Our Family

Our Family

Sunday, March 27, 2022



We decided to make it a tradition to spend the Fourth in Cali with Jor and Bridger.  This year since they were closer to Anaheim we decided we would spend a day at the beach, and a day at downtown Disney and then go to a Angels game that night.  On Sunday were going going to try to go to Laguna which we did but we just kept driving it was the Fourth on Sunday and we forget that Utah is the only ones that celebrates it not on Sunday.
Day 1

Jake Jadyn Kiel and Jaice were going to head down a little later in the day.  So we decided we would head out early, meet up with Jor and let Jantzyn do some school clothes shopping before heading to our hotel.  Terry has always wanted to stop at Eddies world and it just so happened we needed a bathroom break right when we were going to pass it so we stopped.  It was a lot bigger than we thought it was.  And the bathrooms were very clean. haha!! We looked around for a minute and then got back on our way.  We went to Jor's apartment and said a quick hello to Gus then headed over to a outdoor shopping mall in Rancho Cucamonga.  We got a quick lunch and then Jantzyn found lots of things at Cotton on and Forever 21 before we got too hot and tired to be done.  We then headed on our way to the hotel to wait for the other kids.  Jor and Bridger drove down and we ate out on the porch at the hotel.  Then we went in and just visited for a while before Jor and Bridger headed home.  

The little guy had a rough time sleeping in his car seat and it took them a while longer than they thought to get there.  But he's just do dang cute how could you be mad.

Day 2
We were having a hard time deciding which beach to try this year.  but we finally decided on Newport.  We arrived around 10 and got set up and let the other kids know our location.  It was the perfect cloudy cool day.  I think beach day has become my favorite on these trips.  It's relaxing and we love just enjoying being together.  Kiel made a fun game with the volley ball.  You would roll it up this hill and there was a little ledge you would try to get the ball to stop on.  It was harder than it looked and it was addicting to play.  You would think this time it's going to stop but then the last second it would roll back down.  Terry and Jantz ventured out in the water a little too deep one time and got thrown upside by the waves which was a little unnerving to both of them.  After that they both stayed a little closer to shore.  We were right by the volley nets so the kids decided to have a family game.  They had so much fun playing and I had fun letting Grae play in the sand.  He loved picking it up and throwing it.  Later in the afternoon we walked down to the pier.  Kiel had his music in his backpack as we walked by all the people in their beach houses would comment on how cute Grae was.  And everyone in the family took turns holding him on the walk.  There were lots of dolphins and they came very close to where we were.  There were also a couple of times the lifeguards had to have everyone get out because the current was too strong but it would only last a couple minutes then everyone was back in the water again.  Around 5 everyone was hungry and ready to eat and then get showered and they wanted to go hang out in the hot tub at the hotel.  Luckily we found a very cute little Mexican place (with free parking) and the food turned out to be very good!  

Day 3 DownTown Disney and Angels game

With all the bad luck we have had with air bnb's lately we decided we would go drive by the house we had reserved for our Disneyland trip in Nov.  We even took a picture so we could know it was a real house and it did look legit.  We then headed to down town disney.  The park had just opened back up and it was so sad not to be able to go in but we knew we had our reservations for November and that made it a little easier.  We had so much fun just walking around and feeling the magic from just being in Downtown Disney.  We decided to get lunch there before heading to the game.  Jantz got a disney corndog.  Me and Jaice had pretzels and frozen lemonade slushes.  And the rest of the kids got smoothies.  It was very extra hot this day.  We shopped and enjoyed the cool air in the shops for a couple of hours. Terry and I hadn't got Bridger anything for graduation yet so we let him pick a shirt to wear when we come in Nov.  Before we left we decided to get a picture in front of the gates of Disneyland so we headed over and had sat down at one of the planters waiting for everyone.  The trained pulled into the station so we hurried to get everyone in front of it.  As soon as the pictures were over Jantzyn realized she had left her phone on the planter bench and it was now gone.  Jadyn was fast thinking and called the phone while I looked up find my phone (which showed it was in Disneyland) a cast member actually answered the phone and said someone had brought it in the gate and told them it was lost.  The cast memeber met the kids at the gates and gave the phone back to Jantzyn.  It was a couple of scary moments but ended up being a cool story to tell. HAHA!! 
 We then headed over to Angels Stadium to get some pictures before the game and get settled in.  I love watching baseball live and we had so so much fun at this game.  The kids were determined to get on the jumbo screen and were so excited (and shocked) that they did.  The best part was having them celebrate the 4th with a long firework show at the end of the game.  Such a patriotic way to spend the forth baseball and fireworks.  What's more American than that.

Jor lived right off the route 66

Disneyland Air bnb!

Annual camping trip

This year Jay and Jake rented an 5th wheel to be able to help Grae sleep better.  I think next time we will all be smart and rent one.  We had so much fun during the day but the night are so hard for me (or my imagination).  I was absoulelty certain a mountain lion was going to come down from the mountain and rip into our tent and take Jantzyn.   So certain that I made terry and Jantz wake up and sleep in the car with me the 2nd night.  Every year I say this is the last time I come camping but yet somehow every year we end up going again.  We will see for 2022.  But during the day we made some awesome memories and had a good time.  We missed Jorrin and Bridger this year for some reason she had it in her head the weekend after we were going.  So when the day came and we asked what time she was leaving she was so confused.  Oh well next year (if we go, haha).

Other random July pictures:

Terry cleaning the deck after Gus had an accident.
Dr Stewart is Jadyn's dentist and when your baby is 6 months he will take a cast of their hand for you for free.  He walked it over to my office for Jay to pick up and it turned out so precious.

Went and watched Black Widow with all the kids.

Jantzyn had a id camp at suu so terry and I went up and spent the day exploring my old neighborhood while she was doing her skills time in the morning.  

The Cedar temple is in my old neighborhood 

My old house I lived in from 3-8 grade.
We went back and watched her play her scrimmages in the afternoon and she did awesome.  She scored twice and had some really good passes.