Sunday, October 17, 2010

Big News

No, I am not pregnant again! Avery is only 3 weeks old! That's always the first guess when someone announces big news.

Our big news is Aaron has said goodbye to Target!

And Hello to General Mills!

Aaron's last day with Target was Friday, and he starts on Monday, Oct. 25th at General Mills. We can not be more excited. We are still waiting to hear what General Mills brand he will be working with. For those not living in Minnesota, General Mills is located in Minneapolis as well. The headquarters are about 15 min. south of us, which means we don't have to move, and it also means we are now Minnesotans. We plan on staying here for a long time now. Even though we've now lived in Minnesota close to 4 yrs., we never considered ourselves Minnesotans. We always thought we would be out after our Target stint. Guess we are here for the long haul, and we couldn't be more excited.

Visit from Ade!

Aaron's sister Ade came out to help us for a week. It was so FUN having her here! She helped me get projects that have been long neglected around our house, and even inspired some new ones. Unfortunately, I didn't pick up my camera once. Except to take these cute photos of Avery.

Thanks Ade for helping me get these done!

Project inspired by Ade, built 100% by me. I have to say, I'm pretty proud of my skills. This bench, and another entry bench I made, was made from mostly scrapes we had leftover from other projects.

Playing Catch Up

I took a ton of pictures the first week Avery was born, and haven't posted any of them. Granted, they are not even of the baby. When my Mom, Patsy, was out here she kept the girls running wild.

Here are pictures of "Witchy Wednesday"... My Mom picked up Zoe from the bus stop dressed to the hilt to kick off Witchy Wednesday.

Then she took the girls around back for a witchy/fairy tea party. She built a "fairy house" in the wooded area in our back yard. I have to say, I was very impressed. She had come in the house and told me she needed a trash bag and a shovel. I was half asleep on the couch, and didn't register the "shovel" request until about an hour later. By then, she had made this magical hide-away for the girls to play in.

More Fairy Fun..

Needless to say, they had a ton of fun!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Healthy Competition

Who's up for a little contest? I've had several requests for the pumpkin carving contest again. Seeing, that Halloween is 2 1/2 weeks away, I've been a little busy with the baby, I thought I would get a feel for if people would want to do it again. Deadline would be Fri. Oct. 29th for getting your photos submitted, and the voting would be Sat. Oct. 30th and Sun Oct. 31st. There will even be a prize for the winner or winners if we do different categories. Leave a comment if you want to participate, or if you want to be a judge. Here are a few of the winning pumpkins last year...

I expect the competition to step it up this year. You've had a year to practice and refine your skills.