(Okay, so that chair is insanely uncomfortable- I think it was made in the 1800's, but that's all I have for now...oh, and ignore the ugly paint color- we bought the house a year ago and still have yet to paint our room...we're waiting for that perfect bedroom suite to smack us in the face)
Well, technically its not brand new- its the big one that we had in our office/playroom/guestroom/tv room.
Hubsters got a cute little desk just for his computer.
All he does is play WOW with his brother and friends, and occasionally Little Monster will play her Spongebob games on it. So we (I) decided it'd be best for him to have a small one, and me to have the big giant one to do writerly type things on. And the bills. And planning stuff. And everything else I do that requires a desk.
I feel kinda sad for my glider. It's been pretty faithful after all these years. It was back in 2005 when we got it...I still remember the day it came shiny and new to our door (my wonderful sis bought it for us!), hubs put it together using beautiful, eloquent words, and finally it was ready for Baby. Baby came, and Mr. Glider held us in his cushiony arms, absorbing spit up like a champ. Baby grew up, and turned into Little Monster but Mr. Glider wasn't put aside...no, Little Monster still likes to rock when she's sad. And then, in Feb of 2009, I had a revelation. I NEED to write this book that has been swimming inside my head for a long time. Hubs agreed to buy me a laptop only IF I started writing it. No problem. So laptop was bought, and I had nowhere to go, so Mr. Glider accepted me with open arms. Looking a little worn with stains from who knows where, I didn't discriminate. So I started writing.
Flash forward to a year later, a new house, and a faithful Mr. Glider still rocking away. I've moved on to a bigger desk, but Mr. Glider will always have a place in my heart. Hopefully we will have many more days of rocking Little Monster...even when she's 15. Hey and you never know, maybe I'll sit and write on Mr Glider sometime just for old time's sake.
(Dude, ignore the mess...that was my desk for a year...seriously.)