Tuesday, October 23, 2007


Hunter climbing the rock wall at Dick's sporting goods in Salt Lake.
Gretchen climbing.

Gretchen went higher than Hunter and Matt.
On our visit to temple square this summer we were taking a short cut through Dick's sports. They have a cool rock wall there. Our friends son, Matt, really wanted to climb the wall. The older kids were so excited to do it. Gavin also wanted to do it but wasn't quite tall enough. Our cameras battery died right before we got here. So thanks Becky and Tim we have these pictures. Just wanted to share a another fun thing the kids got to do this summer!

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Amy and the Boys

A friendly game of North Carolina Rummy ( sorry it's a bit blurry)
Coby and his pumpkin
Kennan and Harrison eating some veggies and ranch.

We loved the time that we had to spend with Amy, Coby and Kennan. It's amazing how little time it takes for the cousins to get back into palying with each other. Of course the time flew by and they had to get back to Arizona. We missed see Chris. Hopefully we can go to see them soon!

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Pumpkin Carving

Gavin excited about using a somewhat sharp object to cut into something.

The boys getting very creative. (Coby, Ian, Hunter and Gavin dancing in the back.)
Still working on their masterpieces.
Gretchen doing some fine work.
After they had time to play together, they still had some things they wanted to do to their pumpkins. (Harrison and Kennan are at the bottom left hand corner.)
The final result.
This is actually after I finished their pumpkins. I need to get a picture of what they added to theirs.
Dawn, Aaron's sister, had a pumpkin carving party at their house this weekend. Since their sister Amy and her boys were her from Arizona, Dawn wanted to do something fallish for them. It was such a wonderful time. We had soups, chili, cornbread, pumpkin muffins and cornbread. Doesn't that say fall to you. The cousins had a wonderful time together. We miss them already!

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Flag Football

Hunter had his first flag football game yesterday. He had a great time. I know that the picture is somewhat blurry. Hunter was trying so hard to catch he pass, maybe next time.
The younger boys weren't so into the game. Aaron was playing their own game.
There was something interesting in the grass. We had a good time watching Hunter play. Here's to a more Saturdays watching Hunter and his friends.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

7 months already

Since we didn't have a camera when Graham turned 6 months. I decided to get some pictures of him today. I can't believe it's been 7 months already. He is closer to 1 than being a newborn. Crazy! He is such a sweet little boy and we can't get enough of him. He is starting to get up on his hands and knees. That makes me a little nervous. He's already on the move with army crawling, but real crawling is so much faster. Even when he's sitting he doesn't hold still for long. He's gotta keep up with all the other kids.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

What a week...

And is it really only Wednesday? I feel like I've been doing enough to have taken up the whole week. Hunter started violin lessons again, this week. He really enjoys it. His face is beaming after lessons every time. He also has scouts today. We've had a couple of weeks off. So we need to get back into the swing of that. Gretchen started piano lessons again. Since having Graham, Hunter and Gretch have been so patient about piano. I'm trying to teach them what I know, which isn't much. Aaron has had to step in a bit with Hunter. He's starting to pass me up in his piano skills.

In our ward, my calling is the Compassionate Service leader. One of my duties is getting dinners together for families after funerals. This week is one of my first such duties. I'm not good at knowing how much food is sufficient for a certain amount of people. That has been another struggle this week. I think I'm finally figuring it out, with the help of our Relief Society president and another friend in the ward. I'm grateful for this calling because I get to see first hand how willing members of our ward are to help out and serve whenever needed.

I hope I don't seem like I'm complaining that is not my intent. I'm just realizing how grateful I am to have the spirit with me and to know I'm not alone when I feel like I'm swimming upstream.

Monday, October 1, 2007

Current pictures of the kids

Two happy boys

It's hard to keep Graham from getting the kids' toys. They don't realize it's only just begun.

Three happy boys

Gretchen eating a snack after school.

Hunter reading the first Harry Potter Book. He is really enjoying it.