Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Hiking and thoughts on a 1/2

The last time we hiked was back in June. I took Annika and Isabel out. Then we had some friends visit from Idaho and didn't want to miss out on the opportunity. Their time here was limited so we actually went on a Sunday morning before church. It made for a crazy morning but it was worth it. We had so much fun.

I haven't hiked since then. I have a really good reason. My sister-in-law called me and asked me to do a half marathon with her. I thought she was crazy and at first said no. I told her that I'd need to think about it and I'd get back with her. I looked at the training schedule and this feeling came over me that I should really go for it.  So, I called her back and told her I'd do it.

While hiking with the Jarvis' I asked Rich a lot of questions about how to train.  They had just ran a 1/2 marathon at Disney World in FL.   He highly encouraged me to do heart rate training.  At first I felt lost and confused when it came to the training.  But as I got out there and did, it just happened.

I've been training for a month now and last Saturday I went for 9.5 miles. The only way I could have accomplished such a feat is with heart rate training.   That, and getting over the notion of having to "run" the whole distance. I say run, cuz running is not what I do. More like a slow jog. But it's gotten me moving and working towards something that I never thought was possible for me.

Hikes have since been neglected.  I miss them, but running has taken priority.  I hope to resume hiking once my 1/2 is over with.  I do miss being in the Mountains.

Yes, we made it!!!
Hold on a sec, you've got something on your nose.

Benjamin and Grace.

Beckham, Michael and Grace.

As you can see, I love taking jumping photos.  This is how I think we should feel about life.  Fun, exciting, joyful, and playful.  Although life might not always feel like this, life is generally always good.  I am so grateful for the opportunity to train for a 1/2 marathon.  It's been challenging at times.  But jogging brings back a sense of strength and accomplishment.  Something I've been missing for over a year.  I might not be able to jump like this when I'm done with my 1/2, but I'm sure I'll feel like it on the inside.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Day trip to SLC

I love going to ANY Temple grounds. No matter where you go the grounds are pristinely kept. My ultimate dream job would have to be a grounds keeper for one of these magnificent and sacred buildings. They wouldn't even have to pay me, I'd weed for free people!!

At the end of June we had the opportunity to meet some good friends up at the SLC Temple. We rarely get up that way since it's just too far to drive. Which is ridiculous now that I think about it.

 Brent and I were there in April to celebrate our 16th wedding anniversary and the tulips and various spring blooms were absolutely breath taking. In fact I was overwhelmed by the beauty of it all. I had to slow Brent's pace down just so I could take it all in. I told Brent I don't remember the grounds being this pretty when we were married.

June didn't disappoint either.  I was in photo taking heaven!!   I hope you enjoy the photos as much I had taking them!!

Some random lady was kind enough to offer to take our photo.
But not patient enough to make sure all our eyes were open or looking at the camera.

Grace is hilarious.
She was watching everyone else get their photos taken in front of the Temple.
She went off to the side, did a few random poses trying to figure out what 
she was going to do for her photo.  

Isabel insisted on getting a picture taken in the same place 
Brent and I did.

Someday my garden is going to look as pretty as this

Friday, July 20, 2012

Trying to be the "Fun" Mom

As soon as school got out for the summer Hannah kept bugging me, and bugging me, and bugging me about dying her hair with kool-aid.  I realized that I am not a super fun Mom.  In fact I think I am prolly the meanest Mom on the block.  Come on, even in the summer time I observe a strict bedtime of 9pm.  And yes, that includes my teenagers. 

Finally I relented. We watched on You-tube a couple of tutorials on how to do it.  We picked out some colors and proceeded with the "fun".   If kneeling at the island with your head kinked can be called fun.  Anything for beauty, right? 

Annika dying her hair blue
Hers didn't last but 3 days.  It wasn't hot enough to completely stay in.
Besides, she said she never wanted to dye her hair again cuz some boys said she looked like a leprechaun.
People, blue was not the most attractive color.  

Hannah, giving me the eye.
Why is it that no matter what you do they are never really happy? 

Isabel, she cracks me up.

See what I mean by kinked?

The end result.

See the blue peeking out from underneath?
It's actually kind of pretty.

She looks so "bad a"

The kool-aid is only suppose to last for 7 weeks.  Dad was not very happy when he came home.  Which I knew he wouldn't be.  But I knew that I needed to allow my children to do a few things to experience some sort of (safe) "freedom".  I figured this was innocent enough.  Brent wanted the dye to be gone by girls camp.  The blue was gone by then, but not the red/orange.  In fact, it's still there a wee bit.  We had fun doing it.  I particularly like it when her hair was curled.  

Summer has been a beast this last week.  I think there were a few too many hormones being thrown around the air.  The girls were at each others throats, I wanted to punch a few faces and escape to my room, too many complaints about chores and doing work.  It was all too much. In fact, I got so upset this morning that I slammed my bedroom door and broke it.  Now I'm just upset with myself for allowing myself to get that worked up. I think I have some apologizing to do.  Up until this week summer had been quite enjoyable.  I could handle the flames of conflicting personalities, and tune out the many complaints.  When it's "that time of the month", a lot of things become unbearable.  I'm glad when this week will be over with.  

On a happier note, my children do recognize when they've gone too far and they come and  apologize.  I appreciate this about my children.  Saying your sorry is one of the quickest ways to soften hearts.  My heart has been softened more then once this week.  I am also so grateful for how quickly my children are to forgive me of my wrong doings and short comings.  There is no manual to parenting and I make a lot of mistakes.  

Let's cross our fingers that next week will be a huge improvement upon this one.  Happy, happy, joy, joy.  

Monday, July 9, 2012

My Eagle, no longer a boy

Last August, Jaren completed his Eagle Scout project. He did a blood drive for the American Red Cross. It was a LOT of WORK. For Jaren that is, and for me to continually be on him about getting his responsibilities done. Jaren talked to and organized all the Senior patrol leaders in the 11 wards that are in our Stake. He handed out sign-up sheets and made reminder calls to over 100 people. Of course he inlisted a few other scouts to help him. Jaren collected a record 71 units of blood. To qualify for an Eagle project the scout needs to collect at least 50 units. He was there to welcome all the donors and made extra calls while the blood drive was going on. I couldn't be more proud of Jaren and the work he put in to make the blood drive such a success.

 This past May we FINALLY got around to his Eagle Court of Honor. Which we threw together very quickly and I look back and think of all the things I could have done better. Like maybe getting some table clothes and doing a little more decorating. You do what you can with the resources you have. Besides, it was about Jaren and all that he's accomplished, not the dessert or display table. Please tell me I'm right?

 I wish I could say that the night went off without a hitch, but alas, no such luck. Bro. Kuawe, who we asked to introduce and open the Eagle Court, forgot about it and Brent had to call and remind him. Everyone was there just twiddling there thumbs and wondering what was going on. Brent didn't get up to announce the delay, so I did. I was a little obnoxious, cuz that's how I get when I am nervous and anxious. When Bro. Kuawe finally arrived I again graced the mic with my presence and asked everyone to give him a round of applause. Again, anxiety induced obnoxiousness. I'm sure I embarrassed both Jaren and Brent to pieces, but hey, it made for a very memorable night.

The Award Table.
Complete with the poem that Brent's Dad wrote for him many years ago when he got his Eagle. 

The Grandparents, Great Grandma, and 
Uncle who can never keep a straight face for photos.

I just had to take a shot of all the feet.
Mostly to document Great Grandma's rolled down socks.  

Let me preface these photos by expressing my frustration with my photo taking or lack there of.  I hate that at the most important events I can never seem to take good photos or remember to get good group shots, or special shots of Mom and Dad with the Eagle, or Grandparents with the Eagle.  It wasn't until the darn night was over that I realized my error.  UGHHHHH!!!  So these lame, closed eyed, goofy faced photos are going to have to due.  Note to self, don't be afraid to get in there and get the job done!!

Chris Hansbrow
We've known Chris for 15 years, 
longer then Jaren's mortal existence. 
Chris was Jaren's Scout Master and 
helped him on his path to an Eagle. 
I am grateful for the influence Chris had on Jaren and his dedication to all boys in his troop.

Carvin Marvin
He carves an Eagle and makes them into bolo ties. 

Cory Wood (Brent's brother)
He was charged to read Jaren in as an official Eagle.
Cory is very emotional and could barely get through the presentation.  
That's what the finger pointing was for:
"Don't look at me or you'll make me cry!"

The Eagle's Nest.

Jaren Reciting the Eagle Oath.

Why is it that hugging Dad is so awkward?
Despite the awkwardness, there is love there.

Can you see the pride I have on my face for my Son?

I am proud of my Eagle
I am also grateful for my relationship with my son

Bro. Benson
Jaren chose Benson as his mentor.  
They both gave each other a lot of crap.
Guys don't know how to show love any other way.
I am grateful to Bro. Benson and the way he cared for my son.  Jaren without fail would always get sick on campouts.  More then once Benson would have to clean up his vomit.  YUCK!!  More then that, Benson too, was a good example to Jaren.

It's moments like this when you wonder where all the time went.  I remember Jaren as a toddler stuffing all his clothes from his dresser drawer in a camp chair bag.  He would take those clothes out, sort them, fold them and then put them back.  He didn't care if the clothes were clean or dirty.  I never thought the day would come when he'd turn 12 and now look, he's 14 almost 15 years old.   And an Eagle Scout to boot.  Jaren has a lot of determination and self motivation.  Like all young men he needed a few nudges here and there.  But I am proud of this amazing accomplishment and the stellar young man he is turning out to be.