I have been working on something for my old school-heart-breaker-retro-mutt game in lieu of a having skills system
1st Everyone is also assumed to have basic adventure skills (swim, ride, climb, tie knots) and such. When needed these are handled with attribute checks.
2nd I use an adventuring task system ala Lament of the Flame Princess to handle things that are part of an adventure and a non combat challenge. This includes Thieves Skills for example.
3rd Everybody has a "Background" which is where they came from. This is L0 (level 0 adds to L1 in my game) and gives them some basic knowledge outside of adventuring Its somewhat similar to a "secondary skill" from AD&D mixed with the L0 stuff from DCC
4th and last each class has a lens which determines how a person was trained. This is something like a 2e Kit A couple of fighter examples might be Archer, Gladiator, Brawler. These will eventually give special abilities and grant knowledge and such based on attribute checks.
An example, a human fighter might look like
note this assumes 3-18 score. Its meant to be compatible with older editions and to be honest have not fallen far from the tree
Strength 16 (rather good) +2
Wit 10 +0
Luck 10 +0
Dexterity 13 +1
Constitution 13 +1
Fellowship 13 +1
Perception 10 +0
Level 1
Corean Peasant
Fighter - Mercenary Archer
Adventuring Tasks
not listed
Gifts (2, 1 bonus for being human)
Not listed
HP 16 (how this is calculated, average dice+con for a human (5 on a d6) + fighter max and con (10 on a D10 +con) )
AC 15 (padded doublet, shield, dexterity)
not listed but will include armor, shield, weapon
I have not quite gotten to "to hit" yet but y'all can see the general idea.
So what do you think?
Fight On! Issue 16 now available – dedicated to DA Trampier
One of the best things to happen in the “old school” gaming community in
the past year is the return of the amazing fanzine *Fight On! *
*Issue 16* has jus...
4 days ago
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