Monday, October 28, 2013

Monday 10

1. We woke up to the most amazing leaves covering our yard.  I love Fall.  Even the kind of cold, windy Fall days like today.
2.  Last week Tyson and I had fun with leaves while we waited outside for Brynne to come home.  We picked leaves of all colors from around our yard.

3.  Then we just had fun playing...

4.  The soccer season ended on Saturday.  Alex and I were desperate for Brynne to have some sort of contact with the ball on the last game of the season, so we both bribed her.  She not only touched the ball, she scored!  Twice!  The first one was kind of a mess of kids and, to be honest, I couldn't tell if it was her or a teammate that actually kicked it in, but her coach ran over and cheered for Brynne, so I will believe him!  But the second goal was awesome.  She controlled the ball from midway through the field all the way to the goal!  So she earned a movie (we all went and saw Turbo after - so cute!) and $1.50.  Not bad!  Alli and Holly both played well.  Holly also scored 2 goals!
5. Tyson and I went to Kindermusic this week.  He loves it and is really animated there (as usual) which makes it really fun for me.  Cooper comes with us and hangs out and smiles.  
6.  On Tuesday we went to the Gardners for our annual Halloween dinner.  We changed it up a little this year and the kids played Halloween bingo and decorated cookies.
7.  On Friday Alex and I got a babysitter and went to dinner and saw "Saratov Approach".  I highly recommend it!  We haven't gone on a date in awhile, so it was especially nice to get out.
8.  Today Tyson said "Mom, you're so happy and cute.  So, so cute."  Who wouldn't want to hang out with him?
9. Tyson has been so cute with Cooper lately.  Today he begged me not to put him down for his morning nap.  And when Cooper finally woke up from that nap, he ran in and turned the toy bucket upside down so he could read him a book.  
10.  The craziest news of the week is that I was called to be the Primary President in our ward.  I am looking forward to the adventure!  And definitely excited that I get to hang out with my kids (and a lot of other kids!) every Sunday.  

1 comment:

  1. What a busy, crazy week! And with your new calling, things are about to get a lot busier. Soccer season may be over, but basketball is here, and busy busy busy! Awesome for Brynne to do so well in soccer on her last game! And a little reward, aka "bribery," never hurt anyone.
