Today, I will talk what should be taken as the "normal" way of worshipping the gods, that is, as a whole. The write-up below treats the entire pantheon as a single entity for the purposes of building clerics and holy warriors.
The Pantheon
the Gods
the Gods
Treat as a Greater Deity
Sphere of Influence:
Symbols: Oak Tree.
Favored Weapon: Any.
Favored Weapon: Any.
Relationships: It's Complicated.
Most people in and around Alnwich worship the entire pantheon as
a whole, and make appropriate offerings during the many holidays and festivals
– sometimes to specific deities, sometimes to all of them. The history of the
gods is too long and intricate to tell here, but such stories are the regular
subjects songs, evening tales, and poetry. The people believe the gods are very
real and very physically present. One does not brush off chance meetings with
strangers or signs of things to come.
Moreover, the pantheon consists of far more deities than just the
main thirteen. Some of these may be local spirits that choose to intervene in
mortal affairs, personifications of concepts, or even just animal spirits and
elementals. Because there are so many deities, people don’t just believe in
their physicality, they expect to encounter