Monday, August 22, 2011

Baby Barett's Arrival

I am happy to report that our Thursday attempt at delivery was successful! We arrived at the hospital at 8:30 am, ready to start the induction. I've been hiding away from the camera for the past month, but my MIL said I owed it to Barett to take at least one last belly shot for him. So here it is for those who live far away and get excited by pregnant bellies.

I suppose it isn't the last...Aaron took a pic of me during labor, but there is no way that is going out into the public domain.

For those who have never been induced, I will say that it is not the most exciting process. I was hoping this time would be faster since it was my second baby, but it was about the same as Adelyn...12 hours. And most of those hours were fairly uneventful, as I was dialated to only 5 cm FOREVER. But then things ended with a bang: around 9:30 the pain started getting out of control, at 10 I started pushing, and at 10:10 he was born!

He weighed in at 8 lbs 3 oz (just a bit smaller than Adelyn), measured 21 inches, and had a full head of hair!

Anyone interested in more details, feel free to stop by anytime and come meet the little guy. Aaron can tell you his favorite story about the 12-year-old resident who thought the most helpful thing to do when the head was crowning would be to sit and pet it....yeah.

The first day Adelyn came to visit she was pretty freaked out when she saw me sitting in the hospital bed that she climbed up with me, wouldn't leave my side, and decided only to hold the baby when they brought her to him. Here she is the second day, obviously doing much better!

We thought we could never have a baby as easy as Adelyn was, but we are starting to wonder if maybe we got lucky. So far he just eats and sleeps, without needing to suck a binky or be swaddled. We are loving it, but are definitely still getting used to the boy diaper changing challenges. Any tips from you experienced folk??

Anyway, we are doing well thanks to all the help from friends and family.


Sarah said...

oh my goodness, petting the head, that is hilarious! but not so much for mom. jill's head was stuck crowning for 20 minutes and i tell you, i would have KILLED that resident!!!

beautiful little guy there, good job mama! hope he stays easy!

LundHOMEpage said...

Love the pics!! Especially the one of you and your prego belly! really! you can check out mine anytime i think i put pics on FB when I had belly photos taken with Emmitt. I know Braden would love to stop over and say hi when you are ready for little visitors. As for changing boy diapers i always think they are way easier to clean that girls...if you are concerned about getting peed on i just keep it covered and do it quickly. But I must say both boys only ever did it once. Let me know how I can help, I'd love to bring you dinner too!

Coleman Family said...

He is so beautiful! And yeah we heard the funky chia pet stroking...gross...honestly what was he thinking?

The Willis Wonder Years said...

First of all, you are ridiculously gorgeous especially considering you JUST had a baby! Second of all, he is adorable and I cant wait to meet him! And third, I am so sorry we havent been by yet. Brian is out of town so I didnt want to bring Matthew to the hospital and disrupt the peace, and yesterday he was puking up his brains and thought it better to not subject your baby to that! ;o) I will be there soon though! Congrats! We are so excited for your darling family!!

Anjuli said...

Congrats!!! He is so cute!! Changing boy diapers are way easy....just keep them covered. :) Love you lots and I hope I can stop by soon. I will call.

Sharon said...

Congrats! He's adorable.

Steph said...

Hurray. And yes, you look hot after having a baby. Congrats to you both. can't wait to meet the little guy and love his name. Good luck this week with recovery!

Elisa said...

You have to get some Pee-pee teepee's. They work great! We;ll have to come stop by soon and see your little guy. Sounds like it went fairly well, and glad everyone is healthy! And you dont' even look 9 months pregnant in that picture!

Christina said...

Congrats!! As for the diaper changing, keep him covered and make sure he's "pointing down." Sorry if that's TMI!

Heather said...

Yay!! i'm glad everything went well!! He is adorable!!! i need to come over & hear that story! haha.
Congrats! {A} has gotten so big. she is so cute!!
hope you are getting some sleep!


RR said...

I have been checking the blog daily to get a picture of the little guy!!

I'm so proud of you!! You did a great job Aaron said Saturday!

We'd love to have adelyn at our place for a day or two.

Holly said...

What a beautiful boy! And you look great, Becca, congratulations!
As for the diaper can get "pee-pee tee-pees" which Ive never used, but I've heard great things about them! :) We just make sure we always have the diaper open & ready to go before we open the used one...then we hurry as fast as we can to get everything covered up. Good luck!

Brandon and Becca said...

I'm glad Adelyn decided she likes him. Congrats again, and let me know if you need anything

Mimi Crisenberry said...

I am so glad you posted on your blog already, I have been eagerly awaiting the details and the pictures :). Barett is so cute and I can't get over how amazing you look right before being induced and after you have a baby--you put us all to shame! Anyway, congratulations we are excited for you to be a family of 4 now, and don't worry, I think changing boys' diapers are wayyyy easier than girls' diapers. I wish we could stop by to get more details and hold the little guy, but I will just cross my fingers that you'll visit here sometime, or possibly move ;). Best of luck with all of the adjustments.

Heather said...

congratulations! we are so happy for you guys! boys are the best!

Unknown said...

OH my heck! Becca, you look amazing! Before AND after baby! I'm so glad he's here and healthy!

Kristine and Philip said...

Aaaaawwww!!! So dang cute from the new born pictures to the blessing ones. Congratulations and hope Barrett continues to be a good eater and sleeper! Love you!