Family is not an important thing, it's everything.
-Michael J Fox
Showing posts with label Halloween. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Halloween. Show all posts

November 14, 2012

A dead witch, a spider and....a midget pimp?!

I love Halloween.
I love the costumes, decorations, the fun!

But Halloween was pretty low key around our house.  Bryn got strep the day before Halloween, so we kept it pretty simple.  I kept her home for a few days.  And we got bored.  So, we decided to carve pumpkins on Halloween before Garrett went to school.  It was quite the task.

(Insert creepy music...You know - the music from the shower scene.... nevermind)

Bryn loved her Halloween socks.

I had great plans for this Halloween!  We were all going to be super heroes!  But then sickness hit our home along with our crazy lives.  My plan fell to pieces.  Oh well.  Stay tuned for next year!

Since Bryn was sick, we decided against going all over.  We took the kids to Bry's parents and my parents.  They had to get some trick or treating in!  And then I had chili and breadsticks waiting at home for us. 

These two are buddies.  Brody adores his big sister.

And then I guess I better explain the "midget pimp".  Garrett wanted to be Hawkeye from the Avengers.  I had even spray painted a "bow case" for him.  But to make a very long story short - it didn't work out.  He was bummed.  Insert Hero music - Dad came to the rescue.  He took Garrett in the other room and a half hour later - this is what comes walking out of the room.  I about died.
It was awesome.
And Garrett acted the part.....quite well.

This little guy just kills me!  Poor little stink was scared of Mr. Jack (as Garrett called him).  But he wouldn't take his hand off of it.  Is it mean to say he looks adorable when he cries???
Brynlee and Garrett both wore this spider costume their "first" Halloween.  Brody refused to wear the hat.

November 1, 2011

A Linebacker & a Rockstar

This year, I slacked in the Halloween costume department.  It was 3 days before our ward Trunk or Treat and I still didn't have costumes for the kids.  I was close to crying - actually I think I did!  Ha ha!  Blame it on the post-pregnancy hormones.  Brynlee wanted to be a rockstar - so I improvised.  We raided the costume bin and her closet and came up with an outfit.  She was her own little rockstar for sure! 
Then my boss and his wife stopped by and we were talking about Halloween.  I mentioned to her my dilemma regarding no costumes and she said that she had a Utes Football costume that would fit Rett.  Perfect!  Bry and the kids had actually gone to a Utes game a couple of weeks before that so I knew Rett would love it.  And boy - he looked like a STUD in that costume.  I had visions of my little man playing football in a couple of years....  He sure is stalky enough!  And little Brody - well, he was a "baby" this year and was dressed nice and cozy in a very warm sweatsuit.  Of course, we had to have a mini photoshoot in the driveway!

Our Trunk or Treat was FREEZING!  And Brody was not having any of it.  He screamed the whole time in the car.  The kids still got a ton of candy.  On Halloween, the kids and I made cupcakes and then headed to the Grandparents homes.  We visited both of my Grandmas and then headed to both of our parents when Bry got home.  It was a long day, but the kids had a lot of fun - and that's what matters.

I couldn't decide if I liked this one in color or black & white....

She is so beautiful...