Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Baby, baby!

Life with a new baby is always interesting. I've learned that Brynne hates sleeping flat on her back. The first night home I ended up sleeping with her on the recliner. Last night she put up a fight for the first 4 hours of nighttime, so we put her in her carseat and she slept for the next 4 hours. I really don't want to get into a habit of letting her sleep in her carseat at night, but I'm not so rational at 3:00 in the morning. She has been a sweet baby so far. I hate putting her down at all during the day because she just snuggles with me. It's been nice to have my mom here this week, and I'm taking advantage of her being here and holding Brynne all day long while she takes care of the other girls.

I hate to sound like a total sap, but I am so grateful for my family. We were having Family Home Evening last night, and Alex was playing with Alli and Holly while I was holding Brynne. I was so overwhelmed with gratitude for all the blessings I have: a very supportive, wonderful, helpful and caring husband who goes out of his way to make sure I'm taken care of, and 3 beautiful children who I love more than I can say. They make my life so amazing, and I'm so thankful for all of them.

Okay, sap over. Here are some pictures from the last few days:

Brynne hanging out in her carseat with her frog blanket she got at the hospital for being a Leap Year baby.

Brynne with my Grandma, who my kids call Mambo.

Who couldn't love this face? This girl makes me laugh.

It took us 3 days, but this is our first family picture. Maybe I'll have makeup on for the next one!

Allison loves holding Brynne. This picture makes me smile.

Okay, so Brynne wasn't enjoying this one so much. By the way, aren't these purple princess pajamas so cute? My mom brought these for the older girls.

I was trying to catch her with her eyes open, but I think the flash startled her.

This was the activity part of FHE. Looks fun, huh?

Cute daddy.

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