Showing posts with label landscape. Show all posts
Showing posts with label landscape. Show all posts

Friday, March 15, 2013

Color Value landscapes

This project turned out better than I hoped. A few weeks ago, I had the kids paint 4 sheets of paper with dark-light versions of a color. Most people chose purple, blue or green. Those had to dry, so we picked it up a couple weeks later.

This lesson involved both color value and the idea of perspective and how distant objects are usually less complex looking and lighter. The kids had to layer their painted papers from light at the top to dark at the bottom. The way they chose to cut and overlap also had to attempt to get sharper and more complex shapes in the foreground and softer shapes in the background.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Week 17: Warm, Cool, Foreground, Background

This week with the  3rd and 4th graders I did a oil/chalk pastel project.  My instructions included explaining a bit about warm and cool colors and having them use those shades to make a make-believe landscape, utilizing foreground in one color range and a background in the other.

My examples were a warm sunset sky with cool foreground hills, or a night sky with warm foreground.  I had them use black paper for dramatic effect.

Many kids decided to be a bit more illustrative and draw other elements, but many ended up with some interesting abstract looking images.