Yesterday we ventured to Albany. We've been meaning to get to Target so the kids could buy gifts they wanted for each other. The kids draw names so it's not as crazy getting gifts for everyone.
Hunter is in need of a bigger church shirt. I've looked so many places and can't find a white shirt. We stopped at Kohl's and I ran in and Aaron stayed with the kids in the car. The parking lot was full and it was raining. I came out of the store with no shirt in hand, not a white shirt to be found in Hunter's size.
Aaron tried starting the van and click, click is all we heard. A couple more tries and still the same thing. Aaron checked to see if we had our jumper cables. We've had them in there for months. Of course now that we needed them they weren't there. Aaron said a prayer and the car next to us pulled out and the car that pulled in was my Dad's cousin Oni and family.
While they shopped Aaron ran to Kmart to get jumper cables. Oni and Keith jumped the car and we headed to Battery Exchange to get a new battery. The battery was changed and we found our that the alternator is great. Thank goodness because that would be more money.
We headed to eat something and then over to Old Navy. After Old Navy we got in the fan. It didn't even turn over. Luckily we had seen Flavius and Tiffany in Old Navy and they came to jump our car again. It didn't work. We pushed the car back into the parking spot and I was going to show Aaron the different messages that the van was showing. I then tried to start it and it started right up.
We headed home after this. We still didn't make it to Target. I think we had all had it.
I'm so grateful that we were watched over and protected. Our answer to pray really makes me realize how close our Heavenly Father is and how much he really does care for us.