Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Happy Birthday!!

It's Hunter's 19th Birthday today!
I'm so grateful for him. He is a thoughtful, hardworking, patient, kind, faithful, caring, funny and a fighter! 
He is so many other things too. 
Hunter has been in Tampa, Florida for the last 6 months serving the Lord and the people there. We miss him a ton and love the example he is setting for the rest of us. (Yes, I'm getting choked up and teary as I type this.) He was so excited to serve a mission and never had a second thought about going. Hunter couldn't wait to get out and serve. The people he has met have impacted him in so many ways. 

Thursday, January 12, 2017

First Tooth

Hazel lost her first tooth. She also pulled it out her self. She didn't want anyone else to touch. Hazel is one tought lady!

He's 12!

 We celebrated Harrison's 12th birthday today. I really can't belive it. 
 Harrison  loves to entertain. 
 Being the center of attention is not for him. At least that is what he says. Don't believe him for a minute. 
 A brighter book light

 Harrison loves this gift, as do the rest of the kids. 

 Fianlly a bike that fits him. 

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Snow Day!

We woke up to snow coming down and a two hour delay. 
The delay turned out to be a cancelled day of school. 
Hazel is feeling better. Gavin is on the mend too. We have been working on Harrison's diorama for Greek Fest. It's been a good day to be home. 
Aaron did have to go into work but is getting so much done,

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

We've Been Hit

by a stomach bug.

 Hazel woke up yesterday morning with an icky tummy. Later that morning she did get sick to her stomach. We knew that she wouldn't be going back to school after Christmas break yet. This was her after taking the kids to school. She slept for a couple hours. A couple more naps were taken throughout the day. She won't be going to school tomorrow either. 
Gavin was kind enough to stay home with Hazel. He woke up this morning with the same icky tummy Hazel has. He went right back to bed after we said family prayers before Gretchen headed to seminary. He has been sleeping most of the day too. 

Saturday, December 31, 2016

The Kid is 14! What?!

 Gavin is happy to be 14! 

First order of business as a 14 year old is going to his first Stake Dance. He had great company to go with too.
Happy Birthday!!

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Bowling Cousins

We met Dawn, Alice and Carter at the bowling alley. Harrison, Graham and Hazel were so excited to spend some time with cousins. They had such a great time!