Why this card is awesome: Because of that totally awesome face that Harris is making. It's nice how Topps highlighted his funny mouth by hiding the rest of his head in a dark shadow.
Cool stat: A lot of you know this, but many probably don't. Harris was (and still is, I'm sure) ambidextrous and had a special glove with a thumb on each end that he could wear on either hand. He pitched in his career as a righty, but always wanted to get a chance to pitch as a lefty in a real game. If you check out his platoon splits, you can see that he did appear in one game as a lefty. On September 28, 1995, Harris pitched as both a lefty and a righty in the same game. The next day, he appeared in his last major-league game. BONUS: from 1985 to 1992, Harris had 4 seasons with at least 100 IP, ERA+ of 150, and no more than 20 saves. Nobody else in baseball had more than 1 such season over that period.