Monday, December 29, 2014

December Happenings

December has flown by as it usually does and I'm sorting through a ton of pictures trying to put it all in writing. We've done so many fun Christmas things this month!

Alli's choir had a concert at the Festival of Trees.  I decided last minute to check my other girls out of school.  We got to see all the trees and displays, and they all tried out the bubble machine.  They all loved it except Cooper, who was excited for it until the guys pulled the bubble up around him.  His face in the picture kills me -- I want to sweep that cute face up and kiss it.

Every December we go to Provo Towne Centre and eat at Red Robin with my free birthday burger coupon.  Sometimes I don't know why we do it, but it's wasn't our favorite experience this year, but taking Cooper to a restaurant right now just isn't the most peaceful thing.  :) 

Taking the kids to see the elves at Gardner Village is definitely one of my favorite traditions.  And this year was even more wonderful because of the unseasonably warm weather we had.  Usually we are bundled in coats, hats, and gloves, but this year we were taking off layers instead.  I can handle winter like that!  Most of December most definitely seemed more like Santa Rosa than Utah.

Alli, Holly, and I had the amazing opportunity to volunteer at the Alpine Living Nativity.  A family in our ward puts this on every year.  Alli begged me to sign us up this year, and I did so hesitantly but I'm so glad I did!  We spent our 3 1/2 hours in the barn, playing mancala and doing a yarn/weaving rotation. I snuck my girls and a couple other neighborhood kids out for a few minutes so we could walk through the whole nativity.  It's such a beautiful scene and even though I know it's all just actors, I feel such profound peace and love when I turn the corner to see Mary, Joseph, and baby Jesus.

One night when Alex was gone we threw our pajamas on and drove to see the Holiday Lights at Thanksgiving Point.  I love living so close to that place!  Cooper was too tired to get out, but we drove by the reindeer after, then came home for hot chocolate after. Success!

I am so so grateful that these boys have each other.  I couldn't love them more.

We had the Robinson Family party one Saturday morning, hosted this year by Liz.  We had a delicious breakfast, white elephant gift exchange, Minute to Win It Christmas edition, and a surprise visit from Santa!

This is totally out of order, but here was our Christmas Eve group.  We had risengrot, dinner, read Luke 2, and had Grandpa read The Night Before Christmas.  It was a great night and loved having everyone there.

Grandpa and Grandma gave this fun sand stuff to Brynne for Christmas.  It's been a fun toy for all the kids, and I've even dug my hands in, too!

Nerd boy Tyson.  :)

Look at these angelic faces all ready for church.  Too bad the whole angelic thing didn't stick around once we got to church.  These two were conspiring to make things difficult during sacrament meeting.  Their little plan worked.  I really hate when Alex isn't at church with me!

Alli was very surprised to get an Arsenal backpack for Christmas.  She was so excited that she was upstairs, backpack on, ready to go an hour and 40 minutes before her game on Saturday.

My Bedstemor gives a teddy bear to each of her great-grandkids when they're born.  We took a picture of my kids with their teddy bears to send her for Christmas this year.

Alli found out that she advanced from the Lehi PTA Council level to the district level.  She had an awards ceremony across town.  We are so proud of her!

Alli with her awesome principal Mr. Becker.  We think he's fantastic!

The girls had their piano recital and they all did so well!  This was Brynne's first one and you would never know she was nervous.  She memorized her song and was fearless!

Holly practiced her song relentlessly the week of the recital and her hard work paid off.  She did such a great job!

The piano teacher said she's never had a student get as far as Alli.  They usually quit before they get to that level.  We are a little unsure what's ahead with this teacher but I guess we will find out together.  :)


The Christmas sing-along at the school!

"Snow!  Snow!  Snow!"  He's significantly more excited about the change in weather than I am.

And it's nearly impossible to get a candid shot of him...he always sees the camera and says "cheese!"

We are missing Alex and Holly who are off adventuring in North Carolina.  It sure looks like they're having a great time!

And of course, Christmas happened too, but that gets a separate post another day.  :)

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