. She does love to assert herself. And wants us to know that things are not to her liking.

We are also seeing more and more of her sweet personality.

In these pictures she is 6 weeks old.

Our family is so happy and grateful to have her in our family.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Chemo at Home

During the second half of this phase of treatment Hunter has chemo at home. On Sunday we finished it up. Next week he will have one more. Then there are only two more weeks until this phase is done. It's on to Maintenance after that.

Gretchen helping with Hazel while I'm giving Hunter his chemo.

Hunter is doing great so far on this phase. We really hope it continues.
His hair is falling out again. Saturday night Aaron buzzed it because Hunter had pulled out the hair in one spot until it was bald. He said it was itchy. It felt better to pull out the hair. His hair looks much better with it buzzed. It's not as itchy either Hunter says.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Still Moving Forward

Hunter passed counts on Wednesday to continue on with chemo Thursday. Yesterday was a long day. Hunter, Hazel and I left town at 8:30 a.m. We didn't get home until 7 p.m. Hazel did very well.
Hunter did well with all of the chemo he got yesterday. Hunter had to be hydrated before getting one of his chemos. And after getting it he had to be hydrated for four hours. Luckily we had a great nurse that asked if he could drink some of his hydration. He could. All he had to drink was a bottle of Gatorade. We got out of there two hours early.He also has chemo at home for the next 3 days. He is really tired today but feeling good.

Sick Boys

Yesterday while Hunter, Hazel and I were at Doernbecher, Graham went to the Stenson's. Stacey gave me a call around 3:30 p.m. to tell me that Graham had a 102 fever. I felt horrible for not being able to be there for him and also potentially infecting their family right before Stacey has a baby. She was so sweet with him and took great care of him. I'm pretty sure it is Hand, Mouth, Foot Disease. We had the Jones here on Sunday and the next day Tiffany realized that two of her kids had it.
Graham's fever is gone but does have a sore throat and will probably get bumps on his hands and feet next. He is in great spirits, though.

Harrison woke up this morning super excited about Kindergarten Promotion. They have been practicing songs that they are going to sing. I've heard Harrison singing them so much I could sing along with the classes.
When Harrison sat down to eat his cinnamon toast, he said,"Mom, I'm not really that hungry. My stomach kind of hurt." Then he realized he wasn't going to school. Yes, the tears did flow. Can you blame the poor guy? He is sitting on the couch complaining about his tummy hurting off and on.
The Jones had their youngest get sick to her stomach in the car on the way back to their Grandma and Grandpa's. Ella seemed to get over hers quickly. Hopefully the same will happen with Harrison.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Make Room For Baby

I got the bunk beds set up yesterday. This is in preparation for Hazel joining the boys in their room. The plan had been to put her in with Gretchen. Gretchen has a queen bed and it is the guest bed when we have visitors. Hazel would be out of a bed too in that case. So we switched up the plans and she is movin' in with the boys. Harrison and Graham are so excited to have the bunk bed. Notice who we are keeping on the ground.