Monday, October 10, 2022

Its been over 5 years since I've posted anything.  Probably because Instagram became really popular.  5 years ago Brent was set apart as the Bishop of our Ward.  6 months after my Mom died of cancer and just over a year into Jaren's mission to Samoa.  The photo below is of 10 years ago.  Brent was the 1st counselor in the Bishopric and the Payson Temple was just in its beginnings.  Look how tiny my sweet kids were.  The photo just below reveals what they look like the week before Brent was released as Bishop.  I appreciate that my kids gathered together to make the photo possible.  5 of my 6 kids have or are currently serving missions.  Jaren served in Samoa.  Hannah served in Scotland/Ireland.  Annika served in Indianapolis Indiana.  Isabel served in Micronesia Guam.  And Beckham leaves for Fort Lauderdale Florida speaking Haitian tomorrow.  I worked really hard while they were growing up to teach them about Jesus and how to worship him.  We read scriptures, had FHE, said family prayer, fulfilled our callings, served our neighbors and found joy doing it all.  It wasn't always fun.  It was hard being on the bench by myself for 10 years. It was hard having my husbands mind occupied with work and then with Ward stuff.  It felt like I was a single mother for a really long time.  I knew I wasn't.  As time went on Brent became more and more involved, as much as he could.  I don't fault him for anything.  I chose to support him so he in turn could help more people.  The outpouring of love from members was affirming to me that he did in deed lead with love.  Just this evening someone told me that Brent was their favorite Bishop and they cried when he was released.  But none of that is guarantee that our kids will choose to still believe the way we do.  Despite all our efforts and them going on missions a few have chosen different paths.  At first I was devastated.  But as I sat and listened to them I chose to have more compassion then anything else.  Would I rather all my children be active.  Absolutely.  Do I wish we could change the language inside the church and stop saying they are "Lost", YES.   They aren't lost to me and they definitely aren't lost to God.  Every single one of my kids are good good humans.  I am proud of their accomplishments and the kind, generous people they are.  This experience, like my mother's passing, has granted me opportunities for learning and growth. Helped me to change my question from "What is wrong with them?" to "What happened to them?" .   And learning to find the balance of still living what I believe and building loving, lasting relationships with all of my children.  I wont ever stop being their Mom.  I wont ever stop loving Jesus.  And somehow, we are making it work.  I love all my children.  I love it when they come over.  I love watching them make efforts to be with each other.  And now that Brent is done being Bishop I'm excited to how he uses that extra real estate inside his head.  He seems to be adjusting well.  Brent has a mind of steel.  Like complete control over his thoughts which is actually very impressive.  I had a harder time of things the week leading up to his releasing. I wasn't prepared for the emotions that came and sat with me for a short bit.  Having Brent serve was a wonderful experience for our family.  I don't regret anything.


Sunday, October 9, 2022

 My sister flew in from Australia.  There was a tiny tiny window before she left for St. George and Beckham left for the MTC where we were all in the same place.  We took complete advantage of this and got my Dad and brothers together for a large family photo.  The last time we got a large family photo was when we were all in Disneyland for Mom and Dad's 40th wedding anniversary.  I suggested the Pioneer Cemetery here in Spanish Fork.  The views are phenomenal and there was plenty of space for everyone to be in the photo.  It was no small miracle that we were able to get Ryan and Michelle to come too.  I am so grateful they made this all possible.   

Twin photos is always a must.  I can't believe how tall Soren is.  Or how deep both Asher and Soren's voices are.  My twins are still the OG cutie cutes.  

I LOVE how the photo turned out.  I didn't require any sort of outfits.  Everyone just came in what they were comfortable in.  Some were concerned if Patty should be in the photo.  I said we'll take some with her in it and some without her in it.  Then everyone else can choose which photo they put up on their wall. 

Grandpa with all his Grandkids.  

I will NEVER get over this view.  EVER!!

Life is so different from our last family photo.  My Mom is now no longer with us and my Dad remarried, Patty.  Jaren married Peyton.  And we've all lived through a pandemic.  Grace is our only child left at home.  Although the older girls flow in and out of the house on a constant bases.  Grace keeps asking when they are going to stay away permanently.  I think if she really understood what that was going to look and sound like she wouldn't wish for it all that much.  I am grateful Hannah, Isabel, and Annika have moved out to be on their own  And I'm even more grateful that they still feel a pull to come home.  Whether that is to do laundry, grocery shop in Mom's pantry or to have a home cooked meal, it doesn't matter to me.  I love my beautiful birds and will take them when I can get them.  

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Missing NoCal

As I sit in my quiet house with time to think about summer, I find myself missing last year.  We had such a phenomenal time in Humbolt County.   Moonstone beach, Fern Canyon, and Indian Beach are all beckoning me to return.

Summer is very different for us this year.  No long trip to anticipate.  No Trek to stress and prepare for.  Just busy days filled with chores, reading, gardening and trying to stay cool from the blazing sun.

Jaren is off at his second Scout Camp this week.  That boy is getting so grown up.  16 and driving.  Wanting to be his own person away from Mom and Dad.  Mom and Dad having a hard time letting go.  He is such a good good kid.  In the quiet, thoughts of him leaving in 2 years surface.  Have I taught him enough?  Is his testimony firm in the Savior?  Where will he serve?  Is he prepared to serve as close as Boise, ID?   2 years is going to FLY by.  Am I ready?

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Happy 4th of July Weekend!

 On our "hike" up Bridal Veil Falls.
Another 4th Tradition that we look forward to every year.

 Family Photo:
My family is growing to fast!

 Getting to help put one of the balloons back in its bag!

 We look so festive!!

 My cuties!  


I've been on a blogging hiatus. Obviously since its been what, 7, 8 months since I last posted.  I decided to start back up again for many reasons.  The first and foremost is to document our life here at the Wood house.  My kids love looking back at what they did, what they said, and how crazy we all really are.  I've missed blogging and expressing the highs and lows of daily life.  So here goes kids, enjoy.

We had a very busy 4th of July weekend.  We woke up early on the 3rd, at 4:45am to make sure we made it to the Balloons in Provo by 6am launch.  We were on time and got a good seat.  Smokey the Bear balloon needed more room so we had to back up quite a bit.  We waited and waited and waited.  The balloons usually launch right at 6am.  I guess the weather was questionable.  Right before 7am some of the balloons started to fill up.  We had fun wandering around, like we always do, touching the balloons and getting lots of photos.  This is a tradition that my kids LOVE and miss it when we don't go.  This year was extra exciting.  The wind actually picked up and started collapsing many of the balloons.  A few of the baskets were getting carried away too.  You could see the panic in some of the peoples faces.  Some patrons were hysterical too, screams could be heard throughout.
 Here is one of the balloons trying to get quickly de-flated due to the wind.  

I love this photo.  Elsie, my niece is scared poop-less from a balloon that continues to sway over the top of us.  

Other things we did:  Swam at the reservoir.  Had so much fun running and diving into the frigid water.  Had even more fun playing on the random log.  Clambering to get on top for the chance to jump back into the water.  Cory, Sean, Brooke, Jaren, Isabel, Hannah and I had so much fun.  We finally got Kelli to come out for a minute.  Dawnia stayed close to shore, it was too cold for her. 

All of us in our hand made tie-dye shirts.

After the reservoir cleaned up and then went up the canyon.  The canyon was too hot to stay very long.  We did get a fun photo of everyone in their shirts.  We headed back down and had a bbq at Mike and Donna's.  
Beckham played in the 3 on 3 soccer tournament in the Freedom Festival.  His little team won.  

We played scum, ran to our neighborhood to watch a firework display that Rich and Cindy Smith put on.  Ran back to Mike and Donna's, had peach cobbler.  Try to track down the fireflies, but couldn't find them. 

We had a bbq lunch with Grandma Penny on July 5th.  Had fun working in the yard and visiting with Ryan, Michelle, Deric and Monica.  

It was back to Mike and Donna's for family dinner and family photos.  

By the end of it all I was completely exhausted.  I have nothing else to give right now.  I still get to teach the youth in church and sit with the 8 year olds in Primary.  I don't feel like doing anything for days.  But like they say, no rest for weary. 

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Halloween at Fishbowl

Fishbowl, where my Dad works, started throwing a Halloween Party a few years ago. And as traditions go, it's gotten bigger and bigger with each passing year. My kids love it and ask when it is. My Dad looked Awesome in his Pirate Costume. The trick or treating was superb. Thanks to my Dad and fishbowl for entertaining us!
All smiles after loading on up on the "good" candy.
We are so Silly!
Mini Me Mouse

What a fun photo of them all!

Several years ago, I decided that I was being to serious with my kids and needed to let lose and shoe them that I can be silly and fun.  I didn't care how ridiculous I seemed to them.  I dance around the kitchen and try to laugh as often as I remember to.  Here I am in all my glory.  Crazy eyed and doubled chinned!!
Chicken at Work
Funniest thing I saw all day!

Monday, October 21, 2013

Fall Photo Shoot

Over the summer I found the perfect spot to take photos of my kids. There's a pioneer cemetery that looks over the valley with the Mountains in the background. I LOVE the mountains where we live. In the last few months I have grown to love them even more. The weather here has been stunning to say the least. Yesterday I rounded the kids up and we took some photos. I love how they turned out, the background is just how I wanted it to be.

Hannah Edith 14 years old

Jaren Elijah, 16 & driving in a month!

Grace Evora 5 years
No longer a baby, but will always be my baby girl

Annika Patrice 12 years

Isabel Charlotte 12 years

Beckham Patrick 9 years

September 2013 was the busiest I've ever experienced.  Soccer, Reffing Soccer, Cross Country, Driver's Ed, Early morning Seminary and a few more carpools to add into that mix.  By the end of the month we were all hanging by a thread.  It sounds so cliche, but kids grow up so stinking fast!  And the older they get the quicker the time speeds by.  
The kids complained as we were driving to our destination, which was all of 2 minutes.  Why do we have to take photos, blah blah blah blah.  I told them because I'm the Mom and I want photos of you all!  I hate paying for school pictures and even though I'm not a profesh, at least I can document what they look like from year to year.  

Friday, October 4, 2013

Pioneer Trek Day 2: They LIED!!!

It was no secret to anyone that day two was going to be the Woman's pull. I had imagined it to be difficult. My imaginings didn't even touch the reality of how difficult it really was. We spent a long time arranging our hand cart to fit the water jugs and our many buckets. As we lined up in our Company a rider came up on his horse and called all the men off to war. They grabbed their buckets and took off a-walking. It seemed a bit chaotic and strange. My husband went off without kissing me, and my heart ached as I watched him walk away. Our Stake Trek consisted of about 700 people. The scene before me was quite emotional. The women literally watched hundreds of men walk away from us. As I watched the sea of men move away from us and up the trail, I felt some of my strength leave. I never realized how much strength Brent gave me just being by my side. I get emotional just thinking about it.

 The women had a devotional and they talked about doing hard things. Yes, we were about to engage in something Very Hard, difficult really. Luckily for our company we were third in line. My Anxiety grew as I watched other women begin their struggles up this daunting hill. I'm mad I didn't get any pictures! I sent both the camera and video recorder with Brent. The hand carts in front of us were slipping in the first few feet of this steep hill. As we awaited our turn, the cart in front of us began to slip back down the hill. Hannah(not my daughter) and I ran up to help them get going again. My heart pounding, and out of breath I raced back to my own cart realizing that I had just spent much of my own energy. Then it was time for us to go. I knew I was trekking with some strong girls. I am so grateful for those young women who I pulled, and pushed with up that hill. There was only 4 of us. Two in the front, and two in the back. I chose to push from the back, better for my own weary back. Along the trail, "Angels" were there to help us up some of the more difficult portions. I kept my head down knowing that tears were at the surface. As I was putting all my strength to push, a Brother came right up next to me and quietly said in my ear, "We are on your left, and on your right." Again, I get emotional as I recall this memory. I thought of all the "angels" that God has sent to me in my life. And there have been many. A little further up the hill(it was a long arduous trail with huge rocks and holes to complicate the climb), another Brother jumped right in front behind the cart. I once again had to hold back tears as his job of helping had finished and he leaned in to kiss his daughter. He was the Dad to one of the girls in our family, McKell. So sweet that I began to cry. I don't know what other women's pulls have looked like. But this one seemed to go on forever, testing the strength of my spirit as well as my physical body. Finally, as we came towards the top of the hill I spotted our hot pink bandanas, our MEN!! I literally had to hold back sobs as I saw the face of my husband and the boys of our family. I had to keep my head down as not to allow my emotions to get the best of me. Brent stayed behind to film the rest of our company come up the hill. When he finally caught up to me I let all my emotions out. I cried into his shoulder and told him, "If I never have to do that again, I will be just fine!". The women's pull was about 1.5 miles in length. I was exhausted. For me, it was more difficult to watch my husband walk away from me. Because some of my strength left with him, it made it that much more difficult to traverse that mountain.

This was only the beginning to a very very very long day.  We ended up trekking about 10 miles when they told us it would be between 7-8.  

Right after the women's pull we sat down had lunch.  We checked our feet and off we went again.  At this point we were on the top of the Mountain.  Just as we were crossing the ridge a Thuderstorm accompanied by Lightening and Rain pounded us.  The trail became muddy and the tires of the cart quickly became caked with mud, as well as our shoes!  This made walking so much more difficult.

In normal circumstances I would be in heaven.  I LOVE lightening and thunder.  But not when it's right over my head.  At one point I was between carts trying to get some mud off my shoe, and instantaneously lightening struck right above my head and thunder clapped in my ear.  I threw myself into a crouching position and covered my ears while I heard other people around me let out cries of fear.  I think I even swore. That part is a little blurry.  The part that isn't blurry is the real fear I heard in Bishop Hansbrows voice as he yelled at us to keep going, that we needed to get off the ridge.  At that moment I realized that we were in a dangerous situation.  We trekked in mud for nearly two miles.  We were told that there would be port-a-potties every 2 miles.  They purposely moved it off the ridge to keep us going.  It was MISERABLE.  And this was right after the Women's Pull!!!

Brent jumped in to help the boys pull.
The mud complicated everything!

Mud on my shoes!

View from the Top of the World

A few of families from our Company.
Still thinking their in a race. 

The wildflowers were stunning.  There was pink, purple, blue, yellow and white.  I was overwhelmed by the beauty of Ephraim Canyon.

McKell, Whitney and Hannah
The only reason we made it through the Women's Pull
Our Family

After trekking 2 miles in the mud, we went an additional 6 miles.  The second half was far more enjoyable.  It was an easy down hill.  The scenery was spectacular and walking side by side with my husband was powerful.  When we finally got to camp I was spent.  My body ached from head to toe.  I just wanted to lay down and sleep for a week.  But our adventure wasn't over.  After dinner we participated in Square dancing.  I thought, "there is no way I can get this body of mine to move another inch!".   Brent and I went out anyway and boy did we have fun.  We danced and danced until it was dark.  And I've never had so much fun dancing with my Husband.  I still can't get over that I could dance after all that we'd been through this day.  

As I went to bed I lathered up in Deep Blue and took some ibuprofen.  I just knew I was going to be sore in the morning.  How was I going to manage to go another day?