Family is not an important thing, it's everything.
-Michael J Fox

July 13, 2012

June's rundown

We spent a lot of time outside.  Brody tried to escape on several occassions....

Family BBQ at the Larsens.  Rett had a frosting fight with aunt Carli.  Pretty sure she won.
 Lots of naps....

Trying new recipes....quite yummy if I say so myself.

Brody's first experience at the pool.  He wasn't quite sure what to think.  But he started breaking out in a horrible rash so our little outing was cut short.  Poor guy ended up getting blisters all over his body over the next couple of days.  Turned out to be some virus, along with yet another ear infection and thrush.  Fun times.

Splash pad fun with my friend Joni and her darling Aria.  Joni taught the kids how to spit cherry pits.  Brynlee thought she was pretty dang cool for that!

Lots of time cuddle time hanging on the couch - in the nice air conditioned home.

Man, she's growing up!

And swimming lessons!  I signed the kids up for private swimming lessons with my friend Linda. 
They loved it!!

Making friendship bracelets.

Poor baby got tortured by Rett.  He poured water on his head to "give him a new hairdo". 
Brody wasn't too happy.

More visits with Grandma Cougar.

And watching this little man grow more and more....