Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Some of you have been wondering if we made out kitchen table this past weekend, and I'm happy to report we did! We actually made the table in under 3.5 hours. We then went on to take make two more benches. I'm not posting pictures yet, until we've finished the sanding and staining... for a grand reveal.

We also took a 3 hour break to run to a baseball game at the new Target Field. It was the girls first baseball game, and the seats were general admission so we got great seats. It was awesome, slightly chilly, but awesome.

Aaron and the girls

Some shots of the new field

Overall, it was a really busy, but fun Saturday.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

San Jose, Sharks or BUST!

For those of you who don't know, Aaron and I are both from San Jose, CA. My parents moved to Utah when I was in Jr. High. We actually grew up together... and got married, to both our families delight.

Anyway, Aaron is a HUGE HUGE HUGE San Jose Sharks (Hockey) Fan!! Our friend who has season tickets to the Minnesota Wild (Hockey) knew this and gave Aaron his tickets for the game this past week. Really sweet tickets! We invited our friends who've always wanted to go to professional Hockey game, on one condition that they cheer for the Sharks. For those of you outside of Minnesota, let me just say Minnesotans take their hockey seriously. This is the land of hockey! So we were definitely in the minority that night.

Aaron just conveniently had four Shark jerseys too, for all of us to wear. I have to say, wearing the jersey made it even that much more fun!! People were heckling us, and the concessions people threatened to charge us more. It was fun. At one point Kathy, my friend, had stood up and cheered really loud when the Sharks scored an amazing goal, and people started throwing food at us. I got hit by popcorn that was aimed at her. Ha ha, I was proud to get hit.

Kathy and Spencer Lake, they were good sports..

Hockey is definitely one of my favorite sport to watch live (next to Volleyball). The whole game we were on the edge of our seats. It goes so fast. It was also crazy, how much we all want to see a fight. When there is even a hint of commotion with the players everyone in the arena jumps up and starts cheering/yelling, even us! I felt so barbaric. It was awesome!

A shot if the players...

Randomly, even some of the cast of Star Wars showed up...

Thanks for tickets and a great night Cammacks!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Another Hard Day at Work

Having to sit through mini concerts from MICHAEL BUBLE, NICK JONAS (well maybe this one would be torture), LADY ANTIBELLUM, NORAH JONES, a comedy snip-bit of TIM ALLEN, and to top it all off, PEARL JAM would be really hard work.

Another day's work for Aaron.

Oops! I forgot, Shaun White was there, as well, with his Gold Medals.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Yo Gabba Gabba...YO!!!!

This past Saturday Aaron surprised the girls with tickets to the Yo Gabba Gabba concert. He was so excited to take them and buy them cotton candy and souvenirs. It's all for the experience,... right?? They were so excited when we got there and started buying food and their light up glow sticks (which neither of them have taken off since the concert).

Here they are excited to go in with all their spoils.

When we got to our seats, we found "DJ Lance" glasses waiting for us. Aaron wore his the entire concert and even on the way home. I love Zoe's face in this picture.

Once the lights went out and the concert got started, neither Aaron or I expected this reaction...

Here are the Yo Gabba Gabba gang doing their thing.

then we looked over and saw this... Poor thing was so scared.

She cried for the first 45 min. I think it was so loud and dark, it really frightened her. She said she wasn't expecting to see them as "real life" either. Not even cotton candy could cheer her up. It wasn't until right before intermission when they dropped loads of balloons from the ceiling that she started to cheer up.

Here is the gang doing the classic song, "There's a party in my tummy. So yummy, so yummy!"

Overall, it was pretty fun. I think the funniest part was the parents who were trying to get their kids excited by singing and cheering extra loud. I fell into this category too. Sadly, I know all the songs.

It was a great time. Hopefully, a memory was made.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Cats Out of the Bag!

We are expecting!!! Our new addition should be arriving in late September! I'm just shy of 11 weeks, but I have a hard time keeping it a secret. I've been sick, but not even close to as sick as I was with Zoe or Quinn.... so that means a boy, right??? It's definately taken it's toll on my bedtime. I have a really hard time staying awake past 9pm. Poor Aaron gets bored a lot. I'm no fun these days. Granted, with his seminary schedule in the morning (he teaches early morning for our ward), he misses my morning ritual hunched over a toilet. I'm sure he is so sad he can't be there to hear all the noises associated with morning sickness and can't hold my hair back for me. Right? Hee hee, this pregnancy is going to be a breeze for him.

Anyway, we just wanted to share the fun news. We couldn't be more excited!