Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Shoes & flowers

i found a new flower that i LOVE for little c's hair!
who knew i would be so excited about finding new bows?!?
i think she looks pretty cute in it!
but even better than the flower - are these PRECIOUS shoes!
my friend magen made them - hot off the machine :)
she has a new shoe style and this is just one of the designs.
go to her shop and order some!
i think they look so so cute on c's little feet
and they fit perfectly!

and how great is this - they match perfectly with c's new flower!

cutie pie

leaving in the morning for california . . .
hope you have a good week.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Campbell's Baby Dedication

campbell was dedicated at church on sunday. it was a sweet time of speaking what the Lord has spoken over her to our church, and asking the body to help us raise her in the way of the Lord. We have felt that the Lord is going to use campbell to bring "creative beauty" to the earth. We are excited to see how he does that through her life!

it was sweet to have our families by our side to commit to help us and pray for us during this wonderful, adventure of parenthood.

a couple of campbell's friends got dedicated as well!
(i just have pictures of those in the first service)

sweet riley waldrum
adorable eli daniel

Monday, October 18, 2010

The Weekend

this weekend my parents came up for a visit (campbell was dedicated at church on sunday - another post coming soon!). we had a great time together and a pretty packed saturday!

we started the day with a soccer game.
this was actually the best one yet!
jayden scored his first goal, and was really engaged in the game.
the fan's

after the soccer game we headed to the arboretum!
it was a perfect day for this.
we attempted to get a family picture
(hard as usual!)
we tried to get the cousins together
(ek and campbell wore matching outfits!)
amy, me, mom, and alex
mimi, ek, & jayden playing in the wagon
dad & mom

dad & campbell
little mr. opinionated
didn't want to take pictures on the pumpkin, but ASKED for a picture to be taken on THESE pumpkins!
(and no - it was not cold enough to wear a hat, but you try to fight that battle - it wasn't worth it to me!)
jason & al
after the arboretum we had lunch and then the kids took naps.
while napping - the girls (minus al) went to get pedis & coffee - fun times!

for dinner, everyone came over to our house

cute al
we took pictures of the spread
it was a yummy dinner of crocked fajitas!
jason & dad
again - his decision to take the shirt off
(no it wasn't particularly hot either - we go from extremes here!)
al & mb

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Sweet Little Campbell Isabella

she is just a bundle of joy!
such a sweet little girl that she is.
we put her in her crib this week and she is doing great!
sleeping through the night - and having fun sharing her room with her big brother!

oh how i love dressing her up!
it is so much fun!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The Zoo

last wednesday we headed out to the dallas zoo with amy & emery kate.
it was a BEAUTIFUL day and a perfect time to go to the zoo (i think everyone else was at the state fair - according to magen:))

it was nice to be able to go for a little bit but not feel like we had to stay there forever
thanks amy for letting us use your pass - and for inviting us to go with you!

please notice the difference between my two boys in relating to the giraffe
1. jayden very close to me and did not want to feed the giraffe
2. duncan feeding the giraffe with no fear and putting his hand right on the mouth
(don't worry - i washed the hands afterwards!)
do you think those two pictures tell a little bit about their different personalities?
i think so :)
cutie pie!
please also note their precious shirts that my friend kelly made.
you too - can have one just go to her shop!
i thought they were the perfect shirts to wear to the zoo!
campbell was there too - but there really weren't any good pictures of her, she was sleeping in the stroller most of the time.
happy tuesday to you!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Harp Time !!!!

this past weekend the harp's were in town and we had such a great time with them.
jayden and hudson are 8 weeks apart and had such a good time playing together.
it is fun to watch them play together - even though they don't get to see each other that often they play so well with one another.

(these aren't the best pictures, but with 5 (and sometimes more) busy kids running, sitting, or laying around it is hard to get very many good pictures!)

darrah, jen, oscar (it was his birthday on friday) & darrah
the ogdens, harps, and haney's all went to dinner together on friday night
we went to california pizza kitchen
(great choice b/c it wasn't busy - anywhere near us would have been super crowded due to the texas/ou weekend)

some love time with daddy
little miss campbell
(do you like her double chin? she has had it since birth - it is so funny, mary beth claims that if she tickles her on her chin she laughs!)
love those little feet!
brotherly love :)
just had to add this picture b/c i thought it was so cute of little D!
on thursday we went to the arboretum with kelly, katie, & darrah (and all the kids)
it was so fun to get to see katie, we went to college together and it was great to connect with her while she is in dallas with her kiddos
read her story here
she is an amazing woman

will & hudson
little duncan
hudson & holland
oscar, duncan, and campbell (she is in the car seat in the stroller)
cutie pie - birthday boy oscar!