For a couple of months Bonnie and Gwen have been able to take some horseback riding lessons from a young woman we know. They have had so much fun doing this. It has ended up being about twice a month on a Saturday morning.
Overall it has been a wonderful experience for them. There was one day that went a little awry, but Bonnie came through with flying colors. She had been learning to take the horse from a trot to a gallop inside the ring. She was doing really well at it and they had her move to outside the ring. Unfortunately, the horse got to close to the ring and one of the bolts holding the ring together, snagged Bonnie's jeans and her leg.
She got a pretty sweet scratch on her leg. I am proud to say that she stayed right on that horse and even rode it around for a while longer. She also was right back up there at the next lesson and did a fantastic job.