Monday, June 29, 2009

Ahhh, who got the rose???

Ahh, it's killing me. Our DVR cut off the last 13 minutes of the Bachelorette. The show is a guilty pleasure of mine, and it cut off right as she was deciding on who to keep. Did Ed make the cut? Did Wes get the boot? Anyone please!!! Oooohhh Wes is a dirt bag, and he's a country singer (ugg, I don't like country music). I need to know!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

I couldn't resist

Aaron needed photos of when he was a kid for a work thing. So Aaron's mom sent these to us. I couldn't resist. I had to post them. They are just too stinking cute.

Classic school picture

Ahoy! Super sweet sailor suit

Too tired to finish the job. Didn't even bother to pull up the pants. He just laid down and took a nap.

Being mischievous... he found some toothpaste. And I've been told he loved to pee in the yard. Looks like he was getting ready to water some plants.

This last picture is exactly like our Quinn. And here I thought Quinn took after my side.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Chi running + 5k

Aaron and I did our first 5k this past weekend. We decided we are going to start running, and that is can be something we can do together. Which is always nice, to have something just the two of us can do. I have to admit, I really did not enjoy it. I'm not a runner... yet. I'm still in the "I don't like running" phase. I'm trying to get over it. It was so hot and muggy, I was grumbling to myself the whole last 1/2 mile. We had to run directly into the sun, and it was not fun.

Surprisingly, I have to admit, once I crossed the finish line of this little 5k there was a rush of accomplisment. It was a big enough of a rush to make me want to do another one. Aaron enjoyed the race more than I did, and we've decided we are going to make ourselves runners. He's already found another race for us to do.

Also, we have been converted to Chi Running. My sister clued us into this new running technique that is easier on your joints. Both Aaron and I have really bad knees and running usually hurts, but after our race neither one of us had any pain in our knees. I'm a believer. Here is video if you are interested. It's pretty interesting. Sorry it's a long video.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

How Dangerous are Coyotes?

Yesterday at around 7:30pm we had an unexpected visitor. Let me start out with about 30 minutes before that I was in our front yard weeding. Zoe and I had just come back from a walk. After everyone was in Aaron looked out the window and spotted a coyote just hanging out in our front yard. He traipsed around in the front for a bit and then headed to our backyard. Eventually he disappeared into some wooded area that divides our property line. We watched to see if he would reappear, especially seeing that we have rabbits all over in that wooded area and in our yard. We thought we might get to see a little "National Geographic" first hand. He never did come back.

It had me wondering this morning, however, when I went for a quick run on a path that winds through our neighborhood, exactly how dangerous are coyotes? I'm not going to lie, it had me looking over my shoulder a few times on the run. Should I be worried? The kids are outside playing all the time. What do you think?