feb sale

Showing posts with label Sale. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sale. Show all posts

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Spring CU sale!

April, 6-17th

1.99 $ CU sale by A-liya at CU4U!

Thanks for looking! ))

Thursday, November 5, 2015

GottaPixel Blog Hop November 5-8


Welcome to the GottaPixel Blog Hop! We've all came up with a great free kit for you to celebrate {i}Digital Scrapbooking Day and Gotta Pixel’s 10 year anniversary! This mega kit can be used for scrapbooking your best friend, best vacation, best birthday. There is a variety of elements so your layout theme ideas are endless!

And here is my part

 You should have arrived from Gotta Pixel's blog.
After you've grabbed it be sure to make a next stop at Aprilisa Designs's blog and continue your freebie hunt! :)

NOTE: Please be patient and wait a little if any of the girls are a little late posting their parts ))

And make sure you hurry to the store too... We're having the store-wide sale for a couple of days and all of my stuff is priced 40% OFF!!!!

Here is the list of Design Team contributors:
Gotta Pixel – http://gottapixel.net/blog/
Aprilisa Designs – http://aprilisadesigns.blogspot.com
Alessandra Designs- http://www.alessandradesigns.blogspot.com.br/

Bekah E Designs – http://bekahedesigns.com/blog/
BooLand Designs – http://www.boolanddesigns.com/
Aprilisa Designs- http://aprilisadesigns.blogspot.com
CathyK Designs – http://twoboyz00.blogspot.com/
Connie Prince – http://scrapinfusions.blogspot.com/
Designs by Helly – http://designsbyhelly.blogspot.com/
JB Studio – www.simplyjbstudio.com
Jen Dipzinski Design – www.jendipzinskidesign.com
Kathryn Estry- http://kathrynsdigitaldesigns.blogspot.com/
Kristmess- http://kristmessdesigns.blogspot.ca/
Lara’s Digi World- http://larasdigiworld.blogspot.sk/
Lindsay Jane – http://lindsayjanedesigns.blogspot.com/
Luv Ewe Designs – http://luvewedesigns.com/
Mandy King – http://mybagofscraps.com/
Meagan’s Creations- http://meaganscreations.com/blog/
Meta Wulandari – http://metawulandaridesign.com/
Pixelily Designs- http://pixelilydesigns.blogspot.com/
PrelestnayaP http://prelestnayap.blogspot.com/
Seatrout Scraps- www.seatroutscrapsdesigns.com/blog
Silvia Romeo- http://www.silviaromeo.blogspot.com.br/
Word Art World- http://wordartworld.blogspot.com

If you get lost, be sure to go back to the Gotta Pixel blog link HERE or see the list in the forum HERE. Pass this link to a friend.


Happy Scrapping!!!

Sunday, November 1, 2015

40% Grand Opening and Sale

Hello my dear friends!

I have wonderful news! I am one of November guest designers in GottaPixel store and I'm having a 40% sale until November 8 to celebrate it!  
For this occasion I have prepared this beautiful autumn kit called Fall Tales. Isn’t it wonderful?

 And please take a look at these tremendous pages made with my kit!

To keep up with all of my sales and new product releases sub scribe to my blog or  newsletter.

Thanks for looking!


Monday, October 26, 2015

1$ Big Sale in CU4YOU!

1$ Big Sale in CU4YOU!


Do not miss out this wonderful opportunity!
 1 CAD each
till October, 28th

Have a nice day!

Elena (A-liya)

Monday, December 29, 2014

Happy New Year!

Hello my dear friends!

Let me wish you the happiest New Year and wonderful holiday time!!!
I wish every single of your dreams comes true, be healthy, let your life be filled with love and happiness!!!

I'm ringing the New Year bell with my brand new Christmas kit called Wait for Christmas! It's 40% OFF as well as ALL MY kits about winter, Christmas and New Year!

And I have wonderful New Year sale - 50% off on 20 products!


Enjoy 50% OFF my store for 3 day only -
don't miss your chance!!!

Monday, December 1, 2014

Cyber Mondey CU sale and last freebie QP!


Quick note - I still have CU sale - 50 % off till December, 2nd (new releases are includes!)

Please enjoy last QP from freebie Album December blues

Thanks for your kind words!

Have a nice day!


Sunday, November 30, 2014

freebie again

Hello ladies!

It's me again with another freebie QP


Do not miss out last day of PU sale at Digital Crea!
Please enjoy 55% off CU sale!

See you!

Saturday, November 29, 2014

special offers aren't ended!

Are you have had fun with Black Friday sales? I hope for it! And our special offers aren't ended! 

I have 50% off on all my CU products at CU4U 


PU kits are 40% OFF until Nov. 30


Wonderful Collaboration at DigitalCrea! 


Mysterious Box Exclusively at Digital Créa discover the mysterious box composed of minikits, templates and derivatives !

You can take next free QP from this Album


Have a nice day!


Friday, November 28, 2014

Black Friday sales began!

Hello my friends!

Black Friday sales began!

Another Wonderful Collaboration at DigitalCrea!

Mysterious Box

Exclusively at Digital Créa discover the mysterious box composed of  minis kits, templates and derivatives !

Bundle Pack are 25%OFF!
Special price until Nov. 30.

and don't forget my PU kits are 40%OFF until Nov. 30!

This is my part of the mysterious box - December blues

There are some LO's with this kit:

You can also WIN this kit here,
just leave a message and I will randomly draw

I have 50% off on all my CU products at CU4U also

And only today and only for you - an additional discount of 5%! 
Total in the sum you will save 55%

So how about lovely gift? ;)
This "December blues" album is free till December, 2nd (one new QP in day)


 See you tomorrow!


Friday, November 7, 2014

Creative Box November'14 and BIG PU sale!

Hello my friends!
Thanks to each of you who visited and shopped during our iDSD sale. I hope you had really fun shopping!
And I have new wonderful offers for you!

Please meet our CB collection November'14!


Lovely way to keep you dreams :)

And for those of you who have had no chance to use iNSD offer - 

All my Autumn/Fall/Halloween themed kits
all bundles


50% off!


Have a nice day!