Showing posts with label Fashion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fashion. Show all posts

4 Gifts 2015 {Wear}

I'm hooking up with Alyson M for her "4 Gifts" series. 
If you are visiting from the link up, Welcome.

It's week three, and today is all about "Wear". This subject in the "4 Gift" series can get a little out of hand if you are not careful. Some years our "wear" turned out to be pajamas. Some years it's coats. One year it was tiny velour track suits. This year our "wear" is going to be Vans. The kids have been asking for Vans for months now. We were going to go that route for Back to School, but never got around to visiting the Vans store here in town. I’m always leery of buying shoes online, because as my luck has it, they usually don’t fit. So I skipped out on the Vans then, but not now… 

While I was preparing this post, I spent some time on Polyvore and time got away from me. At one point I had added twenty pair! Crazy right? I love Vans and I love the patterns and colors that can capture just about any one's style. The new Disney collection is amazing, but I will always be a sucker for animal prints and cats. Yes, there is a cat pair in that picture! I'm also a classics kind of girl and think that I'll need to reinvest in the classic checkerboard slip-ons of my youth. My girls would love any of these, but if I had to choose for them, I'm pretty sure Caitlin would get the cats pictured on the bottom, and Mackenzie would choose the princess hi tops. 

4 Gifts 2015: Wear

Today's post is short and sweet because as you are reading this it's Thanksgiving. I'll be shopping for Van's similar to this, eating Paleo Apple Crisp, and being a couch potato for most of the day. Have a Happy Thanksgiving friends and be sure to stop by Alyson's blog for the "4 Gifts" giveaway. Check it out below!

Christmas Giveaway!
$165 Target Gift Card  ||  $25 World Market Gift Card  ||  Lace Arm Warmers - Forgotten Cotton  ||  Personalized Cutting Board (9x12") - Laserworkz  ||  Gypsy Dreamcatcher Necklace - Gypsies Box Jewelry  ||  $30 Credit for Keep Collective with Kassie  ||  Adult Coloring Book - This Girl's Doodles

Wear To Where {Family Pictures or Tour your City}

I’m participating in the Wear to Where Tour with my friend Katy, who blogs at Wild and Wanderful.
If you are visiting from the link up today, Welcome and thanks for stopping by.

Where does a part time stay at home mama go when she wants a quiet minute to herself? The answer for me is Target, but I’m rarely dressed up when I hit Target by myself. Most times its after morning drop off and I’m in a variation of my pajamas. And why would I bother to blog about that? Well, actually I have been known to do so, but not this time. Today I’m sharing a new outfit of the day that worked for family pictures, will work for date night, and would absolutely work for that time you just want to look like something other than a “mombie” when you go out for coffee and a little quiet time.

These pictures were taken by the fantastic and talented team at Laura Hernandez Photography. Recently Laura was joined by her equally talented daughter Rachel, and their business has taken off. Rightfully so when you see these pictures. I’m lucky that this talented photographer is family! How cute are we, The Hubbs and I? I love that Laura gets The Hubbs to pose like this. We laugh so much during these photo sessions, because this isn’t us at all. We aren't this kind of couple, but when the time comes we have to much fun. Here he was telling me how unnatural it is to walk and hold someone this close at the same time. He’s a champ every year when we do these pictures! He get’s an even bigger laugh when Laura snaps some head shots for this blog! 

A little peek at Laura's magic!

My original prompt for this post was to tour your city, like a restaurant or museum, and I had every intention of doing that. Time got away from me however and with the chance to have some professional pictures taken for this post I jumped at the chance. In a way, I did tour a city. Laura took us on a walking tour of my former hometown. We took pictures right in front of the courthouse, and I walked the downtown streets of what was once home for the first time in probably twenty years! Some things have changed so much, and yet some are still the same. It took everything I had not to walk into Beverly's Fabrics, one of my all time favorites in Downtown Salinas.

Laura Hernandez Photography

On this day, I wasn’t rocking anything super fancy or out of my comfort zone. I’m in some extra comfy jeggings from Kohl’s, they are in the Juniors Department, and are the softest and most comfortable jeggings I have ever owned. The best part is that you can dress them up or down, depending on your mood. Trust me when I tell you they look equally good with a hoodie and Uggs. The top is new from Old Navy and again is both fancy or casual, depending how you wear it. My boots were a great clearance buy last year after Christmas at Target. This outfit was perfect for pictures and the ride home to Fresno. I even wore it to the neighbors house to watch the UFC fight (what an upset!). I’d wear this outfit again for a girls night out, for a date with The Hubbs, or to school for a Holiday Program or awards ceremony. It is officially on my list of outfits to rotate this season, especially if I add in a blazer or heavy sweater coat.

What do you think? Is this something that you could wear out and about, without looking like you tried too hard? Don't be surprised if I show up on the blog in this outfit of the day again!

Don't forget to check out the giveaway HERE!!

Confessions of a Home Gym Addict

I'm participating in Wear to Wear with my friend Katy, who blogs at Wild and Wanderful!
If you are visiting from the link up, welcome and thanks for stopping by!

I'm a person who has a gym membership but never goes to the gym. That doesn't mean that I don't work out... Sometimes. Most mornings you can find me in the comfort of my own home, before the kids get up, in my living room, getting in my morning work out. The best thing about working out at home is that you really can wear your pajamas to work out. I'll be honest, I don't spend a lot of money on workout clothes. For a short time I had a sweet love affair with Fabletics. From time to time I will buy work out clothes on clearance at Target or Old Navy. Not much effort goes into what I wear at my home gym, but some mornings, especially if my neighbor wants to go running, I will put in a bit of effort.

One of my favorite things to wear, now that it's actually Fall in California, are leggings. Usually you'll find me in black or grey, but at Elevate Conference in May, these fantastic leopard print babies (similar pair here) were in my swag bag!

Leggings, Workout tank, pullover, running shoes. This is how you will find me at my Home Gym. Some mornings I'll do a little Jillian (if I have a death wish). If I have it available "On Demand", I'll try out some yoga. My favorite workouts are short and to the point, because I don't like to work out or waste any time! Yeah, I'm that kind of girl. The great part is that this outfit is also acceptable at school drop off in the morning, and at Starbucks! I can't lose.

Are you one of those people who are devoted to your Home Gym? Leave me some comments on what work outs or DVDs you use. I'm always looking for new material. And be sure to check out the giveaway on Katy's blog!

Find more sweet leggings like my leopard print pair at Agnes and Dora!

Looking in the Mirror {WIWW}

I hate the scale. My entire life I feel like I've been at battle with the bathroom scale. In high school and college I used to weigh backward so I didn't have to see the number. I had read that trick in one of my magazines, it was some article about the journey to self acceptance. Back then I read every article and every book that could anyway make me like myself better. In my mind I was never blond enough. I was never thin enough. I was always loud and obnoxious so I could always be the "funny" one. I had acne. I had glasses. I used to perm my hair. The battle with the scale eventually turned into the battle with the mirror. The mirror doesn't lie. Ever.

So much of that daily battle changed around my last year in college. I found confidence, I found a guy who actually like me, all of me. I was working in my field, I was graduating with my degree. I was on top of the world. Sure, I noticed when waistbands got tighter, I still recognized the jiggle of my thighs in a swimsuit, and I still made note of my belly, that was never as flat as the other girls. By then, at twenty three or twenty four, I didn't care as much. Still, the scale and the mirror were never on my side.

I'll admit I felt gorgeous on my wedding day. I had spent the previous six weeks dieting and exercising. In every pictures I'm happy and glowing, and my make up was flawless. I loved my wedding dress that fit so perfectly, how it hugged each curve just right. I love how I looked my thinnest ever. Unfortunately I spent the following seven days eating and drinking my way through Hawaii. And so the battle continued.

When I got pregnant, after the sickness went away, I spent my days eating ice cream and peanut butter cups. I loved those months when I didn't care about calories or fat grams. I knew the pounds wouldn't fall off right away, but I didn't think they would take as long as they did. I battled with the scale some more, but by the time Caitlin was a year, I was at a size I could handle. One pant and dress size bigger than I was in college and my wedding day. I thought that was pretty good. I felt like I could be that size forever and really accept it. I did accept it, for a few years until I became pregnant again.

The second time around I was very okay with eating my way through another pregnancy. I was okay knowing that when I left the hospital I was going to look like I was still pregnant. I was even okay knowing that I would be wearing my maternity jeans for another six months. Did I really care? They were the most comfortable jeans on earth! This time, after Mackenzie was born, I had some major complications. In the end, I left the hospital very weak, and by the time I was getting ready for a doctors appointment a week later, my regular jeans fit. I'll admit, I felt very triumphant. I wanted everyone to know that I was already back in my jeans. Take that second baby weight. Little did I know that that weight loss was just the beginning.

In the year and a half after Mac was born, I was extremely sick. I have food allergies anyway, but soon I was eating nothing but eggs and gluten free waffles. After Mac's second Christmas I went to see a specialist in Northern California because I was down to 110 pounds. Not only that, but my hair was falling out and nothing I ate seemed to stick. What I found out was that my food allergies went beyond Gluten and Wheat, and when it was all said and done I had to majorly overhaul my diet. I cut out all grains, caffeine and sugar. How do you even "mom" without caffeine? It was rough, I tell you, but I felt a lot better.

That was almost three years ago, and for two of those years, the weight seemed to steady. In the first year I gained back five pounds, which I accepted. However over the last two years I've gained ten more. Ten. That has been harder to accept. Those new jeans I had to buy after Mac had to go in our Goodwill pile, along with shirts and dresses. Today most of my clothes fit, but they are uncomfortable and don't fit like they used to. I spent the entire summer working out most days, for at least a half hour, running at night or in the morning with neighbors and there was little change. I'm sure I could have cut more (natural) carbs out of my diet, but seriously... I did not want to cut out any summer fruit or Larabars. Those are like my only treats!

Last month was The Hubbs class reunion. He was really excited about it, and to tell the truth I was too. I don't know many people he went to school with, but a night out was something that we needed. Date night plus a reason to get really dressed up and do both hair and make up sounded like a treat. My biggest concern was what to wear, considering I don't buy fancy clothes anymore. I had a few dresses in my closet and so I decided that I would try them on. However when I took them out of the closet I thought they looked dated. And let's be honest they were. One dress was from a friends wedding twelve years ago and the second was from the first year The Hubbs and I were married, ten years ago. I felt like I needed something that was more up to date with the trends. Black pants, black blouse, wedges, you get the picture. That plan was scraped days before the class reunion when I got what ever cold crud Mac had. I was too tired to shop. I went to one store and threw in the towel. I wasn't even sure I'd make it to the reunion with the way I was feeling.

I woke up the morning of the reunion feeling better. I thought about running to the mall to find something to wear, but I just didn't have the energy. Instead I shopped my closet and tried on the two dresses I had originally pulled out. With shoes and everything I modeled them for the peanut gallery (my family). The girls like both dresses, they didn't really have a strong opinion. I preferred a jade green dress that looks like a wrap around style but it isn't. It fit a little looser, and so I felt more comfortable. The Hubbs on the other hand liked the black dress with the leafy pattern (picture to follow). It wasn't my favorite and was a little tight in the problem areas. But he kept insisting on the black dress, even suggesting I go out and get a new pair of shoes since I felt the ones I had didn't really work with the dress. I really didn't like the black dress, I just knew it was going to highlight all my trouble zones. I was worried that I would be so uncomfortable that it would make me fidget all night. Still, The Hubbs insisted that it was the one. Fine. I found my beloved Spanx and hoped for the best.

I have to admit. It didn't look as bad as I had thought. I actually got a ton of cat calls on Instagram (thank you Instagram followers, love ya!), and my kids were super impressed with the high heels and curled hair. For the most part I wasn't uncomfortable at all that night. I wasn't pulling at my dress, I ignored those little bulges around my middle. The only time I complained was at midnight when my feet couldn't take those shoes any longer. I guess that's what happens when you practically live in Toms. The thing is, this dress served me up some truth that night. When I was talking to a sorority sister, who graduated high school with the Hubbs, she mentioned that she like my dress and asked me if it was new. I laughed and explained that this was probably the last fancy dress I bought for my best friends wedding twelve years ago. She looked me dead in the eye and said, "I wish something still fit me from twelve years ago".

Truth bomb, my friends. Boom.

I've spent almost an entire year worried about my weight. I stopped posting #ootd (outfit of the day, for you non bloggers) photos to Instagram because I was embarrassed that I wasn't as small as I was two years ago. I started to see every flaw, every bulge, every laugh line when I looked in the mirror. I forgot what it was like to actually like my reflection. Every time I looked in the mirror, all I could see where missed opportunities and the Paleo treats I was indulging. I couldn't see past any of those things.

The morning after the reunion I posted this lovely picture to Instagram, because I had a new truth in my heart about myself. Twelve years ago I was pretty happy with myself. I'm sure I worried about things like extra calories and those extra five pounds that have plagued me my entire life, but I remember when I wore that dress to that wedding all those years ago, and I was happy. I was confident. I think I was roughly the same weight I am now. I was healthy back then too. It was before babies and sleep deprivation. Before the postpartum  hemorrhage and the crazy insane "elimination diet". Twelve years ago The Hubbs thought I was one sexy mofo, and if I'm being honest he still does, as evidenced by the boob grabs multiple times a day. There is nothing wrong with this size, it's just one I have to get reacquainted with. Every day I reintroduce myself to this body, and every day, she forgives me a little more for hating her for so long.

I've written post after post about trying to find my confidence again. I know my abs will never be flat, I've accepted that now. My thighs may jiggle for eternity, and they have no gap. I may always carry an extra five pounds around. Does it really matter? I spent so much of my life wanting to be skinny, as if that was a sure sign of my ultimate success. But being Skinny isn't going to write my book. Skinny isn't going to be the best mother to my kids. Skinny doesn't enjoy Hulu and DVR programs as much as I do. In my life Skinny isn't a friend or a foe, and finally she's no longer an end goal. In my life Healthy is the happier kinder friend, who occasionally throws chocolate my way, and lets me be lazy on Sundays.

Today, looking in the mirror isn't so bad. I remind myself of the little victories, like fitting in a dress that I wore twelve years ago, or not being so sick it's a struggle to get out of bed and take care of my kids. I'm trying to look in the mirror everyday and be at peace with the person smiling back at me. To document those #ootd, even when my jeans are too tight, even with the angles are all wrong. This is my truth. This is who I am, and for the love of God, at thirty seven, shouldn't I just love it already?

No more bad cop {I quit the fashion police}

About three weeks ago I did something revolutionary. Something so far out of my comfort zone I still get the sweats when I have to deal with it. Yet, it was one of the best decisions I have ever made...

I quit the fashion police.

Three weeks ago, my voice hoarse from yelling at the little humans in my house to get ready for school, I realized that we were fighting over the most bullshit of reasons. We were yelling and crying and throwing jeans in the air, because we couldn't agree on what to wear to school. Lame. One hundred and ten percent LAME.

I stopped and asked myself a few questions:

1 - Will mixing patterns really kill anyone? Will they spread disease? Will they bother anyone else in the world except me, the mother?

2- Do I really care what other parents think of me when my kids wear stained clothes? Will I really be offended if they think we are slobs and never do laundry since my daughter has decided to wear the same t-shirt to school for three days in a row?

3 - Will I be inconvenienced if my daughter wears sweats to school when the forecast says it will be ninety degrees? And conversely, will it bother me if she wears shorts in the rain?

4 - Is anyone dying? Bleeding?

My answers astonished me. No one was bleeding or dying. Mixing patterns was only hurting me. And who the hell cares if the parents at school stare at me. They stare at me all the time, usually because I'm not wearing any makeup and my hair is two days past a wash. I finally realized that fighting about clothes was a mom made disaster. I was creating this shit storm myself. So they want to wear shorts in the rain? Let them. They will learn that lesson the hard way. Caitlin wants to wear stripes and hearts and a leopard print sweater... Let her. I had to let all that InStyle Magazine bullshit I'd been reading for years go. Who am I? Not Anna Wintour. Will the school call if Mackenzie is wearing that same faded dress she just can't quit? No. They could give a shit. So why do I?

I care because I really thought I was going to be the editor of Vogue when I became an adult. I had big plans to move to New York and be a fashion designer slash fashion magazine editor. I have been following trends since I noticed Mr. Blackwell's list in People Magazine when I was seven. Ask my mother and she will tell you that I had to have a white plush robe at age nine after I saw Sally wearing one in When Harry Met Sally. Then I asked for espadrilles for my twelfth birthday after I saw Princess Diana wearing them in an US Weekly. So as I've become an adult, I've favored the latest fashions. You can't tell now, since I've become a mom a lot of the fashionable stuff has gone out the window, but back in the day? I used every single penny to buy clothes.

That's why I have the hardest time when the girls "don't match". When they wear colors that don't compliment. When they mix patterns, my anxiety gets the best of me. When they can't figure out what to wear on their own, but then refuse what I pick, I lose my mind. Then our morning turns upside down when everyone yells and cries and any ability to "even" is lost.

So three weeks ago, I threw my hands in the air and said, "wear whatever you want, as long as your butt is covered". I forced myself to bite my tongue and look the other way. Sweats were worn with sandals. Shorts and long sleeved shirts with kitten heeled slingbacks. Knee high socks and shorts with over sized sweatshirts. Faded shirts with faded leggings and Ugg style boots in eighty degrees.

But I said nothing. I am still saying nothing. The rule remains, butts and boobies covered. Can it really be that easy? Can I really throw out all I've learned from all those magazines? I have to. Giving up my patrol on the fashion police has made for some really pleasant mornings. We are happier people, and they are happy with their own interpretation of fashion. Fine, good, great! All great artists have to start somewhere, right?

I still have my moments. I still yell, because for some reason we can't get that "covered butt" rule down some days. And we still have the same arguments over shoes and why we can't wear wedge slingbacks on PE day. All that aside, I don't want to be bad cop anymore. Bad cop is no fun. Bad cop goes to work with mascara streaks and stress eats potato chips.

I quit the fashion police. My children are happier, I'm happier, and our mornings are so much brighter. Although that may have something to do with the neon shirts that are being paired with the leopard print shorts.  

Wore {November 2014}

Because November ended almost two weeks ago... Because this was my last chance to show off some outfits I slapped together. Because I just love the Outfit of the Day Selfie.

Let's talk about finding an old maternity sweater you bought when you weren't even pregnant, in the back of your closet on the first weekend of November. I wore this sweater almost three years ago for family pictures. And unless I tell people, they have no idea that it's maternity.

Something about this scarf said Fall is upon us. And it was the first truly cold day in Fresno, so I wore the outfit on the left to work, came home and put on jeans for my Walmart trip, as evidenced on the right. Incidently I wore the same outfit three weeks later for Thanksgiving. If I had thought it through, I would have worn that scarf, every day of November.

I really, really wanted to wear this plaid shirt to work. Alone, without the cardi, it looked too casual. So, I added the cardi, but the sleeves of the shirt bunched. So... I cut the sleeves off of the shirt so I could layer it. I've done this with like ninety percent of my collared or flannel shirts. I leave the seam of the sleeve so it doesn't fray, and I wear them more often because I can layer them. The Hubbs thinks it ridiculous, but he just doesn't understand that bunchy sleeves are not my jam.

Fall in Fresno is hit or miss, so this was an actual dipction of my day. Scarf, sweater, jeggings, and boots in the morning. Toms, button down, and jeans in the afternoon. I haven't cut the sleeves off this pink button down yet... But I'm pretty sure it's going to happen.

This is a gratitutios selfie because I was super proud of my new camo shirt, that I cut the sleeves off. I know, I have a problem, someone should take my scissors away. But this shirt was so fun to wear, and adding the hoops and the necklace dressed it up in an unexpected way. The shirt was on clearance at Target, for like eleven bucks.

I do this thing on Instagram where I will say "Pinned it. Wore it". It's kind of bragging, but it's also very honest as I will go thorough my Pinterest boards for outfit inspiration the night before I work. I wore a brown cardi because I couldn't find my ivory one. I think I would have liked this outfit better with the Ivory.

I pulled all the stops for Black Friday. My printed Christmas scarf, with another maternity sweater, and jeggings. For the record, this maternity scarf was actually purchased for maternity purposes. I added the long sleeved shirt, because it was actually chilly the day after Thanksgiving. Also to continue to be transparent on this blog, I bought Christmas Tree earrings at work to complete the outfit. Yeah, I was totally that person on Black Friday.

Another Pinned it, Wore it attempt. On this night I was super sick, super tired, and super over the fact that I had to work until ten at night. Thanks Pinterest for making it easy.

To end November, the family and I got all fancy and went to the Nutcracker. I wasn't super excited about my booties, but I didn't have any other shoes that I could wear for longer than ten minutes. The dress is super old, and is not only my "asshole in a dress" dress, but a dress I blogged about before. Short story: It's from Ann Taylor Loft, originally eighty eight dollars, I paid nineteen ninety nine. I wear it every possible chance I get. Even if that ends with me being an asshole in a dress.

Once upon a time there was a girl named Megan, who had a subscription to InStyle, who idolized Carrie Bradshaw, who once bought a pair of suede, stacked heeled pumps and then had to create an outfit around them. Megan always wore make-up, always remembered to curl her eyelashes, and always wore lipstick. Then she had kids, forgot about things like mascara, traded InStyle for Parents Magazine, and packed all the pretty shoes away. Today you will find her mostly in jeans older than her youngest daughter, or on the days she works, posting Outfits of The Day on Instagram.

Four Gifts: Wear {Slumber Party}

Today's four gifts is all about WEAR. This was an easy one for me since every year pajamas area always under the tree. Writing this post was so easy, I found all of these fabulous looks at Old Navy. Of course Old Navy isn't sponsoring this blog (insert ugly cry), but who cares. Their prices can't be beat and they always have fun and trendy items that can make any Christmas bright! I adore the pieces I found for the girls and I think I finally found something the Hubbs can't live without. Don't forget, this is a series with Alyson M, so join us, and link up! Now here is what will most likely be under our trees this year!

4 Gifts : Wear

Worn {outfits of the day and other reasons for selfies}

I've gotten out of the habit of sharing my outfit of the day selfies on the blog, so today is the day. Also I just wanted another reason to share some of these because the fun of wearing work clothes has lost it's excitement.

Black jeggings and flowy tanks. So comfy and so right. 
I usually just add a cardi for work.
Navy stripped tank, grey layering tank under, olive pants. 
New favorite outfit in rotation.

Bathing suit, because some summers you just have to own it. 

Kitty meow meow tank on date night. Because the Hubbs said, 
"don't wear a moo", 
which is what he calls maxi dresses. 
So I wore this with shorts in protest.

Peasant shirt from my neighbor that I purposely cut off the sleeves. 
I really should hide all the scissors.

Chambray shirt, burgundy tank, white shorts. 
I loved it on one of the hottest days of the year. 
But it's like weird karma that when you 
wear white shorts your monthly bill comes in. 
Why is that?

 Soccer mom to the extreme. I wore this to work for some floor setting fun, then I decided to just wear flip flops for the rest of the day. 
Can I just mention how rare it is to wear jeans in Fresno IN AUGUST? 
It's unheard of, except for last Monday when it was 
overcast and sprinkling and not cold, but not blazing hot either.

 My momma made me buy this dress. I'm so glad that she did. 
It's from Target clearance and if they hand more colors 
I would have bought them all. I'm kind of in love with it. 
And I wore bright pink flip flops because in my world that's fancy. 
Sad, but true...

From all of my #ootd posts you probably think I live a semi-glamorous life. 
Well let me tell you how wrong you are. 
Getting a good shot, with a good angle and a good filter is rough. 
Especially when you have little humans popping in when ever they like. 
I can't be mad though, she's pretty cute.

I'm sure this was the most interesting post you have read on my blog. My apologies. But it was pretty fun to write. I hope to be back with more interesting reading material soon.

My Husband thinks I should wear a bikini

I posted a picture of myself on Instagram last week wearing a maternity tankini top. No I'm not pregnant, there is no big announcement around here. It's just that I have a belly. I've always had one. The battle with my belly has been a life long war I've waged with myself. These days it seems to be getting worse as Mackenzie has taken to talking to it. Telling me that there is a baby in there, and I just keep responding with "Nope, it's just food". Because no matter how hard I try, I think after two kids, three years of being super sick, and almost three years on the Paleo diet, my body has finally settled into itself. I weigh what I weighed before Mackenzie. My hips and thighs are fuller than they have ever been, and my belly, well my belly is pretty much the same one I've been carrying around since high school. 

The funny thing about this whole "body acceptance" journey is that my Husband, the Hubbs, still thinks I should be strutting around in a bikini. He asked me a few weekends ago while I was getting ready to go swim at my mom's house, why I didn't wear a regular bikini. I laughed at him. Like, stopped what I was doing at laughed. Then I lifted up my shirt and said, "Have you seen this lately?", while I grabbed a handful of my middle. "Yeah, so?", was his only reaction. So? So? So I'm not showing off this belly to anyone but you mister! 

But his reaction to my "bikini ready body" got me thinking. This man, my Hubbs, still thinks I have a rocking body. Even after two kids and two attempts at breastfeeding. He still wants me and this body, the stretch marks and flab do not sway his devotion to this body. And though his attempts to grab my boobs while I try to flip pancakes on a Sunday morning annoys me to no end, there is something very sacred about my husband still enjoying this thirty six year old flabby, saggy body. There is something very poetic about him still wanting me as if I was that twenty one year old sorority girl he met almost fifteen years ago. 

Because fifteen years ago I was so worried about the way my belly pooched. I was so worried about my arm flab and my boobs not looking like a super model's. Fifteen years ago I kept my eyes closed because I didn't want to see him looking at my imperfections. I was always so worried about my body and how it looked to him. It's only now I realize he didn't see a single imperfection. And blessedly he still doesn't, if anything I think he appreciates and enjoys it more now than ever.

Last week my best friend told me I should go for it and rock that bikini. Again I laughed. She said "Didn't you read that lady's blog post", and I said yeah I did, but I'm still wearing this. Because I'm not ready for a bikini. I may never be, and I've accepted that. I've accepted that maybe this is what I'm supposed to look like. That this is the size I'm supposed to be. I finally realize that all that really matters is that I like it, and the Hubbs likes it. I may not be comfortable in a bikini but I'm totally comfortable with that.

The Hubbs thinks I should wear a bikini... God Bless him. 

My abs will never be flat {wore}

I worked out this morning. I even went on a run last night. But I'm not here for you to tell me how amazing it is that I work out. Because I don't work out. Not really. Sure I'd love to be healthy, I'd love to wear a bikini at some point this summer, I'd even love to run a marathon one day. But if I can be totally honest with you, I'd just like to wear pants that button with a tank top and not look like a busted can of biscuits.

I will never have flat abs, because I'm lazy. I can finally admit that to myself and my blog. I like to sit in our old recliner and watch re-runs of Grey's Anatomy. I like to sit at our kitchen table and read. I like to check my Instagram feed, then Pinterest, and then Instagram again. I like to sit at my lap top an write the day away. When I think about working out, I think, there are not enough hours in the day.

I know my abs will never be flat because I lack the dedication. For the last three months, since the world started to defrost, I scroll past post after post of virtual friends working out. Showing their results and what they ate that day. I don't hate it, in fact it is inspiring. For about five minutes and then someone else posts something like a banana split and I'm like "Hell yes!". I'm proud of my virtual friends that have made a positive change in their life, and I'm kind of jealous that I lack the same dedication and commitment in my life. But really, I will never have flat abs. And I'll probably always jiggle.

Last week I saw a post of someone I follow on Instagram. She was showing off her amazing washboard stomach. The kind you only see in movies or Victoria Secret catalogs. She included her weight loss story along with it and commented that it took her two years to get her abs in that shape. As I read her post it struck me that I don't want flat abs that bad. I can't even stick to a regimen of running or working out three days a week, how on earth would I try to flatten my abs over a two year period. For one, it sounds like a lot of work, and two, I just ain't got time for that. 

I've said it before and I'll say it again, working out doesn't really do it for me. Sure the results are great, but I usually quit before the results are amazing. Aside from trying to live a healthy lifestyle and setting a good example for my girls, I'd rather be writing or blogging. I'd rather be reading or Instagramming. I'd rather be doing anything else, than jumping jacks for Jillian Michaels. 

So while I'm writing and blogging, I'll leave the cardio and flat abs to the dedicated. I'll cheer you on and like your crossfit videos. I'll be jealous of your amazing "Whole 30" dinner, and I'll even pin the recipe so that maybe one day I'll be motivated enough to cook. All I ask in return is that you cheer me on when I do my cardio... 

Get yo self one of these fancy tanks HERE!!

Which is this. Blogging is my cardio.

Thanks to Katy of Handmade Escapade!!

The asshole in the dress {what do I wear to Elevate?}

With Elevate just three days away, I thought it would be important to share with you the story of how I became know as the "asshole in the dress". In addition to that, I've also come to reference the term "asshole in the dress" when trying to decide what to wear in high pressure situations. 

Almost four years ago, my bestie and I were invited to a Christmas party at the home of another friend in our circle. The idea was that a bunch of us moms were going to get together, dress the part, and relax with desserts and wine. It sounded wonderful and fun, since the only thing I was wearing in those days were yoga pants and sweatshirts (ok so that hasn't really changed). I was so excited, and since I was down to my pre Caitlin weight, I decided on a red dress that I had bought after Caitlin's second Christmas at The Loft. Let's talk about said dress for a moment. It was poinsettia red, with fabric roses around the v-neck of the dress. It was a bias cut so it didn't hug all the wrong places, and it was $19.99. I'm not even joking, down from $98. I had bought it with no place to go, but for $19.99, I mean, I just had to buy it. 

So with a cup of cheer in my heart I wore that shit with abandon. With black opaque tights and ankle boots. Sure it was freezing in Fresno a week before Christmas, but I didn't care, I was wearing a dress. My hair was clean, MY EYEBROWS WERE FILLED. I was on the town, with my bestie. Who, and I should have taken a cue, was wearing nice trouser jeans and a cropped jacket. Very chic, and yet very sensible. All cues were lost on me.

When we got to the party I was the only one dressed up. My BF in her trouser jeans was over dressed, and me, standing in the doorway in a red dress and tights, was the asshole in the dress. I mean the hostess was wearing jeans and slippers. Most of the guests were in sweaters and flats. But oh no, not me, I had to bring it and get all dolled up for a night on the couch. Not only did I freeze my ass off, but I'm forever known as the asshole in the dress.

This is the main reason I've been so obsessed with getting the right outfit for Elevate. Heaven forbid that I'm the "asshole in the dress" with so many of my peers as witness. I've tried on so many things that I don't even know whats good anymore. I can't even tell if what I'm wearing is fashionable or soccer mom. So today I'm gonna lay them all out and let you all decide. Which is kind of a joke, because I probably wear something totally different on Saturday. Anyway cast your vote in the comments and I'll try and make a decision.

Coral and navy maxi.
Super comfy and breezy in case its hot like last year.
But also maternity and I'm not pregnant.
And what if a pregnant blogger wears it and my food baby is bigger than her bump?

 KLR maxi. Super comfy. And super slimming. But hmmm.
I still can't decide if it's enough for Elevate.
Don't get me wrong I love it, but I've kind of decided to wear it to Disney the next day.
Did I say Disney?  Shh. Don't tell the kids!

Shorts and wedges. Not really sure about the wedges.
I mean white shoes? But the tank is so flowy and comfy.
And this eliminates the "asshole in the dress" debate.
PS: this is the most liked look on Instagram.
This was the worst liked of all my choices when I posted this picture to Instagram yesterday.
Unfortunately, it's actually my favorite.
It's what I'm most comfortable in, and let's be honest, 
this is pretty much the uniform of Absolute Mommy.

But this look with the red skinnies and the chambray top is also a favorite. 
It's also one of my uniforms, and if I add some accessories, it's not a bad look.
I may even add Toms to it, in the event of the weather.
But my weather app, and the actual weather have been at odds.
Can someone please tell me what the weather is going to be like in Newport on Saturday?

So that is pretty much it. I'm still so confused. I feel like Elevate is such a big deal, but then I remember that most of the people there are friends, and they would probably love me if I showed up in yoga pants and a sweatshirt. I won't, but I've thought about it. Actually if I can't decide, I might just wear this:

Only kind of joking...

Please cast your vote for the outfits in the comments.
I don't want to be the "asshole in the dress".