Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Christmas PJ's

Every year I make pajamas for the kids. This year was no different except, I also made extra bottoms. The kids like to wear the flannel bottoms with T-shirt. I also made Aaron some flannel bottoms a first. In total I made 5 complete jammie sets. That's the tops and bottoms. Then I made 11 bottoms on top of that. It really didn't take that long. I do all of the same stitches and buttons at the same time. Instead of doing on pair at a time. Good thing I like to sew.

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve we were luck to have the Coles, the Hales, Aaron's parents and Cadee and Shannen and some friends the Filmores. We had of course great food and great company. It is such a fun time to be together.The kids waiting to see what Grandma has for them.

Grandma trying to figure things out.

Everyone enjoying the festivities.

Alice playing us a tune.

The kids opening up the loot.

Shannon and her oldest son Kyle.

Graham opening up his pj's.

Obviously not to impressed. Harrison had a similar reaction. He said, "Aw, jammies, boring." Then he promptly ran upstairs.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Littlest Pet Shop Collection

Gretchen loves Littlest Pet Shop. She has been collecting them for a couple of years. I think most girls love these.I have to admit they are so cute. Aaron and I went to a wedding reception last night. Lydia and Jared watched the kids for us so we could a have a date. When we arrived home this is what we found upstairs. It was so cute and pretty amazing that Gretchen has so many of these.

I had to get some closer shots.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Car Troubles and Prayer

Yesterday we ventured to Albany. We've been meaning to get to Target so the kids could buy gifts they wanted for each other. The kids draw names so it's not as crazy getting gifts for everyone.

Hunter is in need of a bigger church shirt. I've looked so many places and can't find a white shirt. We stopped at Kohl's and I ran in and Aaron stayed with the kids in the car. The parking lot was full and it was raining. I came out of the store with no shirt in hand, not a white shirt to be found in Hunter's size.

Aaron tried starting the van and click, click is all we heard. A couple more tries and still the same thing. Aaron checked to see if we had our jumper cables. We've had them in there for months. Of course now that we needed them they weren't there. Aaron said a prayer and the car next to us pulled out and the car that pulled in was my Dad's cousin Oni and family.

While they shopped Aaron ran to Kmart to get jumper cables. Oni and Keith jumped the car and we headed to Battery Exchange to get a new battery. The battery was changed and we found our that the alternator is great. Thank goodness because that would be more money.

We headed to eat something and then over to Old Navy. After Old Navy we got in the fan. It didn't even turn over. Luckily we had seen Flavius and Tiffany in Old Navy and they came to jump our car again. It didn't work. We pushed the car back into the parking spot and I was going to show Aaron the different messages that the van was showing. I then tried to start it and it started right up.

We headed home after this. We still didn't make it to Target. I think we had all had it.

I'm so grateful that we were watched over and protected. Our answer to pray really makes me realize how close our Heavenly Father is and how much he really does care for us.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Snow Day #3

The kids once again had a snow day. This is great because we have now more guessing about if there is school tomorrow or not. It is officially Christmas break, or Winter break, whatever.

This is what we woke up to this morning. I know it doesn't seem like much. Corvallis doesn't do much to the roads, except maybe some gravel if we're lucky.

More of the beautiful morning.

I will never get tired of seeing snow.

I thought this was neat with the moon still up and it was 7:30 or 8 am.

The kids ventured outside. Finally some snow that would pack. Graham stayed inside with me.

More making snowballs.

Gretchen coming to help the boys.

More fun!

The finally result-Snoopy.

Hunter wanted to take a picture up close before Snoopy melted.

It has snowed off an on all day. I guess we had better get some snow clothes. The last 3 years we have had snow. Who would think living in Corvallis.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Snow Day

Harrison and Graham making their tracks.
Today the kids and Aaron had a snow day. We knew before we went to bed last night. So we were able to sleep in a little.
Graham trying to figure out the snow and how to walk in it.

Still figuring it out.

Standing still is much easier.

Hannah (friend and neighbor) pulling Gretchen.

Hunter pulling Harrison.

Hunter pulling Harrison and Graham.

Graham just relaxing. He is closing his eyes because he is getting snow kicked in his face.

Aaron pulling the boys.

The kids and Mary's Peak in the back.

And they're off!

More Aaron pullin' the boys.

Aaron gained another sled to pull. Sam (friend and neighbor) and Gavin wanted a ride.

Another rider climbing on. Joe (an other friend and neighbor) wanted a ride too.

Doesn't that look like fun.

Three happy boys.

One more rider add. Garrett another friend and neighbor.
It was so cold outside. We lasted longer than I thought we would. There was a bit of an arctic breeze making it much cooler than it usually would be. Afterwards we headed inside for some hot chocolate and playing with the neighbors. We had 4 of the neighbor boys over. What's a couple more boys when you have 4 of your own, right? Gretchen headed to the Dezzani's with Hannah, no boys there. Since they all came to our house. Sounds like a good place for the girls. It has been a fun day!

Christmas Decor

We decorated our house about 2 weeks ago. Gretchen was very eager to get the nativities set up.
The boys didn't care much about anything once the nutcrackers came out.

Graham loves the tree of bells.

The view of the piano and windows behind.

The piano.

Our tree and Graham saying cheese because the camera is pointing in his direction.

The tree with decorations that change daily if not more often.

Our mantle. So exciting that we have one. I know that there is an extra stocking. That doesn't mean there is another Hale coming soon. We just didn't have many choices of stocking hangers with seven. And you can't spell peace without the "e" on the end.

The whole fireplace.
We had such a great time decorating the house. It was like Christmas when we opened up the boxes of Christmas decorations because we bought some new things last year at the end of the season. Sometime I'll take a picture of the house and lights.