Family is not an important thing, it's everything.
-Michael J Fox

November 17, 2009

A 5 Year Old???!!!

I'm not old enough to have a 5 year old, am I?

So, I definitely don't get the "Mother of the Year" award for posting about my daughter's months late. But our little Brynlee turned 5 in September. She still looks like she's 3 1/2, but she definitely has the attitude of a 14 year old! But this little girl makes me happy.

Here's a little about our Ninee.....
*she loves MUSIC: David Archuletta (she claims he is her boyfriend), Taylor Swift, Hannah Montana, Skillet....the list goes on and on.

*she wants to be a rockstar. That little girl can rock - no kidding! She and my friend Jessica started their own "band" Brynlee does guitar and Jess does drums I believe.....Bryn told me today that I could be their lead singer. HA HA (oh and Jess, she keeps asking me when are you going to have band practice?!)

*she is a BIG helper. Lately, she unloads and loads the dishwasher - without being asked and helps me do laundry. Nothing like child labor - we start 'em early ;)

*she told me today that she just loves Jesus and he makes her happy. I agree with her.

*she is very inquisitive about everything and she'll pretty much talk your ear off. (wonder where she got that from??? Probably her dad....)

*she loves primary and Sister Wilcox - the music leader.

*she is very smart (I hold bragging rights). She can write her name, Garrett, mom, dad and I you.

*she's very thoughtful - she loves to make cards and draw/color pictures for people. I'll have to scan one of her drawings and put it on here. They make me happy.

*And she loves to be with me. I don't deserve her. I remember holding her for the first time and thinking my life is only going to get better because of her. So far, I'm right. She's everything beautiful.
Here are a few pics I found of Bryn.

Christmas - 1 years old 4 years old.. (I had to put this on here of her and my grandpa at her birthday party last sweet)
And our birthday girl this year.....We asked Bryn what she wanted to do for her birthday and she said that she wanted to go bowling with that's what we did. Makayla's mom, Mandee, is one of my greatest friends and we were prego together. Makayla's only 6 weeks older than Bryn.

Bryn and her best friend Makayla

That night we had a party at our house. She got spoiled as usual - but how could you not spoil that gorgeous face? She got a MP3 player and clothes from mom and dad and more toys and clothes from everyone else.

We love you Bryn!!